One of the drops that Luke has in his arsenal is something called “Exciting Celebrate Music”, which he plays when there is celebratory or exciting announcement to be made. The drop starts off with the intro from Kool & The Gang’s “Hollywood Swinging”, then proceeds with a party horn sound, and rounds out with The 45 King’s “The 900 Number”.
I noticed that recently, almost every time Luke played that drop, Andrew starts laughing when it gets to the party horn sound. An example of this can be found in TBTL #2094:
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Since I haven’t been able to get a clean take of the “Exciting Celebrate Music” drop from the show, I decided recreate the drop as close as I possibly could.
Exciting Celebrate Music
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
I also created a version where I inserted a clip of Andrew laughing roughly in the spot where he starts laughing on the show.
Exciting Celebrate Music with Andrew Laughing
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone