Clips From TBTL #3087

Andrew: “Anywhere fun goes, Fungo goes”

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Andrew: Dictating a text message to Luke

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Andrew: Dictating a text message to Luke #2

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Andrew: “Genevieve was not proud of me that day!”

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Andrew: “How do you like your sax? I usually like mine… kinda yakity”

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Andrew: “I blissed out on this press release”

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Andrew: “I hate getting outta bed!”

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Andrew: “I’m ready!”

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Andrew: “Is everybody on Burbank time in LA, ironically?”

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Andrew: “My priorities are so screwed up in the morning”

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Andrew: “Open parentheses… [sic] I’m ready! Close parentheses [sic]

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Andrew: “Siri, leave the studio, please”

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Andrew: “That’s where Genevieve is like, ‘You have a weird problem'”

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Andrew: “Well, then, maybe, you’ll suck me into it as well”

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Andrew: “Wet, naked and I just spin around. I just spin, spin, spin ’til I dry”

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Andrew: “You tried to see me naked. Just admit it… Just admit it! That’s what… was going on”

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Andrew and Luke: Fungo and Slider, Traveling Wilburys and Willie Nelson being four Jeff Lynnes old

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s not an embarrassment and it’s not selfish to wish yourself… a… happy Blursday. It’s called ‘Self-Blurs’… Wait a minute. Was that what you were doing before I got here!? A lot… of things are falling into place now”

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Andrew and Luke: “Look at you holding off the mic. This is what it looks like when Luke wants something in the clear… He backed away from the mic… and literally bit the heel of his hand… so that he would not interrupt that great drop. This is what it sounds like when drops cry”

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Andrew and Luke: “Phelps, Phelps and more Phelps! (That’s right)”

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Andrew and Luke: “Well, I also just find you emotionally exhausting. I’m not gonna respond to all of your texts. Well, that’s, that’s fair”

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Luke: “Don’t… eff with the referees!”

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Luke: “Get weird!”

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Luke: “I definitely know how you’re being introduced on the show, going forward… He’s ferociously funny, he’s the sultan of silly… He’s the longest running co-bro of the show”

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Luke: “I would text you if you existed”

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Luke: “Is the Burbank brand… so strongly… established?”

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Luke: “Meow meow”

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Luke: Saying “Why is everybody so mean here?” in a funny manner

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Luke: “The New Hampshires You-Can’t-Get-There-From-Heres”

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Luke: “This is what it sounds like when drops cry”

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Luke: Using Siri to dictate a text message to Andrew

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Luke: Using Siri to dictate a text message to Andrew #2

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Luke: “What a fun, saxy time for you”

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Luke: “You just do what you have to do, when you have to do it”

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Luke and Andrew: “I forgot how much sax there was (There’s a lot of sax in here!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Was that when you learned you’re a furry, you’re a furry? (I think that’s when the rumor started!)”

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