Clips From TBTL #3315

Andrew: “Again, nothing sexy at all about it!”

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Andrew: “Alright. Well, I gotta start talking at some point, don’t I?”

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Andrew: “And, guess what? It was the plumbing! It was the plumbing!!”

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Andrew: “Bop-boop!”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m… broken!”

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Andrew: “Dipping into the Stern-iverse”

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Andrew: “I’m saying ‘indeed’ a lot”

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Andrew: “I’ve had it! I’ve had it! This is my breaking point!”

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Andrew: “If it swells… ride it!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “My blood is gonna be Arby’s sauce and Jim Beam”

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Andrew: “My life is about puttering anyway; so, why the hell not?”

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Andrew: “Pizza deprivation tank?”

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Andrew: “Some drama here in… in Andrew-land”

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Andrew: “The second I hear Andrew’s voice, I’m just like, ‘I can’t'”

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Andrew: “There’s something broken in me”

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Andrew: “Well, I for one feel… much better! Thanks, as always, for everything, Steven!”

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Andrew: “Yesterday… was the day where we started to truly see, like the… little… green grasses of tomorrow start to poke up through the soil”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Because, that’s more relatable. Right… Somehow”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “How about that, though? No, no! No? No! How about that? That gets it across, doesn’t it? No. No!? No. Are you sure? Yes. What if I give you a Coors Light? Will that start your feeling (Hmm) about that?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “I love going to Arby’s. You love Arby’s, right? You know… Are you… are you… are you turning cold on Arby’s?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If I were you… (Uh-huh) alone… (Mmm) in this area, kind of… traipsing down this old, abandoned path, on this, like, kind of, post-rainy day… (Mmm-hmm) Even describing it… (Mmm-hmm) sort of makes me have to go number two”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If it swells… ride it! Oh, dear!”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “What did Wally do? Maybe nothing for you”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Andrew!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “Okay. Yeah, this is already off-the-rails… I’ve, right? Yeah. I wasn’t… I wasn’t (yeah) mis-triggered here? No, no. I was justifiably triggered?”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “You make your pizza bed, you lie in it… As they say. Of course!”

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