Clips From TBTL #2568: Andrew and Luke Edition

Andrew: Bags of jerky are like bags of farts

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Andrew: “Don’t encourage me”

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Andrew: “Genevieve… are you Blair?”

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Andrew: “I love Boomers! I love Boomers! I love you”

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Andrew: “I vaped one Landjäger, that’s all I had”

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Andrew: “I, I will be here; and, I am here”

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Andrew: “It was more like three flarps”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Let’s just go out there and try to make each other laugh”

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Andrew: “Move!?”

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Andrew: “Oh my God! I forgot this is the first time we’ve ever met… That’s on me”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! That sounds great!”

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Andrew: “So, I think we’ve solved Blair’s problem. Sean, did you want a bite of this apple?”

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Andrew: “That scared me”

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Andrew: “The high point will be in ab… No, it would be rude to say that. Never mind. Sorry, I’m really tired”

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Andrew: “Who wants to shotgun a Black Ice Monster energy drink in the back of a van?”

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Andrew: “Yeah, sometimes you’re drunk and you send really stupid tweets”

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Andrew: “You guys are just bullying me now”

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Andrew and Jen: “You spent five minutes on a tweet of mine!? I did. Thank you so much!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Are you unplugged? I think you’re unplugged now. Hold on”

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Andrew and Luke: “I have a guess… but, I don’t know for sure (Don’t guess. It’s a trap!)”

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Andrew and Luke: “That is so messy! Also… Who’s cleaning up all the milk!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Well, what is the official time? I don’t have any clocks up here that work”

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Andrew, Luke, Jen and Sean: Andrew denies eating a Landjäger and no one believes him

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Andrew, Sean and Luke: “The low point was the announcement of how many clocks you have. He said clocks, clocks… Clocks (By the way… freakin’ surrounded by them…) Surrounded by clocks (Yep)”

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Luke: “By the way, welcome to my world. It’s not pretty”

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Luke: Clearing his throat multiple times

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Luke: Doot-dooing “Jock Jams”

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Luke: “DTFB… really, really surprised me, and, and, maybe you, Andrew. Because, I thought he was gonna ride along for, like… two or three segments of this twenty-four hour marathon… And… he just… he, we couldn’t get him out of the van! That’s the true story”

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Luke: “Enjoy the goth DJ!”

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Luke: “How did it go to Lover Town?”

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Luke: “I am… sober as a Mormon who canceled TBTL”

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Luke: “I smelt it; and, I knew you dealt it”

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Luke: “I want you to know that handshake was… consensual and agreed upon… before the show”

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Luke: “I’m just trying to get you two fighting again… Mission accomplished!”

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Luke: “If you say one more word about MeUndies”

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Luke: “Leave!!”

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Luke: “Let’s work out something else on stage. Let’s do a little round of Defend Yourself… Alright. Yeah, defend yourself from the… volume of that sound effect”

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Luke: “My empire is crumbling!”

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Luke: Saying “But then, Bill Clinton said, ‘You speak up. You’re very beautiful'” as Bill Clinton

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Luke: “So far, I give this night three flarps up… which… means something to the four people who heard us… on that part of the twenty-four hour marathon”

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Luke: “That’s plenty. That’s, that’s… let’s not get carried away, everybody”

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Luke: “Wait a second… this is bad”

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Luke: “Well, alright everybody! It’s now or never! Welcome… to the… TBTL 10th… Vaniversary… special show, from the Re-bar in Seattle”

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Luke: “What!!?”

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Luke: “What!? Who’s fired now? Us still? Okay, cool. Sorry, we’ll move!”

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Luke: “Who’s the Milhouse in this story?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I guess what I won’t do is listen to that song by Meatloaf (I know)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Some of that was because Andrew had started eating a Landjäger… and, it was… as advertised… very, very pungent. Yeah”

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Luke and Andrew: “What a Burb wants, what a Burbs needs. (Yeah. Yeah) Whatever keeps a Burb podcasting for twenty-four hours”

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Luke, Jen and Andrew: “And, also, with me doing the Running Man in my underwear, through the… I was gonna say, so much underwear… Yet, somehow, not enough”

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Clips From TBTL #2567

Andrew: “I could play some of that for you now. If you guys feel like you’d rather just keep talking, I can send it to you privately in an e-mail. We can all just cry at our computers later”

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Andrew: “I don’t like quoting people… at least, when they’re right in front of me, so they can correct me”

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Andrew: “I don’t think you said, ‘I fake it ’til I make it’; cuz, I can’t imagine those words coming out of your mouth”

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Andrew: “I don’t want to create any bad blood; so… answer however you… want. But, like, what was the vibe in the rest of the station once you guys were established for a little bit”

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Andrew: “No, I wanna see tears. I don’t wanna see sleep!”

