Clips From TBTL #1947

Andrew: “And I would say that, sorry, now that I have the microphone, I don’t want to give it up.”

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Andrew: “But, hold on a second. Did you just say they have phones that connect to the Internet now? How would they even work?”

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Andrew: “Duh!”

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Andrew: “Get your sharp-shootin’ tools out”

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Andrew: “Heh heh”

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Andrew: “I hear you typing away over there, Luke, are you sharp-shooting the sharp-shooter?”

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Andrew: “I’m-a go eat some squirrel.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing and Saying “You beat me to it”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “So the Internet helps you move the rotary dial to the right.”

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Andrew: “Wow!!!”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I mean, I don’t know if the word hypocrite is the right word, because, you know, people hire killers to do their dirty work all the time.”

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Andrew: “You beat me to it”

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Andrew and Luke: Biting the dust versus biting the turf

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Andrew and Luke: Luke’s tweets to Kam Chancellor would have falled on deaf tweets

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Andrew and Luke: “You gotta be a good boyfriend, so I was like ‘Ohh, damn, fine, whatever!’ (Good boyfriending!) Yeah, thank you. I said I would go.”

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Luke: “Can I peel, can I peel back the hair piece on this show?”

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Luke: Flying Axe Handles

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Luke: “Ha!”

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Luke: “Moore’s Law is Luke and Andrew can’t remember shit.”

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Luke: “Ohh, the sounds of Kdude, and in a moment, Lil Hoggie”

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Luke: “OMG, you’re PT Cruisin’ interview has suddenly become viral…”

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Luke: “Well, well, well… guess who’s back?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Previously on Steve Nelson (Previously)”

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Clips From TBTL #1941

Andrew: “But, I’m all about… I want to tear down the walls of meal labeling.”

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Andrew: “But, it’s grodie.”

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Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: “I listen to your blog!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Ohhhh”

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Andrew: “Ohhhh, Michael Pollan joke. That’s pretty good.”

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Andrew: Saying “Ohio” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “Soup”

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Andrew: “Ummm”

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Andrew: “What’s up, bro?”

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Andrew: “When the show is over, I’m going to go out there and give my remote control a big lick.”

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Andrew: “Yeah!”

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Andrew: “Yeah! I was delighted. De-lighted!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew laughing while Luke is saying “Nope” several times

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Luke: “And you said, ‘Well, hold on, let me shove some more of my breakfast soup into my breakfast mouth’.”

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Luke: “His name is Andrew ‘Hodor’ Walsh. Hey, ma-dude!”

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Luke: Luke does his impression of Bill Clinton

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Luke: Luke has a lot of slip and slide thoughts

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Luke: Reciting the Crocodile Mile ad

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Luke: “Something, something wicked that way comes.”

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Luke: “That’s a small plastic diaper that I keep in my wallet.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew didn’t watch Luke’s report for CBS

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew laughing to Luke saying “You know what? You’re under the weather, I’m gonna let that slide.”

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Luke and Andrew: Going Clear

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Luke and Andrew: Luke does his Philly relatives’s accent

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Luke and Andrew: Luke doing a Reagan impression and attempting to do an Australian Reagan impression

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Luke and Andrew: Possible Show Title: Previously on Breakfast Soup

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Luke and Andrew: “Swallowed the fly? Swallow the spider to catch the fly, (Yeah.) that wriggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. Right. That sounded dirty.”

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Luke and Andrew: “When they were bro-ing you. When they were bro-ing me behind the bro machine. That sounded dirtier than I even meant it… I think.”

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Clips From TBTL #1940

Recently on TBTL, Luke has been on a kick when it comes to saying things with an Australian accent. Well, an Oz-Ten named Linda, left a message in which she spoke the intro to TBTL #1933 in her natural Australian voice. The following is that message in its entirety:

Oz-Ten Linda: Reading the intro that Luke read from TBTL #1933

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Andrew: “Figure it out, bro.”

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Andrew: “Hey Luke”

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Andrew: “I mean, it was a sequel to a sequel to a prequel.”

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Andrew: “I was just all crazy in my head and my stomach and just needed some McDonald’s.”

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Andrew: “I will gladly be your sad, sad, sad sidekick, Linda.”

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Andrew: Imitation of a wire brush sound

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Andrew: “It’s just red state, blue state… It’s just all politics again.”

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Andrew: “It’s… okay”

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Andrew: “Meh, it’s not for me.”

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Andrew: “Ooh, I like it!”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “Nerd”

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Andrew: “That gave me chills!”

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Andrew: “The two saddest words in the English language are quote ‘podcast sidekick’.”

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Andrew: Wire brush sound

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew is obsessed with Minecraft

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew reads a “hurtful” tweet by Seth MacFarlane

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew works on Luke’s secondary show, which is more of an after thought or a rounding error

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Andrew and Luke: “Do you really want me to explain what I’ve been doing in Minecraft? Because (No.) I just think that, it’s not gonna do anybody any favors.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Do you want me to make a tick-tock sound with my mouth (No!)? Please, God, don’t.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Ooh, I like it! There you go. Podcast (In the balls…) Sidekick. No! (of my heart). I’ll stop now. Yes.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Hodor Fireball Hollywood’ Walsh”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “College Boy!”

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Luke: Doing a quick impression of Ron Albertson from “Waiting for Guffman”

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Luke: “Hey, speaking of Andrew”

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Luke: “I’m like, I wonder if we could frack this mountain”

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Luke: “It was glasses on, hood up, then I tried glasses on, hood down.”

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Luke: Laughing and saying “Oh, man!”

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Luke: “Listen to the children when you’re playing Minecraft, bro.”

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Luke: Luke doing his Australian accent again

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Luke: “No.”

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Luke: “Oh, man!”

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Luke: Rudy had Luke’s microphone popper stopper in her mouth

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Luke: “Rudy, you got my popper stopper?”

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Luke: “That ain’t how God drew it up!”

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Luke: “To re-devil’s advocate your devil’s advocacy”

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Luke: “You don’t get that kind of ‘P’ pop sound”

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Luke and Andrew: “Carey, this morning, said something that totally blew my mind, and how did I not realize that, which was… I don’t love you anymore. That, I’d known for, you know, a good two years.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Eating some pasta. Pasta? I love pasta. I love pasta with a corn tortilla. I can’t even say right, or wrong.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I leave it your capable hands there podkiss sidekick, podcast sidekick. (Thank you, I’m also podcast…) How about, how about ‘Podcast Sidekicked’? Ooh, I like it!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke is obsessed with celebrities that wear baggy clothing

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Luke and Andrew: “My fear is that if I let fast food breakfast into my life, it will never leave. (Yeah. Yeah.)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Now, I’m getting to be both negative and snobbish (Mmm-hmm)”

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s it, bro? That’s, that’s it, bro!”

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Clips From TBTL #1939

Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: “Keep walking, bro!”

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Andrew: “Listen to what you want to listen to. Listen to your Throbbing Gristle or your 1940s swing music, or whatever it is.”

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Andrew: “Yeah.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew’s research showed that Kanye West did not die

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Andrew and Luke: “Dark Wings, Dark Words. Indeed.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Do you ever stare into windows? I… Heh-heh… I don’t mind a good outside looking in situation.”

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Andrew and Luke: “See, I listen sometimes. I appreciate, I appreciate your careful attention.”

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Luke: “And I was kind of walking around this community, just trying to find the right place to masturbate… No.”

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Luke: “Coming to you today, from Burbank Springs, Washington”

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Luke: “Heh-heh.”

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Luke: “How much asbestos is too much asbestos? There can’t be too much asbestos. That’s right, it was a trick question.”

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Luke: “I will say this, when it comes to staring out windows, I wrote the fucking book on staring out windows, Walsh. It’s probably 90 percent of what I do.”

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Luke: “I’m no Bob Vila, but… Although, I’m gonna start hosting a show called ‘This Old Hut’, which I think has a lot of promise.”

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Luke: “I’m not the Cruise Director!”

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Luke: “Listen to the kids, bro!!!”

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Luke: Luke will start greeting Andrew with “Listen to the kids, bro!!!”

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Luke: “Oh!”

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Luke: “Probably not going to catch me building an old Nintendo controller or whatever, on a new computer… program… game.”

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Luke: “Really?”

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Luke: “So, I’m a big window starer-outer”

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Luke: “Talking like bolts. I’m watching some straight up lightning bolts in this mug right now.”

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Luke: “That, you know, whole thing where if you are flying the jet and you go through a flock of seagulls. Well, you’ve got a dead 80s band on your hands.”

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Luke: “We’re about to Friendr your ear-balls everybody”

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Luke: “What you don’t understand, Andrew, is I am a god.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew’s fractured and splintered personalities and psyches

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Luke and Andrew: Rule Number 5: Urinate in every corner

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Luke and Andrew: “Things are looking up here at Burbank Springs, my friend. How’s Carey feeling? Haven’t talked to her in days. She’s been locked in the bathroom. Yep.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Wait a minute. You can get a bird to land on your arm, and then you can get to go off, and do shit, and come back to you. And, it wears a little leather helmet? Yes, please. Dark Wings, Dark Words. Indeed.”

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Clips From TBTL #1938

Andrew: “A little bit”

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Andrew: “Ah!”

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Andrew: “Alright, I get it. Just call Stu. I’m done.”

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Andrew: “As a fellow person who has constant pain in his chest, I think we can get through this together.”

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Andrew: “I am woefully under-caffeinated”

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Andrew: “I just heard about you guys for a while, now I want to talk about me for a second.”

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Andrew: “I mean, I don’t know a lot about geology or weather, so I’ll just leave it there.”

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Andrew: “I wanted him to be my friend!”

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Andrew: “I would have been flipping my ‘S'”

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Andrew: “I’m in a weird place, by the way. I’m in a really weird place.”

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Andrew: “If I’m getting at anything, which is doubtful!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “My name is Barney Rubble and I’m here to say, I love Fruity Pebbles, in a major way.”

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Andrew: Sighing and saying “Oh-la-la” like Ed Hume

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “That is, in-fucking-furiating to me. Sorry, sorry. Excuse the language.”

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Andrew: “That’s, that’s the way it be.”

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Andrew: Whispering “Snohomie”

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Andrew: “You know me well, and you also know how to run a talk show.”

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Andrew and Carey Burbank: Andrew wants to in Luke and Carey’s pool house

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Andrew and Luke: Luke laughing at Andrew saying “Oh-la-la”

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Luke: “And I was just all day, like living in a Mervyn’s commercial. Where I was like ‘open, open, open, open’.”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: Describing a crazy, flashing disco light

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Luke: “Ha-whaaaaaaaat?!?!”

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Luke: “I’m on your… I’m on your host!”

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Luke: “I like big stories and I cannot lie.”

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Luke: “I like… I like big cups and I cannot lie, Andrew.”

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Luke: “I’m also on a lot of coffee.”

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Luke: “One of these random dudes is trying to bust into the bathroom to find whatever freebies are in there. And, all he’s going to find is a nose full of something bad.”

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Luke and Andrew: “This new house, man, Burbank Springs (Right). Like, attitudes and latitudes, bruh. No shoes, no shirts, no problems. Right, right, right.”

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Luke and Andrew: Women Can Be Inspectors Too

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Luke asks Carey how her stomach feels

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Clips From TBTL #1937

Andrew: Andrew thinks “FOMO” stands for “Why The Face”

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Andrew: Awesome Laugh

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Andrew: Awesome Laugh #2

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Andrew: “Be chill, bro.”

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Andrew: “But I’ll betcha there are a lot of rollercoasters, that I… I’m sorry. My guess is that there are a lot of rolly-coasters that I have gone on in the past that I no longer have the gumption to go on.”

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Andrew: “Come on man, I have some dignity. I’m not sitting in a rental car in a parking lot. I’m sitting in my step-mom’s car in a parking lot.”

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Andrew: “I listen to your blog!”

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Andrew: “If you told that whole story, building up to that punchline, worth it.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing #3

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Andrew: Laughing “Oh my God”

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Andrew: Pretzels and Beef Jerky Equals Shame

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Andrew: “We’re school and chums!!! [sic]

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew wants “I listen to your blog!” on his tombstone

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Andrew and Luke: “I don’t know what kind of car it is. It’s got a little ‘H’ symbol on the steering wheel, so I think it might be a Hyundai, or a Honda. Yeah, it’s probably a Hyundai. Yeah, so that’s it. Alright, well, good show. That’s all I got.”

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Andrew and Luke: “I said ‘We’re school and chums!!! [sic]‘ Ooh, you know what? That’s on fleek. I told you!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I want that on my tombstone (Yes).”

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Andrew and Luke: “Thank you. (Sure.) I appreciate it.”

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Andrew and Luke: “That’s why we need designated tweeters. (I know.) You know what, friends don’t let friends tweet drunk.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Yeah, so that’s it. Alright, well, good show. That’s all I got.”

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Luke: “As they say ‘elevator pitch’ or at least ‘elevator description’ of how an elevator works. So…”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Cuyahoga Clam

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Luke: “Good luck with your living hell tomorrow.”

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Luke: “What kind of whip are you in right now?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Because, I was like, I gotta be somewhere where there’s shiny things happening on a flat screen and other humans.”

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Luke and Andrew: Boulders: Brick and Mortar vs Amazon Prime

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Luke and Andrew: Millennium vs Millennial Force Rollercoaster

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Luke and Andrew: “This is being recorded on Sunday, because tomorrow you’re gonna be crapping your Depends at Cedar Point. Right.”

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Luke and Andrew: “You don’t have to tweet every single thing you observe, Burbank. That’s what the podcast is for. If you told that whole story, building up to that punchline, worth it.”

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