Andrew: “And, boy, does she go for the feet!”
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Andrew: “But, I like a little alone time, you know?”
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Andrew: “DJ Chalupa”
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Andrew: “I mean I love… all of you, very much; but… I’m enjoying my Andy time. I am… king of the household right now, Luke. I can do whatever I want, at any time. Which is, exactly what life is like when Genevieve is here as well”
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Andrew: “I was also scared to death! That–the ‘D’ stood for ‘death’ in my family”
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Andrew: “I’ve never pooped in the woods”
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Andrew: “I’ve never pooped in the woods; unlike, the Pope or a bear”
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Andrew: “If anybody… if anybody… tells my parents about this episode or this lie, I will disown you as a friend or family member!”
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Andrew: “It never really stuck with me too much”
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Andrew: “It’s a party over here too, my dude”
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Andrew: “Looking sympathetic, but disappointed!”
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Andrew: “My body just shuts down in those situations”
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Andrew: “Open your hand”
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Andrew: “That janky ‘B'”
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Camaro Kev: “And, then, when she stops, I’m, like, ‘No. Keep going'”
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Camaro Kev: “Audacity. It’s free. It’s, it’s shareware” [ed.: Audacity is open source software, not shareware]
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Camaro Kev: “You’re right. I’m sorry”
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Luke: “DJ Quesarito!”
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Luke: “Once you pop, you can’t stop”
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Luke and Camaro Kev: Luke liked having Rudy lick his face even knowing what else Rudy had also licked