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Andrew: “Oh, this is kinda weird and cool”

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Andrew: Saying “What does it sound like when I do this?” while futzing with the audio

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Andrew: “Stop the show!!”

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Andrew: “They’re lying”

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Andrew: “Usually this show is funny. Now, I’m just fucking drilling down on 3-D movie… But, what kind… Is it 800X or 400X? I need to know!”

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Andrew: “Well, I would say, based on my… in-fucking-depth interview on 3-D movies with… Camaro Kev today. I’ll tell you, it’s not the same thing as when you have to drive a conversation when daddy’s gone”

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Andrew and Luke: “I think she says ‘TBTL used to calm me down when I was three’. Yeah, but now that she’s four, it’s a different world! Girl, dun-dun-dun-dun, you’ll be a woman, soon”

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Andrew and Luke: “What’s the symbology there? Great question”

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Andrew and Luke: “You’re gonna think I’m crazy for saying this. Okay… I think we can go another twenty-four… I, I think… there will be a point where we will de-materialize and re-materialize into good radio hosts. And, it’s just, you have to push your body to it’s absolute breaking point; and, I think we’re getting kind of close”

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Jen: “Friends don’t ask friends to do math”

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Jen: “I appreciate you… putting me in that… company, by the way. Blessings”

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Jen: “I have a playlist… for sexy times”

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Jen: “Nope! Nope, nope, nope”

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Jen: Rapping “Trouble… comes at the worst time. It poked and fails, is that by design?”

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Jen: “We’re gettin’… really hot now. Oh, yeah”

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Jen: “You know what, Jason? You’re ruining this sexy song!”

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Jen and Andrew: “Don’t you listen to the show? I’m outraged! (Yeah)”

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Jen, Luke and Andrew: “Because, a little spooning actually does help you sleep better, and smarter, and… be more refreshed in the morning. Uh… I… Stop the show!!”

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Jen, Luke and Andrew: “But, that’s why you have a light! Turn the light out! I can’t see it. I have no idea that it’s going on. And, if, if he, for some, if the lights came on… That is generally how Carey describes sex with me, by the way… (Everybody get a CPAP in the dark) She’s like, ‘I can’t see it. I don’t know what’s going on… but, it’s working. So, that’s good'”

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Jen, Sean and Andrew: “This is not sustainable as one person; and, it’s not what this show’s about. This show is about… family, and love, and friendship, and all that. And, you can’t… you know, sustain that for long, just with… a microphone. Unless you’re a schizophrenic, then you can probably do that for at least a week. Good power out. Great way to end this, Seanie… with a jab at the mentally ill”

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Luke: “A theater… of the mind, right now; and, a battle of wills”

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Luke: “And… across the street from… where there was once a shabby Mexican restaurant; that, we tried, single-handedly, as a show, to keep in business… Never… one hookup, by the way… Not… one Don Fernando!”

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Luke: “David from the Backseat”

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Luke: “‘Don’t bore us, let’s get to the chorus’… as Jon Bon Jovi once said”

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Luke: “God! The analogies become more grandiose!”

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Luke: “I also think I’ve been married for… between three and nine years… So, not a real numbers guy”

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Luke: “Look who got the last laugh… I’m in this van, about to collapse from exhaustion; and, you’re probably somewhere on a beach, enjoying your retirement”

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Luke: “Now, forty-one year old boring me might be, ‘Well, programmatically… maybe we should be more consistent'”

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Luke: “Ours was called ‘Hidden Talents’… talent was very hidden… it remains so”

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Luke: “Remember something… she sells CPAPs down by the sea shore… and, she be relied upon”

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Luke: Singing “Girl, dun-dun-dun-dun, you’ll be a woman, soon”

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Luke: Singing “You’ve got small face… Sea galley!”

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Luke: “So, get… it… while… it’s… hot!”

