Clips From TBTL #2622: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And, that’s why you drive… a Lincoln”

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Andrew: “Burbank out!!”

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Andrew: “But… who knows. Whatever”

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Andrew: Clearing his throat

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Andrew: “Come on!!”

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Andrew: “Do you know that I’ve never laughed sincerely on this show? You don’t have any idea what it sounds like when I’m actually happy”

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Andrew: “Don’t you walk out of this meeting! Get back here!!”

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Andrew: “Fax me and I’ll fax ya back”

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Andrew: “How much of this RXBAR can you eat before Luke introduces you”

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Andrew: “Hunh! Now, we’re doing better”

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Andrew: “I hated doing homework so much, man. I hated homework”

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Andrew: “I was kind of curious what your thoughts are on it; but, I guess you’re hearing it now for the first time, through my ridiculous filter”

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Andrew: “I’m trying something today that I thought I would never do… which is, I hope everybody’s sitting down. This is… I mean, real fascinating stuff”

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Andrew: “Is that what the Stu-bot sounds like?”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Making a buzzer sound

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Andrew: “Now, years later, you’re a veteran and you’re kind of sick of that shit; but, there’s some young guys who might not be sick of that shit”

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Andrew: “Ooh, I’m looking forward to that #content”

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Andrew: “Point is… there’s no point”

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Andrew: “Push… push down to your toes, where all the bad feelings are”

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Andrew: “Sorry about that horrible noise I just made”

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Andrew: “Stand your iced coffee”

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Andrew: “That was me saying more words than I needed to”

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Andrew: “Yeah, you know what else is part of a complete breakfast? A nap afterwards”

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Andrew: “Yeah… we gotta move on from that joke, you guys”

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Andrew: “You guys rock! It makes me feel like I rock”

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Clips From TBTL #2621: Luke Burbank (Plus One) Edition

Luke: “Apologies, Andrew… you may want to earmuff this”

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Luke: “Boo!”

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Luke: “But, lean in a little bit closer. Even roses really smell like ooh, ooh, ooh”

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Luke: “Can we just have one show where we don’t fight? Please?”

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Luke: Cute laugh

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Luke: “First of all… I think, generally, people who order steaks… are gonna skew more towards a-hole”

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Luke: “God, that was a scorched take”

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Luke: “He’s Andrew Walsh; and, he joins us from the Wa–the… Roosevelt neighborhood. My goodness! When am I gonna get that… locked… and loaded in my brain?”

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Luke: “How y’all doin’?”

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Luke: “How y’all doin’?” #2

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Luke: “I can’t just do steamrollers across the bed”

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Luke: “I grab the cat, throw her outside, lock the Pod-dog in the small bathroom. Poor, Pod-dog–It’s always the Pod-dog that gets hurt in these situations, right?”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Mega booyahs to you, Jim Cramer”

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Luke: “Ooh, ooh, ooh”

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Luke: “Oooh! Expedia”

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Luke: “Pshewww!”

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Luke: Singing “Shorty!”

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Luke: Singing “Shortys!”

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Luke: Singing “Shortys!” #2

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Luke: “Stu Neuman… aka… Steve Number Three… aka, RandBallsStu”

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Luke: “Tell me when this gets boring… Twelve minutes ago. I get it. Shut up”

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Luke: “The Bay Kitty decided to spring a little surprise on me this morning”

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Luke: “Typical Walsh rant”

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Luke: “We have now arrived, apparently, at that part of the season, here at Burbank Springs… where, the Bay Kitty decides to capture and bring indoors… small rabbits”

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Luke: “What!!?!”

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Luke: “What… are we even doing here?”

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Luke: Whispering “Oh, don’t do this, Luke. Don’t do this at the end of the show”

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Luke: “Yeah, I’m being serious; because, I mean, I am actually being serious”

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Luke: “Yeah. Does it be stanking; or, does it not be stanking? That’s the real question”

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Luke and Andrew: Andy Capp Luke trying to figure out doneness of a grilled steak

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you wanna know the real story behind that? Yeah… There isn’t one. I’m sorry. Oh. I know you were gonna say, ‘No.’ (Like I usually do) I want for it. (Not, but) You called my bluff”

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Luke and Andrew: Getting a shout out on the “Shorty” mashup and commenting on how it was arranged

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Luke and Andrew: Hesitant Hype Manning

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Luke and Andrew: “I mean, I guess you’ve got a double standard. It’s desktop cleanup day. What do you want me to do, man?”

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???: Snorting

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Clips From TBTL #2621: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And, this is just a… typical Walsh rant”

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Andrew: “Are you shitting me?!?”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Whoa!”

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Andrew: “Err on the side of rare”

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Andrew: “Family Feud… has apparently lost its goddamn mind”

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Andrew: “I forgot how to use all of my equipment”

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Andrew: “I just need my money! That’s all”

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Andrew: “I love… Andy Capp Luke”

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Andrew: “I mean, you can play it; it’s your damn show”

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Andrew: “I’ll just, actually, what I’ll do is I’ll just mute my mic and I’ll cry over here”

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Andrew: “Mmm?”

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Andrew: “Not to be all hot-takey so early in the day”

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Andrew: “Ohh!”

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Andrew: “Ooo, Expedia”

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Andrew: “Oooh, Expedia”

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Andrew: “Power out on that, Walsh”

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Andrew: Saying “We’re gonna slay those taxes for ya!” in an aggressive manner

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Andrew: Singing “Shorty!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Survey says!!”

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Andrew: “That didn’t make it any less upsetting”

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Andrew: “The whole, like, ‘You’re doing it wrong!’… Like, get a fucking personality!”

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Andrew: “Things are hard”

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Andrew: “Ye…yeah”

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Andrew: “Yes!!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hello, Luke! Ohh! I tried to play my turkey gobble; but, it was way too quiet (Rough morning)”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey, do you want to talk about nuts for a second? Yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey, I have some… good news, bad news… for you here, (Ooh) at the top of the show (Okay)”

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Andrew and Luke: “I know we had a better one; but, I don’t have time to crawling through the tape… today… No, don’t go crawling through the tape. Although, that sounds gross”

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Andrew and Luke: “I like the way, in that mashup, I sort of sound like your hype man… You sound like a… you sound like a hesitant hype man. The Hesitant Hype Man”

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Andrew and Luke: “I shit you (What!!?) not! I shit you not!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I think this song is gross. I’m serious. You think this song is gross!? I don’t like it… I don’t like any songs (Why not!?) that references poo-poo… I’m serious. Really!? Yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m telling you… you can’t make (Oh, man) this stuff up!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh, no! God! (Uh-oh) Nah!! (Oh, Walsh) Ahh!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Ooh! Oooh. Oooh, explicit… (Oooh, Expedia) on a Tuesday! I know!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Umm, guess who is not getting a… break, apparently… They still haven’t… Oh, no! God! (Uh-oh) Nah!! (Oh, Walsh) Ahh!!”

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Clips From TBTL #2620

Andrew: “Hey, man… I’m really sorry about Carl”

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Andrew: “Huh”

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Andrew: “I can’t do it! I won’t do it!”

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Andrew: “I didn’t hear any ‘Huh!!’s”

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Andrew: “I don’t know!”

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Andrew: “I, I think I was confusing a ‘Whoo!’ with a ‘Huh!!'”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “My dad would find all kinds of crazy shit to scratch his back with. Your dad ever do that?”

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Andrew: “Now, there’s a ‘Whoo’ in there”

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Andrew: “Oh, yeah!!!”

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Andrew: Saying “Shit!” slightly under his breath

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Andrew: Singing “Samson… Huh! Samson and Delilah!”

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Andrew: “So, even if this doesn’t have a ‘Huh!’… I still… I still think that I won”

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Andrew: “What a great game!!! Amazing game!”

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Andrew: “Without further a-Doog”

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Andrew: “You can’t play that in the sadness car… of the train”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m, like, insanely jealous of your logo; which, is a very simple… Oh, we can work more tears into the TBTL logo, Andrew, if you’d like us to”

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Andrew and Luke: “You have more laser hair than you were born with… Exactly”

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Luke: “Carl was, was soon going to be… going to that announcer’s booth in the sky”

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Luke: “For sharks”

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Luke: Imitating the sound Steve Brule makes when something hot is in his mouth

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Oh, is that the podcast about Sauron… Lord of the… netherworld in Lord of the Rings?”

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Luke: “Okay, less Hans. Let’s not get carried away”

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Luke: Singing “Stretch it out, out, out”

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Luke: “Terrible, Thanks For Asking LIVE!”

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Luke: “Then, we’ll get the nose up… on this… sadness train”

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Luke: “To keep it in the biblical parlance: it’s lukewarm and I’ll spit it out; cuz, apparently, I’m God”

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Luke: “Why are we so weird about crying about things that are… that are okay to be sad about?”

