Clips From Show #1839

Andrew: “I didn’t know that. I thought they were tipped off when the effin’ gyrocopter landed on the lawn.”

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Andrew: “I would never use one, I’m scared of heights.”

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Andrew makes a weasel-like sound

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Andrew’s snorting sound after Luke reads a quote regarding the gyrocopter pilot

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Andrew: “That sounds pretty good”

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Andrew: “Theo is the size of a man dressed up in a cat suit”

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Andrew and Luke: Would Andrew go up in a gyrocopter for 5 minutes, or get fired from TBTL?

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Luke: “I guarantee lady not ‘pose have those parts.”

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Luke: “It was a zydeco playing alligator, that’s the Siri of TSA computers”

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Luke: “Lady not ‘pose have those parts”

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Luke and Andrew: Robert England “Five Fingers of Fury” and “Five Fingers of Funny”

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Luke and Andrew: “These are death e-vites”

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Clips From Show #1838

Andrew: “And not to get all school marmy about it”

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Andrew: “Burbank! For the first time in history, I think you and I are 100% in-sync!”

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Andrew: “Hey listen, Directory. Listen to me, directory, look at me.”

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Andrew: “Hey, I’m the worst person to ask, ’cause I’m a lazy, lazy son of a gun”

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Andrew: “I’m a very shy guy”

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Andrew: “Now you just know, if I pause, I’m wondering if I used the wrong word”

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Andrew: “You’re supposed to have a battery bucket”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew attempting to do a Steve Brule impression

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew mocking the way Luke said he didn’t know he wasn’t supposed to throw batteries in the garbage

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew wants to be known as the “Hollywood Cat”

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Andrew and Luke: Putting oneself in a pickle

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Cougar Growl

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Boom Boom Hodor El Ropo Hollywood Cat’ Walsh” (pauses trimmed out)

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Luke never knows when to leave things alone

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Luke: “No.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I have to say, I’m no Dennis Quaid, I’m not even a Randy Quaid. I’m barely an Evi Quaid…”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke trying to imitate the Caterpillar from “Alice in Wonderland”

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For reference, this is a clip of the Caterpillar singing “A. E. I. O. U.” from “Alice in Wonderland”.

Luke and Andrew: “You get to sit with us” and “sit with it”

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Clips From Show #1837

Dan Pashman of “The Sporkful” joined Luke and Andrew to discuss several topics on show #1837. Once Dan jumped off of the phone line, Luke and Andrew dive into “Game of Thrones” chat.

On the topic of “Game of Thrones”, Luke kind of, sort of experienced a catroll when he was hosting Live Wire! Radio on Saturday April 11th. The show’s band played the theme to “Game of Thrones” as Luke walked on to the stage before taping the first of two shows. Two things happened, first I noted on Twitter and on the sTens page on Facebook that the band should have added some meows to catroll Luke. Since they didn’t do that, I decided to start meowing the first few notes to the “Game of Cats” song.

Well, it looks like Luke mentioned that on the show…

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Below are the other clips from show #1837.

Andrew: “Ho-Ho!”

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Andrew: “I am really just talking like a sailor today”

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Andrew: “It’s a game of quakes”

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Andrew: “I’m easily confused”

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Andrew quietly utters “he’s a bastard”

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Andrew: “You were Burbanking it”

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Andrew: “That was fucking great! Sorry about the language, again.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew trying to get off the pastrami grid

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m easily confused” with additional banter

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Andrew, Luke and Dan: Andrew thinks he’s not successful compared to Luke and Dan

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Dan Pashman: “That was inside to the power of inside to the power of inside”

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Girl: Everything was shaking

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Luke: “And I just fucking declined the shit out of that”

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Luke: Classic Luke Burbank Moment

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Luke: “From the Fingerlakes”

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Luke: “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!”

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Luke: “I overdid it on my undercarriage”

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Luke and Andrew: “Confusist say…”

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Luke and Andrew: “Those dragons…”

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Luke, Andrew and Dan: Luke rattles off names most people won’t know

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Andrew: The Marsupial Gurgle Sound

At the 47m 24.519s mark of show #1583, Andrew Walsh made an interesting sound that wasn’t commented on until show #1584. The sound ended up being named both “Marsupial Gurgle” and “Barabajagal“.

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As requested by a listener, I have created a clip that puts the Marsupial Gurgle in context of the discussion:

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As mentioned, the Marsupial Gurgle sound was not commented on until a listener sent in an e-mail asking what that sound was and described it as  a “sweet gurgle of an infant marsupial”

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I have uploaded the first part of the e-mail segment from that show with the listener e-mail, and with Luke and Andrew discussing about it:

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And yes, it was Luke that officially christened the name of the sound, “Marsupial Gurgle”:

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Luke spent some of his spare time creating a few Marsupial Gurgle remixes.

Andrew then attempted to recreate the Marsupial Gurgle sound on show #1584:

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The attempted recreation sounds somewhat close to one of the sounds Strong Bad makes in “The System is down”:

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