Andrew: “All of a sudden, it is like mustard gas in the whole room again!!”
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Andrew: “And, I think if somebody farts in the movie, you smell it in the theater”
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Andrew: “And, like, I’m just talking to you, having a grand ol’ time, and, just now, moments ago… the room just filled with a stench!”
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Andrew: “Anywhoozle”
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Andrew: “But, he is gassing up the place!”
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Andrew: “Chalamoo? [ph]“
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Andrew: “Goddamnit, Theo!”
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Andrew: “Good evening. Today, our top story is: my cat has gas”
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Andrew: “He’s just sleeping and farting!”
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Andrew: “I kinda don’t wanna blow it all here”
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Andrew: “I think Madonna was in one of my dreams last night”
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Andrew: “I walk into my, into my studio and… it reeks!”
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Andrew: “I was with you… the other day… pizza face”
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Andrew: “I’m gonna do something… really stupid here”
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Andrew: “I’m sorry I’m destroying this show, earnestly”
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Andrew: “Luke, know your place”
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Andrew: “Not cool, man!”
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Andrew: “Old farty Theo is now awake. So, now, that’s gonna lead to screaming, probably, that the mic will pick up. Sorry about this”
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Andrew: “Shit. That sounds good, though”
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Andrew: Singing “Dune-tune! [ph]“
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Andrew: Singing “Just gonna play me a Squid Game”
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Andrew: Singing along with the Blursday song’s funky bass
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Andrew: “Today is the day that I start staring down that newsletter deadline”
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Andrew: “Well, I’m about ready to do something karmically bad here”
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Andrew and Luke: “Get that nose ring, it’s a bones day! That’s right!”
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Luke: “But, also, terrified that people were gonna think… I had… the ‘rona”
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Luke: Singing “Somewhere in my wicked childhood, I must’ve done something good… Cuz, here you are, standing there, loving me; whether or not you… should”
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Luke: Singing “Yeah, we fancy like Applebee’s on a date night”
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Luke: “That tail really wags this dog, dudn’t it?”
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Luke: “Timothée Chablagoo [ph] has been dead the entire film”
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Luke: “Your actor’s new name is: Chablagoo, Chablagoo [ph]“
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Luke and Andrew: “I’m giving you 2 Pinocchios for that. Oh, no!”
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Luke and Andrew: “That’s my second spicy take for the day. I’m gonna try to out-spicy Theo today, if I can. (Yeah, please… Cover it up)”
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Luke and Andrew: “When you start whispering about… tummy troubles… that’s a Top Story to me. Okay”
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