New Hampshire and New Humpshire

Having lived in New Hampshire and worked at New Hampshire Public Radio for a while, Andrew Walsh gets to have fun saying the name “New Hampshire”; including, in a manner similar to manner said in “What About Bob?”.

Andrew: “New Hampshire?” from show #1821

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Andrew: “New Humpshire” from show #1801

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Clips From Show #1821

Andrew: “Ello ow ar oo”

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Andrew: “Fresh Air meets Marketplace meets blah”

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Andrew: “…I can’t use that show title, Luke”

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Luke: “Cocaine, the Bolivian marching powder”

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Luke: Hip surgery to be more hip

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Luke: “I went from pooping on it to losing my shit”

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Luke: “I’m gonna get my stinger in ya”

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Luke: “It just sounds like a bunch of dicks”

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Luke: “Listen, if you hear anything clever on this show…”

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Luke sings The Beatles’s “Taxman”

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Luke: “We do it our way”

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