After the four minute mark on the show, Andrew started to say something that ended up sounding like a proto Marsupial Gurgle sound.
Andrew: Proto Marsupial Gurgle
Audio PlayerMP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
I was curious to what it would sound like when played backwards, also known as “backmasking” on the show, it sounds like Andrew saying “Not mine!”.
Andrew: Backmasked Proto Marsupial Gurgle
Audio PlayerMP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Below is a clip combining the proto Marsupial Gurgle sound played normally and the backmasked version:
Andrew: Proto Marsupial Gurgle and Backmasked Proto Marsupial Gurgle
Audio PlayerMP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Don’t you… forget about me”
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Andrew: “Extreme sporting… at… the max”
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Andrew: “Give me two scoops of that, please”
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Andrew: “Hungry for life. Thirsty for Naya”
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Andrew: “I do believe it!!”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “I don’t like to use language like this; but, he’s a Naya slurper”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Mmmmh!! Why am I even saying this?”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “No, no, no. Let’s get off of this”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Rush, rush. Go, go”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Sounded like the stoniest thing you’ve ever said”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “This stuck in my brain”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Wassup, dog?”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Why are you even bringing that up? Now, we have to worry about that”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Why are you even bringing that up?”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew: “Yeah; but, I’m good… I’m good now”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Andrew and Luke: “It’s like I’m hitting myself here… Stop hitting yourself, Andrew (You really are)”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “Cuz, I’m not high right now; and, we’re not in college”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “Get some, water! I’m looking at you from this boat… and, you can’t stop me”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “I hope I’m getting some of that sweet, sweet backend money on that poetry podcast”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “I say, I say, ‘Wassup… dog?'”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “I was getting my meditation grapes the normal way”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “I was jogging in Portland, almost crying”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: Laughing
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: Laughing #2
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “Oh… crap!”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: Singing “They say it’s your birthday!”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “That was in a movie I saw once called, ‘Five… Easy Craisins'”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke: “Wassup with that?”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone
Luke and Andrew: “Old Iron Bladders still has it, Andrew. (Oh, man. You’re such a bragger!)”
MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone