Clips From TBTL #3113

Andrew: “And, I am not a robe man!”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I have to; because, I’m a dummy. And, I say a lot of dumb things on the show all the time”

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Andrew: “I am not a robe guy… I’m a boot guy”

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Andrew: “I grew up really weird”

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Andrew: “I hit it… I punch it twice every time I go by”

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Andrew: “I hit it… I punch it twice every time I go by… Gently. Lovingly”

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Andrew: “If every American suddenly had a million dollars, the dollar wouldn’t be worth shit”

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Andrew: “If you can’t take the heat, Luke… Get out of the Kitchens”

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Andrew: “Literally, the… the need for toilet paper is spreading like a virus”

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Andrew: “My… goodness!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Sure; but, hey, I’m not an animal”

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Andrew: “The bones of the joke are good”

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Andrew: “The coronavirus is not going after your butt!”

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Andrew: “The coronavirus is not going after your butt! Sorry”

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Andrew: “This is less interesting than that”

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Andrew and Luke: “Can we just bro down for a second, though? And, again, this is a weird place to do it (Please)”

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Andrew and Luke: “Well, you put your money where your mouth is, kind of, literally in this case. Like, you really… truly (Oh, yeah) do believe it’s hippie tears. Wow! I mean… (Yes!) Wow!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You have a way of observing the details of my life, though; and, then exploiting them on the show (Only the ones you don’t me to see)”


Luke: “Andrew! This podcast is haunted!”

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Luke: “I am often running around the house, I’m not–Listen… everybody… don’t get too excited… with what I’m about to say; but, I’m often running the house… unclothed”

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Luke: “I said, ‘I thought it was inert; but, it turned out to be highly nert'”

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Luke: Playing his Otamatone

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Luke: Playing his Otamatone while Andrew was speaking

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Luke: Saying “Hi, everybody… I’m your host Kai Ryssdal. I’m here, I’m alive, I’m tingling” as Kai Ryssdal

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Luke: “These boots are made for watchin’… Parenthetically… arty movies”

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Luke: “This is… plenty industrial. Like, this ain’t hippie tears”

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Luke: “We out!”

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Luke: “Whoa! Okay. I’m… I’m here… I’m alive; and, I’m tingling”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t understand your brain, Andrew. (I don’t either, man…) I don’t understand it, bro!”

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Luke and Andrew: “What is your relationship with bathrobes? Not good”

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Luke and Andrew: “When I’m home, I wanna nest… so hard… (Sure) And, relax, so hard”

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