Clips From TBTL #3167

Andrew: “And, I know I’m taking it back to a place that the listeners are… done with!”

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Andrew: “Andrew, you’re being a child!”

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Andrew: “Baking Splenda! I got baking Splenda!”

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Andrew: “How did I mess that up too?”

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Andrew: “I can’t! I can’t, dog!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know what to do. I guess it lives there now”

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Andrew: “I had to… glop around a lotta mayonnaise”

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Andrew: “I have a lot of dream stuff”

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Andrew: “I’d love to eat too many hot dogs!”

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Andrew: “I’m… taking a shame holiday”

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Andrew: “In fact, she started listening much more than I did. No offense… Some offense”

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Andrew: “It was a goddamn tick!”

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Andrew: “It wasn’t me just playing in the mayonnaise space”

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Andrew: “Reunition [sic] to remix?”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m gonna milk this for all its worth” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Weird!!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Snore it down, America!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “The theme of the ‘thon”

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Andrew: “This is problematic… that it’s breaking off; but, whatever!”

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Andrew: “Uh… Ooh… You go… No, you go… Alright… It was good to have you as a stu… Okay… Great”

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Andrew: “What the hell is going on, Em Bot!?”

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Andrew: “Would you allow… a little bit of dream talk here at the top of the show?”

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Andrew: “Yeah; and, it says one of the symptoms to look out for is… if, after several days, you start talking weird!!”

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Andrew: “Yeah; and, it says one of the symptoms to look out for is… if, after several days, you start talking weird!! Sorry. What a strange joke that was… and, just awful… for everybody”

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Andrew: “You see none of my flesh in this picture”

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Andrew: “You’re doing it wrong!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You’re jibbered, I’m jabbered… (Yup) Let’s get at ‘er’d”

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Luke: “Believe me. After, like, my fourth shot of whiskey, it was a blur!”

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Luke: “I was reading an e-mail message from the other… Andrew Walsh. Siri… relax”

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Luke: “I’m gonna milk this for all its worth”

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Luke: “I’m not gonna give that a ding”

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Luke: “Luke Burbank… I’m blown away. You found me”

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Luke: Saying “Whooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Singing “Good job with that banana painting”

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Luke: Singing “Ground Control to Andy Warhol”

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Luke: “Take that, populism!”

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Luke: “Talk about tick talk!”

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Luke: “The longer I nap, the worse the waking up is”

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Luke: “What’s wrong with you?”

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Luke and Andrew: Singing “Two Dougs… Dougin’ it up! (Dougin’ it up!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “This one would have fizzled; but, it didn’t… (Mmm-hmm) It’s fazzling… It’s a fazzling fetail?”

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