Clips From TBTL #2173

Andrew: Drawn out “Luke”

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Andrew: “Hmm. Running long? Question mark?”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna miss the shit out of him.”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Right”

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Andrew: “Now I’m back, baby!”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh! How old are you in that thing?”

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Andrew: “This is never gonna happen, this is never gonna happen. I let myself believe. Why did I let myself believe?”

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Andrew: “Wait, are you disrespecting my duplication investigation conversation?”

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Andrew: “Where’s my turd open?”

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Andrew: “Who, who shouted us out, what did they say, and did they sound angry.”

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Andrew: “You think that it’s tough to talk to you while you’re eating sausage; which, it is.”

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Andrew and Luke: HRCon and HurCon

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Luke: “And exactly what TBTL needs.”

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Luke: “And, it is like low-carb Christmas.”

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Luke: Asking Steve Nelson to approve two requests before it’s too late

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: “Double Duking”

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Luke: “Get out of my face!”

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Luke: “Hey, we should collaborate! Please hire me”

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Luke: “Hey, we should collaborate! Please hire me… and my friend in LA.”

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Luke: “I just want to suck up to the right person”

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Luke: “In typically TBTL fashion, let me ask you some self-serving questions…”

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Luke: “Is that wool? No. Fart blanket.”

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Luke: “Let me snoozle you with a sneetail real quick, Tens of listeners.”

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Luke: “Man, I love those, those Dukes. I love those Double Dukes.”

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Luke: “Mission accomplished”

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Luke: “My woif”

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Luke: “People say a lot of stuff; and, usually, they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

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Luke: “(Perro) Pod-dog has had a major upgrade, you guys, I gotta tell you guys. Pod-dog has now become Pool-dog.”

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Luke: Singing “Shorty”

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Luke: “Those are the kinds of things that keep me up at night, sadly; because, I don’t want to be delivering you a hot, piping bowl of word salad, like I just did there.”

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Luke: “Vaya con Dios”

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Luke and Andrew: Deuzzle and Snoozle

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Luke and Andrew: Ghost in the ipDTL Machine

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Luke and Andrew: “I picked a bad day to stop sniffing turd sound effects. Okay, (Didn’t really) let’s, let’s move on.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke imitating the choppy, ipDTL word salad

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Luke and Andrew: Noptimistic and Cautiously Noptimistic

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Luke and Andrew: “So, she’s only fourteen hearbeats away from being a Garrison Keillor. So, I think… that’s pretty good. Put that in your pipe and think about it.”

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Luke and Andrew: “That sounds like the inside of your head when you have aphasia. Right.”

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Luke and Andrew: “What’s the opposite of dazzling the listeners with the… I don’t know, but we’ve been doing it.”

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Luke and Steve Nelson: “Alright, enjoy baby daddy camp. Okay.”

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Luke, Steve Nelson and Andrew: “Like, are we pretty much screwed at this point, boss, with you gone? No, because the complaints still come here. So… So, we’re still on the radar? Yeah, (That’s good… that’s good) yeah. I, I think you guys are set.”


Steve Nelson: “Luke blew me off. I’m not gonna lie.”

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Steve Nelson and Andrew: Baby Daddy Camp

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