Clips From TBTL #3141

Andrew: “Hard ‘chuh’ [ph] or a soft ‘shuh’ [ph]

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Andrew: “I hate to keep doing this; but, am I… What is that from? Is that old? Is that new? Did I say that yesterday?”

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Andrew: “I think I just canceled you”

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Andrew: “I was such a naïve baby!”

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Andrew: “I, I, like, wake up halfway through TBTL every day”

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Andrew: “I’m thirsting for the opposite, maybe”

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Andrew: Saying “No! I don’t wanna talk about things that are popular until they’re… old and tired!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Somebody was strangling a goose”

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Andrew: “Terrible… setup. Just terrible delivery”

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Andrew: “This will explain to you just how, I think, naïve I am”

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Andrew: “Usually, when you spa–when you give me space, it either means that I said something ridiculous, that you want somebody to cut out so you can re-use to make fun of me later… Or, you th… I, I’m mumbling and stopping talking abruptly; so, you think we’ve lost the line again”

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Andrew: “We didn’t hit it while it was hot; we hit it while it was coagulating”

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Andrew: “Well, I… had made a vow not to talk about this show on this show”

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Andrew: “Well… I’m over here in… Chi-attle; so, what do I know”

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Andrew: “What are you going to do if you smell a stinky smell now? How are you gonna plug up your nose without a clothespin?”

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Andrew: “Why are you cavorting with these folks?”

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Andrew: “You and I are… are man-childs”

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Andrew and Luke: “Pain points, Luke. We’re talking about pain points here (Uh-huh)”

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Andrew and Luke: “That’s me, man… That’s me. (Yeah) Like, I sit in my kitchen… and, the first thought is often, ‘What an idiot'”

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Genevieve Haas, Andrew and Luke: “O-negative is the most valuable type of donated blood; because, anyone… anywhere can receive that type of blood… Hmm. Interesting… So, it’s kinda like batteries (Okay) with the… positive and negative… It’s nothing like batteries”

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Luke: “I did it in the kitchen”

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Luke: “I know the listeners won’t care; but… again, this is really not about them… It’s about… it’s about two bros bro-ing it up”

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Luke: “I wanted to do it in the kitchen; because… one, it would be easier to clean up”

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Luke: “It’s real un-Jan-y valley”

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Luke: “Man, tomorrow sucked”

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Luke: Saying “Turned out… they were talking to me” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Throw me some beads! I wanna be on TV!”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s (I’ll help) a matryoshka doll… of boringness… (Yeah) And, I’m the tsar”

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Luke and Andrew: Saying “And, they’re just a maniac… doing this… to punctuate… almost… every… (Yeah) word (Yeah)” with Luke dinging his bell along with almost every word

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