Clips From Show #1805

Andrew: “My little ‘Donna Juanita'”

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Luke: “I am obsessed!”

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Luke speaking like the Defense Attorney of the Adnan Syed case featured in season one of the Serial podcart

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Luke: “Testy Tuesday”

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Luke and Andrew laughing with Andrew saying “I have no…”

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Clips From Show #1801

Luke and Andrew announce that TBTL has joined American Public Media‘s Infinite Guest podcart network on show #1801. Between the announcement, the reaction to the news and other topics, the show has been a gold mine for hilarious clips.

One of those clips is when Luke said that he heard Madeleine Brand of KCRW’s “Press Play”, the show that Andrew was a producer on before joining TBTL full time, saying that it was Andrew’s last day. What comes of that is pure gold:

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Andrew: “Andrew’s the best”

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Andrew: “Aww, that’s inspiring!”

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Andrew: “Do you have a pastrami soundboard?”

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Andrew: “Do you have a soggy pastrami now?”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Hey”

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Andrew: “I swear I’ve told you this”

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Andrew: “I’m Burbank’s boy now”

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Andrew: “I’m outta here”

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Andrew: “Okay, good”

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Andrew: Responds to Luke playing a loud party horn sound with “Oh, God!”

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Andrew: “You don’t listen to anything”

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Luke: “Cetera, et cetera”

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Luke: “Getting pastrami juice on the laptop”

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Luke: “It’s all over my t-shirt, Andrew”

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Luke needs a lot of pastrami on his sandwich

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Luke pops cork on a champagne bottle and yells “holy shit!”

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Luke: “There is so much pastrami juice in my keyboard now”

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Luke: “You know, homie don’t play that”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is special!”

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