Clips From TBTL #2068

Luke: “And I was at a real low point physically, emotionally, spiritually, podcastually.”

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Luke: “And no mountain too tall; and, good luck to all!”

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Luke: “And no mountain too tall; and, good luck to all! I don’t know what that accent was. It’s weird.”

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Luke: “And, uh, you know, I like to keep it fun, I like to keep it flirty.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Hollywood Hodor’ Walsh. The Cleveland Steamer. The Cuyahoga Clam.”

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Luke: “As per ushe”

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Luke: “Brazilian, uh, butt wax”

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Luke: “Homie don’t play dat.”

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Luke: “I told her, ‘I don’t watch the news, because I’m a kid.'”

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Luke: “I’ve been in this pod-game long enough”

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Luke: “It was just old Uncle Lukie”

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Luke: “It’s just you and me, imaginary radio friendos.”

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Luke: Making a lip sound used when playing a trumpet

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Luke: “Move!”

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Luke: “Portland, Oregon. The Rose City by the Bay”

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Luke: “Sack-a-tomatoes”

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Luke: “That’s daddy getting realer than real.”

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Clips From TBTL #2067

Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: Chuckling #2

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Andrew: Eye Widening Sound

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Andrew: “How dare you talk to Genevieve that way. That is rude.”

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Andrew: “How much is this chicken? How much is this chicken?”

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Andrew: “I always forget that you’re a Home-Alonian philosopher. That’s my fault.”

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Andrew: “I don’t want anything to change, ever!”

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Andrew: “I feel like history smiles on those who make that argument. I don’t want anything to change, ever!”

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Andrew: “I follow rules. I follow rules!”

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Andrew: “I really wanted to be like, ‘She’s not with me.'”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Ploop, ploop, ploop”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Teriyaki bowl!”

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Andrew: “That’s not what ‘back that up’ means, Walsh.”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I know.”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I know. Crazy Town.”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I’m a chipster.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew laughing and Luke saying “By that, I just mean”

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Andrew and Luke: “I watched somebody lost their shit, at the, at the grocery store! So… Like, out of their butt? No, no, no, I’m sorry, not in the, not in the Burbankian way. Oh, okay.”

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Andrew and Luke: “See? It’s my hot take. I think… it’s hot, it’s steaming hot…”

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Andrew and Luke: “Thanks and good luck with the show when I’m gone. Don’t make it too good! No, there’s zero danger of that.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘It’s an illusion’ Walsh”

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Luke: “‘Cuz I listen to, like, a lot of Canadian radio now; cuz, I live up here in the Tijuana of Canada.”

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Luke: “Did anyone save room for dessert?”

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Luke: Explaining what he would like Life Lock to be

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Luke: “Garages and closets… What’s up with that?”

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Luke: “Ha-ha-hi!!!”

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Luke: “Home-Alonian”

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Luke: “I hate that person so much, because I am that person.”

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Luke: “Life Lock”

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Luke: Making a truck backing up beeping sound

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Luke: “Rip roarin’ and rootin’-tootin’ and ready to go”

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Luke: Whispering “Oh, God!”

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Luke- “You a big fine podcast host. Why you playing, Andrew?”

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Luke and Andrew: Burbank, Washington and New Burbank

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Luke and Andrew: Secondary Bain

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Luke and Andrew: “This is my happenin’ and I’m freaking out! I’ll take a pound of pimento loaf, and I don’t even like pimento loaf!”

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Luke and Andrew: “When ninja stars are outlawed, Andrew won’t have ninja stars anymore. Only, only outlawed ninjas will have stars.”

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Luke and Andrew: “You are cruisin’ for a bruisin’. You are cruising for a bruising. I’ll carry the watermelon.”

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Mashup: Family Guy’s “Roadhouse” and Andrew’s “Road Dog”

When Andrew called one of his cats, Theo, “Road Dog” on TBTL #2066, the way that Andrew said it immediately made me think of the bit on Family Guy where Peter Griffin would roundhouse kick people and then say “Roadhouse”. So, I created a mashup using a portion of the Family Guy bit where Peter is driving with Brian and Peter kicks the steering wheel to turn the car and says “Roadhouse”.

