Andrew: Cracking up while saying ‘Why is it… Why is it a war? This is literally the best tape we’ve ever played”
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Andrew: “Do you know that Genevieve is… using our dark place… to make… vanilla extract?”
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Andrew: “Freakin’ amazing”
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Andrew: “Hashtag… BonVoy”
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Andrew: “Honk! I’m outta here!”
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Andrew: “I don’t wanna say my dream; because, I don’t think I had dreams growing up”
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Andrew: “I’m having a panic attack”
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Andrew: “I’ve been thinking about this a lot… going from, you know, just… BonVoy hopping”
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Andrew: “It was ass-side up”
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Andrew: Laughing
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Andrew: “Oh, it’s all behind us. We’ve done it all!”
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Andrew: Quietly saying something
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Andrew: “Taint my wagon”
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Andrew: “The zoo is ripshit”
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Andrew: “They were disboarding de plane”
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Andrew: “Wait a second, wait a second… what don’t you understand about that?”
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Andrew: “What did we see?”
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Andrew: “What have I done? What have I done?”
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Andrew: “When they come after me with a pickle, I gotta come back at them with a pickle”
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Andrew and Luke: “Seattle has been great to me. Seattle has really scratched my… my, my urban itch. Your tootsie itch? Let me see your tootsie itch”
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Andrew and Luke: “This was like a… a tinderbox of misbehavior that just did not go up! Yeah. Terrible phrase. Goddamn!”
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Luke: “Are you kids still doing your hip-hopping down in the basement? Because, it’s almost time for snacks”
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Luke: Clearing his throat
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Luke: Clearing his throat #2
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Luke: “Desplaning”
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Luke: “Honk!!”
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Luke: “I like New York Andrew”
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Luke: “I smell a tweet”
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Luke: “I’m sittin’ here!”
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Luke: Singing “Let me see your tootsie itch”
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Luke: “Slow down and smell the roses, lady!”
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Luke: “T’ain’t misbehaving”
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Luke: “Take a drink when Luke says ‘Colleague'”
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Luke: “The look on Andrew’s face is one of just… the delight of a child”
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Luke: “We’ve made it to the apple… that never sleeps”
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Luke: “Yeah. What a maroon!”
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Luke and Andrew: “Clean up on aisle Q&A… Clean up on episode three-thousand”
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Luke and Andrew: “People are gonna be… dying for garbage talk when I get done with printer talk. Technically, this is kind of garbage talk”
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Luke and Andrew: “Real polite, FedEx!! (Right)”
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Luke and Andrew: “This… BonVoy coffee is really getting to me… (Mmm-hmm) Can we just stop down?”
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Luke and Andrew: “Towing a motorcycle… ass over tea kettle… (Yeah) as the speedometer boinks along Atlantic Avenue”
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Luke and Andrew: “What did you think about that tow job on that motorsickle? [sic] Whoa!”
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