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Luke: “This is why I get paid the big bucks”

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Luke: “Well, la-ti-da!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hey, look. Everything’s coming up Milhouse. I had the volume down, Andrew. You didn’t hear your little ting you don’t like (Oh, yeah) at the top of that sound effect”

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Luke and Jen: “Again, sorry… HIPAA… HIPAA warning! Uh-huh”

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Luke and Jen: “That was like water in the (Yes) desert (Yes)”

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Luke, Andrew and Sean: “Your computer is, is so large. I mean, (It is. I’m sorry) it really… No, no, that’s okay; but… I didn’t even realize, like… (Shocking) where my computer stopped and where yours started”

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Sean: “But, yeah, that’s still part, that’s, that’s… talent is still in my quiver”

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Sean: “I don’t know much about CPAPs. I don’t know if you know this about me; but, I know very little about CPAPs”

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Sean: “That’s, that’s inappropriate”

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Sean, Luke and Andrew: “Make sure to not cross the streams. Yeah, no. (No, don’t cross the streams) Good. Oh, you found something better than the schizophrenic joke… Very good stuff”

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Clips From TBTL #2566: Luke Burbank and Steve Neuman Edition

Luke: “After sixteen hours, everything sounds a little like a double entendre”

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Luke: “And, sold!”

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Luke: “Are you, are you feeding on my energy crystals and depleting them?”

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Luke: “Big, fat, juice beans”

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Luke: “But, wait… but, wait… there’s more”

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Luke: “Call me dinosaur”

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Luke: “Either the joke’s getting funnier, or I’m getting more delirious; cuz, I… that, that… that really tickled, that really tickled me”

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Luke: “I hoist myself by my own petard, all the time!”

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Luke: “I’m here… Fireball’s here”

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Luke: “I’ve got a bunion!”

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Luke: “It’s simple math. Study it out”

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Luke: “Keep those guys off the socials. They’re killing their careers”

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Luke: “M-My brain is bad”

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Luke: “Not anymore!!!”

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Luke: “Oh, no. It’s me talking… Has there been enough of me on this show?”

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Luke: “Oh! And, by the way… lurking… in the back of the van… the Silent Assassin… Intern from the Basement”

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Luke: “Oof!”

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Luke: “Rich!?”

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Luke: “Sick! Sick, these audio drops”

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Luke: “Standby”

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Luke: “Taco Bell Illuminati Tacos”

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Luke: “That’s a scorched take”

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Luke: “We get all the different people out there… who donate all the different ways”

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Luke: “We got seagulls at twelve o’clock! Seagulls at twelve o’clock, everybody!”

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Luke: “We’re hearing something we ain’t never heard before”

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Luke and Andrew: “By the way, your… partner’s… dogological clock was getting quite stimulated this morning at the Green Lake location. Well, I mean, we need to choose our words carefully, I think, when we talk about this stuff”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t know why we’d ever stop. I mean, it’s really… (Yeah) And, I mean this broadcast… it’s never gonna stop! I figured out how to pee in the back of the bus! Sorry, Jim! We’re never leaving this”

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Luke and Andrew: “Ooh, this is a treat. Normally, the resets on TBTL make no sense; because, (I know) people… start at the beginning of the file”

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Luke and Andrew: “Sorry to take it to a dark place. It’s hard not to”

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Luke and Andrew: “Think about the children. Yes. I mean, think about Piper… She dances to process her feelings… (That’s right) about her dad at the craft brew pub. She dances because he drinks!”

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Luke and Andrew: “You asked this person if, if he was up for on being on the show, and… his response was… ‘I’m hammered, so… absolutely’. I’m hoping he was joking… He’s a family man… He’s a Christian… He doesn’t believe in abortion. He doesn’t believe in homosexuality… We don’t need drops anymore… (No, we don’t. I keep saying this)”

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Luke and Genevieve Haas: “Moon landing… real or fake? Real”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “Does this sound like a musical (Hello!) Stu-bot? Hello? Stu… can you hear us?”

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Luke, Andrew and Genevieve Haas: “9/11… inside job… Or, outside job. Outside job. Oh, it’s an outside job”

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Luke, Andrew and Genevieve Haas: Showering in the Jazz Age

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Luke, Steve Neuman and Andrew: “Hello. Is this… (Hello?) is this Stu? It is! Is this Andrew Walsh? Well, that was Luke Burbank. I’m Andrew Walsh. Hey, buddy!”

