Andrew: “I don’t care about being nerdy, dirty or flirty”
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Andrew: “I don’t care about being nerdy… or dirty”
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Andrew: “I heard the mwah!”
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Andrew: “If I can be a little Andrew here for a moment”
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Andrew: “Make fun of me? Make fun of me for wha’?”
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Andrew: “Oh my God!”
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Andrew: “Oh my God! Somehow, it’s better than I imagined”
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Andrew: Singing “Kiki… can you hear me?”
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Andrew: “This almost sounds too good”
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Andrew: “You know, after being awake for a really long time… I just started feeling really greasy, really tired, really hungry”
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Andrew: “You practice, you practice, you practice; and, then, you don’t do it”
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Andrew and Luke: “I’m eating and drinking for two now (That’s right)”
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Andrew and Luke: “You’re on the wrong side of the road, Luke. Oh my God”
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Luke: “A bingibongaboo”
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Luke: “Bingabongaroo”
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Luke: “In Alien solar system, eggs lay you!”
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Luke: “It’s the lobster!!!”
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Luke: “Oh, hell, yeah!”
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Luke: Saying “Chris Humfrey… Animal Instincts, exclamation point” in a funny Australian accent
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Luke: Saying “Eh, what’s up, doc?” in a high-pitched voice
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Luke: Saying “Lady’s bong from Fiji” in a funny Australian accent
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Luke: “Should I not come home? She was like, ‘No… you live in Australia now… You live under a lobster'”
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Luke: “TBTL… the shame of ownership”
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Luke: “Think like a lizard. Think like a bird… Think like a kangaroo”
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Luke: “We are… looking… at… Larry… the… freeggin’… [ph] Lobster… right now”
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Luke: “Welcome to your final week on… planet Earth, Walsh”
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Luke: “Why am I doing this?”
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Luke: “You got a real lobster in your diaper, buddy!”
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Luke and Andrew: “It’s Larry the Lobster, Andrew!! We’ve come so far!”
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Luke and Andrew: “Thank you Kingston… Southeast! Not the other Kingston… that most people think of when they think of Kingston, Australia”
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Luke and Andrew: “Where’s your lobster!? What do you have, like a regular size lobster!?”
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