Andrew: “Alright, listen… I keep on starting to say things and then I can’t finish them”
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Andrew: “Burn… them all, Daenerys. Burn them all”
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Andrew: “I don’t know what the fuck she means!”
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Andrew: “I gotta be me!! I gotta be me!”
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Andrew: “Like, just shut up!”
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Andrew: “Now, which one of you cowardly bastards shit my pants?”
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Andrew and Luke: “We’re the Game of Thrones podcast with the bells. Does Brock Huard have one? We’re the bells-iest”
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Luke: “Cersei’s gonna Cers”
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Luke: “It’s Been a Minute… with Sansa Sanders”
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Luke: “It’s my castle and I want it now!”
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Luke: “It’s my money and I want it now!”
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Luke: “Please, don’t leave me”
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Luke: Singing “I will remember Wolf”
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Luke: “This is why you castrate people”
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Luke: “Yeah!”
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Luke: “You have no idea how tempted I was to play the Morning Edition theme… Just to mess… with… a listener from a show you’re not even hearing right now” [ed: ]
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Luke: “You must never, ever tell anyone… because, that will fuck up me getting the throne”
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Luke and Andrew: “Oh, no, he going up there to kill her… but, maybe I fell for something. Maybe he going up there to bone her (No)”
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