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Luke: “Why would you even book a ticket on a sadness train?”

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Luke: “Yeah, you realize though, Terrible, Thanks for Asking, you have seven percent of their listeners. So, if we’re gonna put you on their show, what’s in it for them?”

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Luke: “Yeah! Shiatsu. Lower back. Get at it!”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, rending of garments. Oh my God!! They rended so many!”

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Luke and Andrew: “How about those Mariners last night, by the way? Dude, I missed the entire game; cuz, I was doing… (Why!?!) my… I was doing my (Oh, your other job) goddamn taxes”

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Luke and Andrew: “I just didn’t know you could be an English major… in your head! (In your head!) Right”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke gets Taxman-rolled by Andrew

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Luke and Nora McInerny: “Exactly! You have to preserve the (Icy Hot) mystery. Like, what does this person’s voice sound like?”

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Luke, Nora McInerny and Andrew: “Can you just rank, like, your top three candy bars really fast; so, so we (First of all, Butterfinger) end this on a, on a… Are you serious!? Really!? Yeah”

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Nora McInerny: “Whoa… this is really fucked up”

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Nora McInerny and Andrew: “We’re gonna talk about some podcast I love; now… I’m gonna punch you right in the… (Yeah) heart for forty minutes”

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Nora McInerny, Andrew and Luke: “And, it’s also salt and chili flavored. I’m like… (Yeah, no) just… (No, thank you) it’s just this spicy dirt. No, thanks”

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Clips From TBTL #2619

Andrew: “Because, I feel like it’s a very… Andrew… eyerolly take; or, you should roll your eyes at me kind of take”

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Andrew: “But, here’s the deal… not to get all shorty and snarky on it”

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Andrew: “I didn’t make the connection, Luke!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know… I’m just regular Me”

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Andrew: “I know”

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Andrew: “I would… be happy to make fun of this shit”

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Andrew: “I embarrassed to raise, because it, it could just… you know, speak to my… confusion over female anatomy or, or even… you know… the sex act”

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Andrew: “It’s good lawyers doing good things for good men!”

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Andrew: “Make America Shorty Again?”

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Andrew: Making a funny sound

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Andrew: “Power out?”

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Andrew: Saying “#Content” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “Tell me about the future tripping, George”

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Andrew: “Wah-wah”

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Andrew: “We have a really good sense of humor about this stuff; which… I doubt”

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Andrew: “Well, now I’m gonna just start… contradicting myself”

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Andrew: “What!?”

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Andrew: “What!?” #2

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Andrew: Whispering “It’s like looking in a mirror… only, not”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m forty-one years old… I can tell you, I’ve never time traveled back to see my self… by the way; (Right) in case, I needed that on the record”

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Luke: “Coming to you… from the Burbank Springs Broadcast Center… perched smack dabbed in the middle of the Kingdom of Bay… the Bay City, that is”

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Luke: “I finally realized… they were talking to me”

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Luke: “I was spinning some Art Bell-isms… there”

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Luke: “I’ll tell you, Justin, if you rat on me; I swear to God, I will find you and I’ll make you host the Shorty Awards by yourself next year”

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Luke: “Let me just say… Peace and love… peace and love to our listeners who are marketers”

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Luke: “Listen… we literally knew what you were saying”

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Luke: Saying “Now, we’re getting down to it” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Suddenly realized…they were talking to me” with two different voices

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Luke: Short laugh

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Luke: Singing “Shorty!”

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Luke: Singing “Shorty!” #2

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Luke: Singing “Shorty!” #3

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Luke: Singing “Shorty!” #4

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Luke: Singing “Shortys!”

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Luke: Singing “Shortys!” #2

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Luke: Singing “Shortys!” #3

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Luke and Andrew: “But, I did have a weird experience on a cruise ship; where, I think I might have seen future Me. What!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I can tell you about how to do it all the different ways. Okay, great”

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Luke and Andrew: “I mean, I talk about flying too much as it is… Can you imagine if I’d… made a sound investment on that ticket… I would never shut up about it. Oh, I can imagine it… Do I want to imagine it? That’s the question”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s like trying to… corral a firehose just shooting… audio water everywhere. Why did that sound dirty? (Wow!) Alright, Andrew… (That got sexy)”

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Luke and Andrew: “The, the longest running so-bro… (Yes, right) of the show”

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Luke and Andrew: “You can’t say the word ‘Shorty’ without singing that way. Yeah, no. In my head. Every time you said, ‘Shorty,’ I was echoing with a ‘Shorty'”

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Clips From TBTL #2618

Andrew: “Goddamn!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know how to say this word; and, people are gonna make fun of me”

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Andrew: “I get it!”

