Series of Luke Catrolling Andrew

With the great Game of Cats song comes the great responsibility to catroll Andrew; and, boy did Luke like to catroll Andrew. Below are some of the more significant catrolls in TBTL history.

Luke catrolls Andrew for the first time on show #1644

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Luke catrolls Andrew on show #1660

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Luke catrolls Andrew on show #1667

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Luke catrolls Andrew on show #1723

MP3 | MPEG-4

Welcome to the new Marsupial Gurgle!

Thanks to the Tens of listeners, the Marsupial Gurgle site has grown dramatically over the past few months as more clips and drops are curated on the site. While the original design of the Marsupial Gurgle site started off clean and simple, it started to become harder to maintain and harder to find specific clips. The search for a new home for the Gurgle was needed.

After a few weeks of research and experimentation, I finally settled on a blog-like format and chose WordPress for its ease of use and content searching capabilities. The site’s design was chosen to keep the focus on the content, while making the site mobile-friendly as possible. I have also moved the hosting of the audio files from my personal website to Amazon’s cloud distribution for better and more reliable access.

To find a clip or drop, just use the search box at the top of the page, As with the previous version of the site, I will try to include and tag clips with a show number that you can search for.

If you would like to request a clip or a drop to be added, please use the “Clip/Drop Request” form to send them in.

Curating content for, managing and maintaining the Marsupial Gurgle takes a lot of time and energy; plus, there are costs associated to the hosting and bandwidth required for the site and the audio clips. If you would like to help support the Marsupial Gurgle site, please consider tossing a dollarini or two via PayPal using the button below. Any and all amounts would be greatly appreciated.

Lastly, you can follow my Twitter account, @questionlp, or check out the Marsupial Gurgle Facebook page for any status updates and posts about this site and both TBTL and Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me! related tweets.

Marsupial Gurgle: The Remixes

During show #1584, Luke spent a fair amount of time preparing a few song remixes that incorporated the, then, new Marsupial Gurgle sound that Andrew Walsh made on show #1583. Below are the four remixes that Luke made and played on the show:

Bad Boy For Life Mix

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Eno Mix

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Kayne Mix

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Taxi Mix

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone