Clips From TBTL #2412

Andrew: “And the son of a gun has started smoking”

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Andrew: “And, like, I wouldn’t touch Greek yogurt with your spoon!”

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Andrew: “And, three, two, one, we’re back. Okay, good.”

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Andrew: “But, I don’t know much about much”

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Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: “Come on! Come on!”

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Andrew: “God, we don’t have time! Write that down, I want to talk about this tomorrow. We serious have to talk about that tomorrow.”

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Andrew: “I was bringing a lot of that weirdness to the table”

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Andrew: “It was an accidental protection”

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Andrew: “Jesus Christ!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Oh my God!”

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Andrew: “Oh, yes! Party in the back!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: Snorting #2

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Andrew: Snorting #3

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Andrew: Snorting #4

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Andrew: “Sometimes you amaze me with just, like, the way you use words”

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Andrew: Talking like a drunk football player

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Andrew: “That’s fascinating!”

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Andrew: “The stick that the ice held on to is almost ratcheted, and that’s how they kept the, the ice from just flinging off what would otherwise be just a… glassy smooth… popsicle rod”

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Andrew: “Way to go, America!”

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Andrew: “Well… I guess it wasn’t a clip from the movie”

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Andrew: “You’re, you’re joking”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew snorting and laughing and Luke saying “It tanked. It tanked almost immediately.”

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Andrew and Luke: “I wouldn’t know. It could be the best experience in the world, I’m probably not gonna ever find out. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t… (Really!?) Yeah”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: “Did ya…promised we were never allowed to make interesting shows. That was the compromise”

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Luke: Gruff “Alright!!”

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Luke: “I don’t wanna fucking talk about this with you!”

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Luke: “I fricked it up”

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Luke: “I got a lot of thangs that I like to do, Andrew”

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Luke: “I would have been… shiteing myself”

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Luke: “I’m not even shitting you!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Oikos Boingos, right?”

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Luke: “One click off, bruh”

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Luke: “So, that’s usually my chance to go hide out in the living room and do my thang; and, my thang… last night”

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Luke: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take it to a weird place”

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Luke: “Who cares. I’m in.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Alright. I have one… show title. I have a million. Really?”

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Luke and Andrew: Chuckling

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Luke and Andrew: “Yes… but, not everyone with rheumy eyes is a rummy. Right! Alright. Good!”

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