Clips From TBTL #2739: No Point Conversion

Andrew: Funny laugh

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Andrew: “Goddamnit!”

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Andrew: “I recorded the post-game show; cuz, I wanna hear people bleed later”

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Andrew: “It is so freaking weird!”

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Andrew: “Lemme just end that analogy there; because, that was a stupid thing to say”

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Andrew: “The Devil in New York said, ‘Ha-ha-ha!!’ and, like, twisted the little ends of his moustache”

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Andrew: “What the hell is with ‘God friended me’!?”

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Clips From TBTL #2739

A listener performed a song about a white crew cab truck based on the classic “White Christmas”

Listener: Singing “White Crew Cab” to the song “White Christmas”

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Andrew: Beeping and booping along with the “TBTL Bragging News” drop

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Andrew: “Go get that… mother-tooter”

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Andrew: “I actually think he protests too much”

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Andrew: “I think I just kept stamping”

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Andrew: “Keep Stampin’… The Andrew Walsh… Guide to Life After Fifteen”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Luke… you can probably fly shirtless”

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Andrew: “Mole Country for Old Men”

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Andrew: Mumble singing “Bang the Drum All Day” to the Mellow Hold Music

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Andrew: Saying “We don’t celebrate birthdays in this house” in a gruff manner

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Andrew: “We’ll be with you… in… just… one… moment… sir”

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Andrew: “You know what I look like, right? Can you picture my face? Can you just close your eyes and picture my face for a moment, since we’re not in the same room?”

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Luke: “Call it, friendo!”

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Luke: “Consider me… dazzled… by that detail!”

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Luke: Cute laugh

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Luke: “I literally just like… warged out of my body right then. I don’t know why!”

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Luke: “I say that as a person who does not have… a… a… bun in any ovens… that I know of!”

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Luke: “I was busy getting people pregnant”

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Luke: “I’m such a weirdo”

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Luke: “Known for his drawing of tall ships, their grace… and their… majety… Majety? Can that be a word?”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “My body is a hurtin’ unit today, by the way”

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Luke: “Okay, fine. We’re doing this now”

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Luke: “Rudy, it’s October 1st! A blessed Trucktober… to you and yours!”

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Luke: Saying “Shoot… the glass” in a Sean Connery-like manner

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Luke: Singing “Amazing grace” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Well, we know what your second book is gonna be called… Go Get That Mother-Tooter… Life After Thirty”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew having a good laugh while Luke is reading a bit about Smokey Bear and gender being a social construct

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Luke and Andrew: Luke thinks “gender reveal” parties should be called “sexual organ reveal” parties instead

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