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Andrew: “I need a miracle! I need a miracle!”

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Andrew: “I stole the TV!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “No, I heard it. And, you know what? I don’t think I’ve seen that commercial; but, I think I’ve heard it from the other room. Because, I have an issue with that. Obviously”

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Andrew: Saying “It’s just more shame” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “This is irritating me now”

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Andrew: “This is me just snowflaking the shit out of this show; and, I apologize”

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Andrew: “This is real bullshit”

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Andrew: “This thing is broken though. Every time you talk, it just, like… it goes down… it must be equipment failure… Oh, no, now it’s really going down”

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Andrew: “We gotta get to a better topic. I’m just stalling so that you can give me some hot take on picking up poop in the backyard, or something”

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Andrew: “We’re getting to the part where I’m gonna get real heated here, Luke”

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Andrew: “Wha’ happened?”

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Andrew: “What the fuck?”

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Andrew: Whispering “Oh, yeah!”

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Andrew: “Yet… I’m also a goddamn pedant”

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Andrew: “You still do!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “A new kind of cryptocurrency called, ‘Pitcoin’? Ha!!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I think Linh… Pham somewhere… created a mashup of ‘Ooooh, explicit’ with the intimate too. I’m sure you can find that on your social media… He did, actually. I believe that’s over on The Marsp… Mmm-hmm. Is that what they call Marsupial Gurgle… They do now”

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Andrew and Luke: “That’s not how it works! Not how any of this works!”

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Luke: “Don’t buy any more Bitcoin, okay?”

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Luke: “Everything’s coming up Burbank”

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Luke: “Everything’s coming up… us!”

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Luke: “God, isn’t it nice to know I’m not an anti-Semite and you guess right on The Breeders?”

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Luke: “Ha!!!”

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Luke: “He’s Andrew Walsh and he joins us now from the Wallingford–Excuse me! Record scratch! The Roosevelt neighborhood of Seattle, Washington”

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Luke: “I wanna let you eff this up on your own”

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Luke: “I want you to just rooster-block the haters”

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Luke: Imitating machine gun fire

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Luke: “It’s a Friday… It’s day five and the final day… of Bumpuses Fest 2018”

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Luke: “Kermit the Frob”

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Luke: “Lurnk, Lurnk Burburnk’s… Dazzling Durnurs”

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Luke: “Mariners… Got some weird hope”

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Luke: “Not to brag”

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Luke: Saying “Airlines… We have the planes” as Ving Rhames

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Luke: Saying “I have a feeling that you’re gonna regret this” in a sing-songy manner

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Luke: Saying “Yeah!” as Adam Duritz

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Luke: Singing “Murpet Babies, we make our dreams come true”

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Luke: Singing “Tea… for two… and two… for tea”

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Luke: Singing a Seattle Mariners song

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Luke: Singing along to a song

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Luke: “Some… all gave some. Some gave all”

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Luke: “Somewhere… deep… in the bowels of the weird Internet”

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Luke: “That isn’t… the snowflaking I thought you were gonna snowflake”

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Luke: “That’s my Titcoin”

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Luke: “This is what happens when you stop talking about tea… and, start getting real”

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Luke: “Wa-pow!”

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Luke: “Who’s editing this shit, by the way? Sorry”

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Luke and Andrew: “A company that comes in and does environment remediation on gravel pits… called ‘So Pitted’? Oh, please… please, please, please”

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Luke and Andrew: “Boy, that’s a hell of a forward promo… I know. Do I have to be back? Do I have to come back after the break? How dare you! How dare you, Kermit the Frob… More like, Kermit the Fraud!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Did you wanna clog… clog up the toilet for old time’s sake? I’ve never clogged that toilet”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hey, let’s thank some Donors of the Day… Geez, Louise!! Hey, Andrew! What!?”

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Luke and Andrew: Kermit the Frob, The Murpets and Lurk Burburnk

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s see. I’ve got it. I’ve actually got ’em right here. Take a listen to this, ‘Oh, explicit intimacy… Ooooh!’ Wow. That’s a tripe threat. That’s a real troika. That’s all kinds of disturbing”

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Luke and Andrew: “You can’t catch a falling knife. When do I get out of this money, Andrew? What am I doing? I can’t catch a falling… So screwed… So pitted… So pitted”

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