Below is the original portion of the Family Guy bit that I based the mashup on:

I had to slightly modify the “Road Dog” clip for all but the first instance in the mashup in order to get to fit in the timing of the original bit.

Brian, Peter and Andrew: Road Dog Mashup

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Clips From TBTL #2066

TBTL listener Nathaniel submitted his TBTL Voicemail Line jingle which is inspired by the Strong Bad e-mail intro drop used for the TBTL e-mail segment intro. That jingle was played on TBTL #2066.

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Also on TBTL #2066, Andrew found a little audio recording toy while going through his stuff for his move to Seattle. The toy became a source of fun for both Andrew and Luke. Below are some of the things that Andrew recorded on and played back from the recording toy.

Andrew: Recording of Andrew saying “Hi, Luke.”

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Andrew: Recording of Andrew saying “I can’t hear you!”

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Andrew: Recording of Andrew saying “That’s my jugular.”

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Andrew: Recording of Andrew saying “You can record yourself saying something.”

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Andrew: Speaking into his recording toy and playing back “Guys, I’m really, really sorry about this.”

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Andrew: “Aww, that didn’t work at all.”

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Andrew: “Because, that’s what goats do.”

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Andrew: “Hey, wanna take the cat for a drive?”

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Andrew: “I don’t know. It’s ironic.”

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Andrew: “I dunno. I guess I’m going dark.”

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Andrew: “I prefer not to!”

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Andrew: “Let’s hear it for Luke Burbank!”

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Andrew: “Let’s hear it for Luke Burbank! Oh, man. It’s like I was born to do it!”

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Andrew: “My dogological clock is ticking.”

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Andrew: “Oh my God, are you kidding me? I love it, yeah!”

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Andrew: “Oh yeah, Theo. I’m already calling him road dog.”

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Andrew: “Oh, goatly.”

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Andrew: “‘Oh, no! You’re being stuck with Theo!’ I’m like, you don’t understand; like, Theo, yeah, he’s a bastard towards other people”

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Andrew: “Road Dog”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Tell me what you want to hear me say, through a distorted, horrible sound.”

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Andrew: “Yeah!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew Whispering: “Let’s start a podcast!” and Luke replying with “I know, seriously.”

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Andrew and Luke: Minecat versus Mein Cat

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Andrew and Luke: “We need another mic! Dang it!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You, you didn’t pull a Walsh; and, that’s a good thing. Oh, Andrew! I don’t… I don’t necessarily think we use that kind of terminology to your face.”

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Luke: “Bring back the singing, bring back the nose whistle, bring it all back. Bring every bit of it back; because, it’s a lot better than Luke Burbank on stage.”

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Luke: “Coming to you from Bellingham, Washington… The Bay City!”

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Luke: “Dang it!”

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Luke: “God damn, it was cute!”

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Luke: Imitating the tones used to send a fax over a phone line

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Luke: Imitating the tones used to send a fax over a phone line #2

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Meow”

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Luke: “Oh, Andrew!”

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Luke: “Or in the words of Kenny Rogers, ‘Islands in the stream, that’s what we are'”

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Luke: “Pod-dog just got back from her little sleep-away camp; and, so she was just a flithy, flithy beast.”

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Luke: “Sick… dude!”

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Luke: “That is a bitchin’ Strong Bad impression.”

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Luke: “The Brazil Open tennis tournament decided to let the dogs in, as it were.”

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Luke: “The, the goatification of this guy. The goatlification…”

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Luke: Whispering “You’re the only thing I need in this world!”

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Luke and Andrew: “A’ight, fire, fire it away bud. Alright.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m, I’m met with the sound of your blank face, over the Internet connection (Exactly.) we use to talk to each other.”

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Clips From TBTL #2065

Andrew: “And, boom!”

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Andrew: “And, never in my life have I wanted to squeeze through the Internet tubes”

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Andrew: “And, you know, let’s say Dave Chappelle brings out his good friend Luke; and, boom, suddenly like, oh my God, it’s that Luke Burbank? It’s Luke Burbank!”

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Andrew: “Anxiety headache”

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Andrew: “Aww, that’s great!”

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Andrew: “February 29th doesn’t exist, copper! Nice try.”

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Andrew: Having an anxiety avalanche

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Andrew: “How is that legal?”

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Andrew: “I’m about to go into another one of my patented tortured analogies.”

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Andrew: “If a dude kills himself during a mid-life crisis, was it still be a mid-life crisis?”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “What!?!?”

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Andrew: “My God!”

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Andrew: “Oh my God, is that Luke Burbank? It’s Luke Burbank!”

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Andrew: “Oh, because of Ents.”

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Andrew: “Oh, yeah… Leap year. Hah-ha-ha-haaa.”

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Andrew: “That would be a pain in the ass”

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Andrew: “That’s a good jingle! That’s a pretty good jingle. I like it!”

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Andrew: “There’s that confidence we love!”

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Andrew: “Umm, I don’t know.”

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Andrew: “We’re both coming up with nothing, I take it?”

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Andrew: “What the shit is February named after!?!”

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Andrew: “Yeah.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Gloria Swanson! Gloria Swanson. I looked it up. Gloria Swanson, maybe? Yeah, I think you got it!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m more of a calendar historian. But are you an Oscar Pistorian?”

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Luke: “Andrew!”

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Luke: “Compton. NPR. Luke. Burbank.”

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Luke: “Damn, Daniel! Back with your team! Like, you have a team of people? That sounds great.”

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Luke: Drawn out “Luke. Burbank.”

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Luke: “How’s your podcast?”

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Luke: “I actually never knew why we did this. You probably did, out there in listener land. You’re probably smarter than me, congratulations! How’s your podcast? Why am I being aggressive? I don’t know either.”

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Luke: “I live my life on God’s calendar, Andrew. I don’t get tied up in these human calendars.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Light Chuckle

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Luke: “Oh, man! As they say, no funny, no money, everybody.”

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Luke: “Really, all remodeling shows on HGTV should be called, ‘I Would Lose That Wall’.”

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Luke: Saying “I’ll put it on there!!!” a la Ja Rule

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Luke: Saying “Put it on me!!!” a la Ja Rule

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Luke: Singing “Got to do! Got to do!”

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Luke: “So, it will just be about eleven layers of just nonsense.”

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Luke: “The rules are very, very loosey-goosey as it turns out.”

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Luke: “Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Whatever”

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Luke: “Uhh, homie don’t play dat, only having 29 days in my month. I’m-a get that up to 31, so it’s like July, Julius Caesar’s month.”

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Luke: “When do we get a Leap Day?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Enough about walls, enough about… Wait, no, no. We’re just getting started with walls and ceilings!”

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Clips From TBTL #2064

Andrew: “Congratulations”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Fuck!”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Uhh”

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Andrew: “I don’t know man. That sounds like a problem for somebody who likes uni-taskers.”

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Andrew: “I don’t know, I just can’t delete things.”

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Andrew: “I like to live this fantasy where people are, where I’m f-fucking famous… Also, I’m sorry. I’ve been swearing a lot lately on the show.”

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Andrew: “I shit you not.”

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Andrew: “I’m a child of the 90s.”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna call it, ‘The Coat Hook Paradox’.”

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Andrew: “I’m known for a lot of things, being chill isn’t one of them.”

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Andrew: “It’s a real, uh, wahoo”

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Andrew: “Language alert”

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Andrew: “Language alert: I was like, fuck!”

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Andrew: “Look it up. Look it up! It’s in the book.”

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Andrew: “Nice!”

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Andrew: “No, it’s not.”

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Andrew: “Sounds about responsible, yeah.”

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Andrew and Luke: “From Los Angeles, the Bay City, (Yeah) to the Bay City of Seattle, Washington.”

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Andrew and Luke: “What if you put some of that energy into making TBTL better? Ah, it sounds like a lot of work. Yeah no, screw it.”

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Andrew and Luke: “What’s it been, four months now? Five, maybe? Six months… Six. Seven. Eight? Uhhhhhh, nine?”

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Andrew and Luke: “What’s, what’s bothering you? Every single thing that is called, being Luke Burbank.”

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Luke: “I don’t quite know what to do.”

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Luke: “I’m not a good putterer.”

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Luke: “It’s the stress, bro.”

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Luke: “This is as cool as I can sound.”

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Luke: “What?!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Trying to handle two cats with emotional problems, and get to Seattle… One cat with emotional problems, the other one’s a little sweetie, timid (Okay.) Professor. Okay.”

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