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Luke, Steve Neuman and Andrew: “Two… count ’em, two… (Really?) seagulls… spotted! That’s right”

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Steve Neuman: “Between you and…. DFTB… there was a lot of ‘Jesus Christs’ and ‘Bullshits’; and, I was like… I was offended… I’m not gonna lie to you. That was not cool, dude… You… that’s… these are public radio Internet waves; and, that’s not cool”

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Steve Neuman: “God! I’m so drunk, guys. I’m so sorry… if I’m not making any sense right now”

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Steve Neuman: “I want you guys to hold me”

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Clips From TBTL #2566: Andrew, Genevieve and Sean Edition

Andrew: “And, I’m sorry the Stu-bot hit on you”

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Andrew: “And, this really cranky lady answered the phone. You guys know how I am about cranky ladies”

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Andrew: “But, congratulations to the punk rock band, Massive Diaper Failure”

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Andrew: “Can I tell you what is… increasingly weird?”

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Andrew: “Do a new skin for that drumhead”

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Andrew: “Don’t… joke about the Illuminati… Taco Bell”

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Andrew: “I had to hang up; ‘cuz, there would have been a lot more ‘I’m sorries'”

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Andrew: “It’s the squatter! We found ’em!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Luke, I think you know better than almost anybody; that, I don’t… really… try… to make myself care about anything. I either care or I don’t”

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Andrew: “Oh, I believe it”

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Andrew: “Oh, shit… there are like… a hundred of those things coming our way right now”

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Andrew: “Say what!?”

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Andrew: “Well, prove that it’s not, Vieves”

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Andrew: “Yeah, read some of these bird names. I… almost all the bird names sound kind of dirty to me”

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Andrew: “You add fluoride to your water”

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Andrew and Genevieve Haas: “And, one dog didn’t wanna… didn’t really want anything to do with me until I was holding a hot dog; and then, it would just eat the hot dog and run away from me. So… Oh, it’s just like you!”

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Andrew and Genevieve Haas: “Aww, damn! Look out, predator coming, Mr. Robin! Yeah”

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Andrew and Genevieve Haas: “Oh, remember that guy? Yeah, I remember that guy. We still keep in touch”

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Andrew and Luke: “Thirty minutes into the flight, my daughter… had poo… that resulted in what can only be described… as a massive diaper failure. Sorry, Steve Nelson. Sorry, Steve Nelson”

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Andrew and Luke: “Which is caught cannot be uncaught. Thank you!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know they have laser helmets for that. Yeah, what have you heard? Sick!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You went with the short one today!!? Andrew, when I stare at this computer screen… I see hieroglyphs. I know”

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Andrew and Sean: “Luke, you’re good man! No, you got a technique (Criminal Minds)”

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Genevieve Haas: “Because, I wanted to see a Pied-balled Grebe [sic]

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Genevieve Haas: “What is fascinating about it to me?”

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Genevieve Haas and Andrew: “I won twenty-six dollars at pull tabs yesterday… Wait, you were pulling tabs yesterday, Vieves!? Yeah”

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Genevieve Haas and Andrew: “That’s my motto, ‘Anyone can look at a bird’. Oh, you should start your own company in L.A…. The Democratic Bird-Watching Society”

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Genevieve Haas and Luke: “Luke, let me, let me interrupt you here; (Please) because… I think you’re looking for an answer… that’s like, gonna clarify why this is so interesting to me… and, there’s the reason why most people aren’t interested in birds”

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Genevieve Haas, Andrew and Sean: Laughing

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Sean: “I get it… it’s the second time you’ve put over on… me”

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Sean, Genevieve Haas and Luke: “Would you call it a flock of seagulls? Yes. Ooh, boy. I forgot, I’m gonna wear this thing out”

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Sean, Luke and Andrew: “I think that’s the cardinal rule of bird-watching… (Oh my God… / Oh, there it is…) Am I gonna, why not. (Naming your cardinals) Welcome back”

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Clips From TBTL #2565: Luke and David Burbank Edition

David Burbank: “Thank God Jen’s on the show”

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David Burbank and Andrew: “Do you get a copy of this list of names of the, of the… (Yeah!) complainers? Let’s, let’s make a hit list here”

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Luke: “And, Rudy goes over to where they are; and, I think she’s must be trying to eat an old wrapper or something… And, she just decides to stop… and drop the biggest deuce in the middle of their football game on AstroTurf”

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Luke: “Do you sense that I’m trying my hardest?”

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Luke: Drawn out “A real doozy”

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Luke: “Enough detail? Too much detail. Not enough detail… Where are we at on this?”

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Luke: “God, we’re lit!”

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Luke: “I licky boom-boom down”

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Luke: “I say as an extremely insecure person”

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Luke: “I’ll allow it!”

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Luke: “I’m just, I’m debating between keeping your powder dry; but, keeping your sugar on your shelf”

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Luke: “If they’re black… put ’em back. If they’re red… approach with dread… Those ones need to be dealt with. If they’re yellow, let them mellow”

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Luke: “Is this where they were? Is this where the people… knew this was a thing?”

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Luke: “It was bru-tal!”

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Luke: “Just… take this number, write it on the tablet of your heart, and be ready to call us”

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Luke: “KHAAAN!!!”

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Luke: “Listen… some of my favorite people to fight hang out at the Mandarin Gate”

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Luke: “O… M… G!!”

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Luke: “Oh, buddy”

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Luke: “She likes to take a picture, or do whatever fleek thing they do”

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Luke: Singing “All I do is lose”

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Luke: Singing “We be jammin’… We be jammin'”

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Luke: Singing the bass line of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby”

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Luke: “So, I got those thangs”

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Luke: “TBTL is… Full-Night Sleepers”

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Luke: “That sounds lit”

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Luke: “That… for those of you… just joining the show… how’s it going?”

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Luke: “They’s tryin’ to say they was drunk… They had ninety beers. That was all”

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Luke: “Well, David, you’re the young… is that a fashion?”

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Luke: “What is happening to my life!? I don’t control the mic! I’m so sorry!”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, Andrew, you have a look, I don’t know if it’s delirium, or satisfaction… or frustration on your face. I’m just in a really good mood!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you have a story to tell, Ben? Everybody’s got a story to tell, Ben”

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Luke and Andrew: “Every time I try to eat a Landjäger, everybody yells at me… says it stinks in here. Goddamnit!”

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Luke and Jen: “I really don’t need walk-on music, just because… that sets the expectation, that like… lesser Jimmy Fallon… and… and, I don’t think I’m quite there yet… (No) And, so… That was a little quick… A little quick”

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Luke, Andrew and Steve Nelson: “Do you miss us, man? I mean, now, you’re, you’re, you, you… What he meant to say was, ‘We miss you, man’. Oh, yeah, that’s how you ask that… That’s how you say that. We miss you, Steve. Hey, do you miss us, man? I do miss you guys”

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Clips From TBTL #2565: Andrew, Jen and Sean Edition

Andrew: “And, by the way… only, because, you know, I still have daddy issues and I need you to be proud of me”

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Andrew: “Don’t picture my bearded face”

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Andrew: “For the first time, my body… feels very gross right now. Like, I feel awful”

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Andrew: “Force is such a… ugly word”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna get defensive right off the bat here”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Now, I’m sad again”

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Andrew: “Oh my God, my, my worlds are colliding!”

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, Jason!” in a high-pitched voice

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Andrew: “Steve ‘El Ropo’ Nelson”

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Andrew: “The balls on this guy!”

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Andrew: “You know, the only, like, success I’ve ever… Sorry, Jen… all of my stories are sad, even the successful ones”

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Andrew and Luke: “Where’s Burbank? That’s what I wanna know. In the Upside Down… where he’s been… for about the last eight and a half years”

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Jen: “Can I bring this back to Granny Time for just a second?”

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Jen: Disapproving “No”

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Jen: “Everything about this park says dogs want to take a dump here. Everything about it”

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Jen: “Hi! I’m very excited to finally be in the van… and, I mean, that’s something most women don’t say”

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Jen: “Hooo! This van’s getting sexy”

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Jen: “I know you’ve seen West Side Story; you’re a Burbank”

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Jen: “Luke to the Burbank”

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Jen: “Oh, Ma. Oh, Pa”

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Jen: Singing “Sha Doobie!”

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Jen: Singing “Sha-la-la-la” from the “Family Ties” theme

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Jen: Singing “Times in our lives… we all have pain” as Bill Withers

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Jen: “The Kuh to the Buh [ph]

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Jen: “The Luke to the Buh [ph]

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Jen: “Well, the really, really popular name for a long time, about ten years ago, was ‘Chance’… Which, to me, is like… name him ‘Broken Condom'”

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Jen and Luke: “I think it’s amazing that ‘intermittent faster’ just rolls off your tongue; like, that’s a normal thing to say. I, you know, I learned it from Tom Bodett; so… let me know if you need him to leave the light on for you. Okay… I just… if you want us all to be quiet so that you can have some self-care, let me know”

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Sean: “Do I look fleek? Do I smell like fish?”

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Sean: “Sit, Ubu, sit”

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Sean: “Speak in your normal voice with authoritah!”

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Sean: “Yeah, the fish was so on fleek”

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