Andrew: “And, that ties us all together!”
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Andrew: Andrew has issues with stickers
Andrew: “Could you put this in a form a question, please?”
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Andrew: Cute Chuckle
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Andrew: “Deep breath… more shit talk”
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Andrew: “Don’t knock Brock”
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Andrew: “It’s just a thing you do now; like me, calling people bozo”
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Andrew: “It’s paid puttering and it’s anti-sticker!”
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Andrew: “Really!?”
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Andrew: Singing something
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Andrew: “Thank you… Maggie… ‘Middle Shelf’ Willsie for your generous donation. I apologize for your new nickname”
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Andrew: “Trump defeats Kayne… that’s pretty cool”
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Andrew: “Wait, this is a fact?”
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Andrew: “You’re just… but, you feel like you’re just messing with fate here. You’re making me nervous!”
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Andrew: “You’re like a Gonzo journalist; and, I’m like a Fozzie the Bear journalist”
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Andrew and Luke: Andrew isn’t worried about Luke’s trip going wrong, but rather hearing the stories of it going wrong
Andrew and Luke: Andrew laughing and Luke saying “You know”
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Andrew and Luke: “However, I wanted to take my microphone, or somebody’s microphone… and hit the people who were asking questions. Because, they’re not questions, they are these long… self… serving… diatribes. That doesn’t sound like white people!”
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Andrew and Luke: “You’ll get back in your car and head up north… to… snowy… where do you live again? Bellingham. Bellingham. How did I blank out on your… Hey, Rudy, can you co-host the show? Andrew’s… having aphasia. That is hurtful.”
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Luke: “Alt… dot… dudda, dot, dudda”
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Luke: “Are you fucking kidding me!?”
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Luke: Cute Laugh
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Luke: Drawn out “Oh, shit”
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Luke: “Happy Friday, other buckets”
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Luke: “Look for the TBTL Turktacular coming your way!”
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Luke: “New York Jersey!? Get a seat!”
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Luke: “Peace and love, peace and love”
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Luke: “Rudy, did you say… pa-pow?”
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Luke: “Shit be cray out there”
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Luke: Singing “1-877-Kustomer-Kare”
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Luke: Singing “I know what you’re doing, baby. I know why you called my number”
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Luke: Singing a funny ditty
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Luke: Singing a funny ditty #2
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Luke: “Take a moment to consider the deep irony of what you just said”
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Luke: “This has just gone… from, from sporty… to sportier… to esoteric; but…”
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Luke: “This is bullshit”
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Luke and Andrew: “Like, things you’d have in your storage room or whatever. But, nothing to contain your rage. Shit’s getting… deep on this Friday!”
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Luke and Andrew: “Then, I hang up a little sign that says, ‘Gone Fishin”. I, I hang it on my chest and I go to sleep. I hang it on my brain”
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