Clips From TBTL #3150

Andrew: “Do you know that I’m proud of myself? This is a ridiculous thing to be proud of”

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Andrew: “How about that!?”

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Andrew: “My memory is so bad!”

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Andrew: “Oh… absolutely! But, it will be… real dirty”

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Andrew: “So that the tip of your knife is up by the booty”

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Andrew: “That booty is keeping everything together”

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Andrew: “The tip of the knife is up by the booty; and, you’re keeping the booty’s keeping everything together”

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Andrew: “Well, I’m no Roy Donk”

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Andrew: “Would you enjoy chomping into a strawberry? Would ya eat a bunch of grapes?”

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Andrew: “You like it better than the butt”

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Listeners Avi and Marissa: Singing “We Got to Give People Their Space”

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Luke: “I’m just eating whatever the bleep I want”

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Luke: Singing “I lay tae ate… eigh(t) apels an(d) bay-nay-nays [ph]

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Luke: Singing “I like to eat… eight apples and bananas”

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Luke: Singing lyrics to Björk’s “Human Behaviour” to the theme of NPR’s On Point

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Luke: “What the actual heck?”

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Luke: “Why does everything have to be so rock and rolled up?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Lotta booty talk? Lotta onion booties in there”

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Luke and Andrew: The butt, the root, the ass and the booty of the onion

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