After the April 18th Live Wire! Radio taping at the Alberta Rose Theatre, Luke and I talked about cars and the discussion about auto makers trying to improve fuel economy in newer cars by finding ways to lighten vehicles (or at least offset the weight as vehicles grow over time), auto start/stop systems and combining turbocharging with downsizing engines. Unfortunately, what I had said didn’t quite get translated properly when Luke brought it up on this show. Sigh.
To correct the record:
- One of the methods that auto makers can reduce the weight of cars is to reduce sound deadening materials or eliminating them as an extreme measure
- Auto start/stop systems themselves are not mandated by the EPA; but, auto makers that implement auto start/stop systems can be required to turn it back on when the vehicle is started the next time around
- Turbocharging boosts the amount of air that is fed into the engine as a means to mitigate the reduced engine displacement. Under low throttle, the engine can lean-burn and get better fuel economy while the turbo isn’t making a lot of boost. Stomping on the accelerator or putting the engine under heavy load will increase the boost pressure and increase the amount of fuel needed. Smaller, turbo engines can be under more load than a larger, naturally-aspirated engine under the same conditions and the fuel economy saving of the smaller displacement engine can be negated or have worse fuel economy.
Having said that, here’s the segment in which those items were brought up.
Luke and Andrew: Getting mentioned for some car talk with Luke after a Live Wire! taping and Luke messing up on a number of the details
Audio Player
Andrew: “Answer the opinion, jerk!”
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Andrew: Drawn out “Who are you flipping off?”
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Andrew: “Have an opinion already, jerk!”
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Andrew: “Have an opinion already, jerk! Answer the opinion, jerk!”
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Andrew: “I kind of lit a fuse under the guy to my right about the assholes like the guy to my left”
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Andrew: “I wish I hadn’t done that”
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Andrew: “It was a waste of time to do dat”
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Andrew: “Jesus! You’re not leaving here without a band-aid”
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Andrew: “Oh-ho, God!”
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Andrew: “Please clap”
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Andrew: “Slabjacking”
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Andrew: “Tempted by the fruit of a letter”
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Andrew: “They was trying to say I was drunk”
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Andrew: “We love them like family and we hate them like family”
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Andrew: “Well… feel free to refer to me as Genevieve’s ride or die”
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Andrew and Luke: “Can we throw him in the moon door, Luke? Make the man fly!”
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Andrew and Luke: “Or, did you pull it out of your shoe? Oh, gross! I pulled it out of my bra… oddly. There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Andrew”
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Luke: “And, I yelped!”
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Luke: “Andrew, I have a hangnail”
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Luke: “Can-a-worm-us?”
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Luke: “I know that it’s a song by Washed Up!”
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Luke: “It’s like ten thousand TVs when all you need is a Root Sports Northwest”
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Luke: Luke describing a standing rule Live Wire! has about not having three white, male guests and getting mentioned for having the data
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Luke: Making a series of funny sounds and saying “It’s vegetarian!”
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Luke: “Political correctness. You can’t say anything!”
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Luke: Saying “Stop looking at me” in a Scouse accent
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Luke: “So, buckle up!”
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Luke: “This is special… This is special”
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Luke: “Tiguan, I got Tiguan”
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Luke: “We must have this car now!”
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Luke and Andrew: “All attention is good attention, if you’re me… So, I’ll take it… I’m farting”
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Luke and Andrew: “Clown to the left of you, nice guy to right. Right! Yeah”
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Luke and Andrew: Luke shows Andrew his hangnail and Andrew wants Luke to put a band-aid on it
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Luke and Andrew: “We’ll talk to you on Monday. Until then: No mountain too tall. I’m farting… and, good luck to all”
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