Clips From TBTL #3297

Andrew: “And, so, I’ve… got a combination of drool and cat hair… all over myself”

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Andrew: “Bryan is a flat circle”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I have no beef with Traverse City”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if I can answer this question… And, I don’t wanna be super heavy about it”

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Andrew: “I think he’s having a bad brain day”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna kill this guy”

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Andrew: “I’m not saying the word; because, it’ll come back to haunt me. You’ve… really gotten in my head there”

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Andrew: “It’s pronounced, ‘Dee-chela’ [ph]

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Andrew: “Lumen… Lu-men… Illumen… Illuminati… Keep an eye out, people”

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Andrew: “My first job was in Concord, New Hampshire; but, it was close to Boston. So, I’d go down there all the time… I had a lady there”

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Andrew: “Oh, how 2020 can it get?”

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Andrew: “She’s a happy, funky, spunky, turkey of a teen”

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Andrew: “Snarky McFarty”

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Andrew: “That’s his only dream?”

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Andrew: “The Burbank and the Pea Syndrome”

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Andrew: “We broke you with this segment”

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Andrew: “What a horn-ball Tina is”

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Andrew: “Wiki-pity-a”

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Andrew and Luke: “I am firing things and, and running a board, and doing various things. It’s not… (It’s a very physical job) Yeah, it’s… Alright. Alright… Snarky McFarty”

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Luke: “I am falling apart here!”

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Luke: “I got a call from the Couch guy”

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Luke: “My Couch is gonna be here… any… moment”

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Luke: Singing “Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack, all dressed in black, black, black”

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Luke and Andrew: “I got a call… from the couch guy… (Mmm-hmm!) Not the Couch guy… the couch guy (That’s Couch Street you’re referring) Yes, that’s right (You’re referring to Couch Street; which is also in Portland) Yes”

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Clips From TBTL #3296

Andrew: “And, I don’t know if USB-C can convert to HDMI; and, that is the coolest sentence I’ve ever said!”

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Andrew: “And, sure as shit, man”

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Andrew: “Cornering you on the xenophobia”

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Andrew: “Digi-tahl [ph]

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Andrew: “Digi-tahl! [ph] Digi-tahl? Future… Digi-tahl”

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Andrew: “I’ll, I’ll ding it”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna say something… a little controversial here at the beginning of the show, Luke!”

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Andrew: “Oh my God! Is this cable talk?”

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Andrew: “The ‘X’ in Xfinity is for ‘xeonphobia'”

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Andrew: “This isn’t my first Xfinity rodeo, you know”

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Andrew: “What is with you, Walsh?”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s just, like, so long and… (Mmm-hmm) forever taking!”

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Luke: “Also, I’ve lost a lot of blood this morning; so… I dunno where this is gonna go”

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Luke: “Because of their extreme… squareness”

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Luke: “Cornering Luke on the xenophobia?”

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Luke: “Couch”

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Luke: “Give me the Gould. I want the Gould. Give me the Gould”

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Luke: “I love it when you do it right therr, right therr [ph]

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Luke: “I swangled by”

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Luke: “Nope… Fifteen dollar set of Cuisinart knives is plenty sharp for Burbs”

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Luke: Saying “I was born in this” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Scar-Crow”

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Luke: “This is what happens, everybody. This is real. This is the sausage”

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Luke: “Those are all the Goulds I got”

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Luke: “What kind of, what kind of cable vibrations are you getting?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I mean, would you consider this premiocre? Oh, on a good day”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m the reason! (I’m paying for your sins, you son of a gun!)”

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Clips From TBTL #3295

Andrew: “Boy, so many professors I don’t like!”

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Andrew: “Good morning, Luke. I found myself in a bit of a pickle here”

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Andrew: “Have you been… slightly insulted by somebody walking the wrong way in a one-way grocery store aisle? Call me, Andrew, at the offices Walsh, Walsh and Doormat… We are… We practice petty law”

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Andrew: “I do things! I do things!”

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Andrew: “I have never even considered the fact that Ch… be written in… anything other than in all caps, right?”

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Andrew: “I mean, that can break someone!”

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Andrew: “I’m a fish now”

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Andrew: “I’m often carefully slicing tubed meats lengthwise these days”

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Andrew: “Just a blackhole of interestingness”

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Andrew: “Just got a Chunt pick”

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Andrew: “Putting ‘Hugh’ between two Ws is though”

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Andrew: “You wouldn’t have a pot to soup in”

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Luke: “But, today, I think I’m, I’m in the zone, everwody; [sic] and, we are… Everywody? There’s an irony to saying ‘I’m in the zone, everywody’… that is not lost on me”

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Luke: “I don’t have any Chunt pictures, thankfully, in there”

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Luke: “I feel real radio-ish… here; because, I’m standing”

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Luke: “Lower case ‘chunt’ feels… dirty”

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Luke: “”

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Luke: Saying “Why do you make chicken soup without the chicken…” as Jiminy Glick

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Luke and Andrew: “Louis! Louis!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Would you like me to set up a Wikipedia page… (I’d like to see you try) for you? I mean, you’ll have to log into your fantasy football app first… Let’s start with that”

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Clips From No Point Conversion 2020-11-16

Andrew: “A muffed snap”

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Andrew: “How about this for some shit?”

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Andrew: “I have no idea how playoff stuff works… as a Browns fan”

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Andrew: “I said ‘morass’ again”

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Andrew: “This is… maybe literally the corniest thing… that I’ve ever said on the show”

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Andrew: “Unfortunately, he is… both winning and losing that competition”

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Andrew: “You are amazing, pigeon!”

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Luke: “Fuck that”

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Luke: “Lean on your good thing. Don’t lean on your bad thing!”

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Luke: “What… is your major malfunction, hot Jay Leno?”

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Luke: “You heard it here… That’s a stone cold… Burbank lock!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Peace and love to Steelers Nation… Nah! Or, or not”

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Clips From TBTL #3294

Andrew: “And, that’s the day I became a man”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Thank you”

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Andrew: Grunting as Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor

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Andrew: “I dunno why this was the day the dam broke”

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Andrew: “I’m done! I’m done!”

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Andrew: “I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore!”

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Andrew: “I’m trying to say ‘Hello’ to dogs with my eyes, (Mmm-hmm) in this way that does not make me sane”

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Andrew: “It’s so weird! It’s just so weird”

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Andrew: “Little draggin’ today… Not a dragon”

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Andrew: “Okay. These guys are really just… leaning into the grossness”

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Andrew: Saying “I was trying to go to a bad site during work” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Ohh!” in a cute, funny manner

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Andrew: “So, they watched you do it. It wasn’t like they were yelling because their balls went mysteriously missing”

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Andrew: “These are… boring-ass questions”

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Andrew: “What are you little monsters doing?”

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Andrew: “What’s going on with this… crazy person?”

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Andrew: “Who gives a shit, I guess”

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Andrew: “Why do you sound like Droopy Dog?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew went to instead of

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m trying to say ‘Hello’ to dogs with my eyes, (Mmm-hmm) in this way that does not make me sane”

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Luke: “Hey there!”

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Luke: “I think what we can… all agree on, is that I am… extremely good… at making marriages work”

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Luke: “I’m gonna have to fully invent a child… so I can buy these butt wipes; which, now, a baby will be deprived of”

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Luke: “I’m in the… like, a bubble of liberal elitism”

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Luke: “I’m not handling this well”

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Luke: “Luke Burbank… is crushing it… at staying married”

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Luke: “Save it for the No Point, Burbs”

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Luke: “Sleepless nights, huh?”

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Luke: “That hot, hot Tesh cont”

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Luke: “That’s a chaos that your muppet cannot handle”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hot, hot Tesh cont is not good… Lemme blow past that”

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Clips From TBTL #3293

Andrew: “All I’m saying is, all the legal shows… should be counted”

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Andrew: “Do other cultures go in for this bullshit?”

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Andrew: “I have strange memories that pop in my head”

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Andrew: “I think I might literally love him”

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Andrew: “I will check with my host”

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Andrew: Making a donkey braying sound

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Andrew: “Not the smartest bulb on the tree”

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Andrew: “That’s a power move!”

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Andrew: “Those guys got moves!”

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Andrew: “Ugh! What shitty broadcasters”

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Andrew: “Well, you should go directly to Hell for that; and, you should know it”

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Andrew: “What have I done?”

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Andrew: “Who’s sticking their hands in other people’s bowling balls?”

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Andrew: “Wow!”

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Andrew: “Yas, queen”

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Andrew and Luke: “This has really gone into the death of the newspaper industry… stories… Yeah, and the death of our podcast; (Something that is very…) which our listeners are hearing unfold in real-time… Yeah!”

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Luke: “And, then I Shazam’d it!”

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Luke: “Andrew, save me”

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Luke: Attempting to say “Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg”

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Luke: “Felt almost like sleet… was just… whapping me right in the face!”

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Luke: “God! What a baby!”

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Luke: “I mean, honestly… she was probably a… a great teacher before they had electricity”

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Luke: “I never even had a friend named Colin. He’d been dead for ten years”

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Luke: “I want you to shoot your shot!”

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Luke: “Indeed, queen”

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Luke: “It’s a Bob Dylan song, Andrew!!!”

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Luke: “Luke Burbank, man of God”

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Luke: Making a donkey braying sound

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Luke: “Oh, man… Stifle it, Burbs”

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Luke: “Portland, Ory-gone [ph]

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Luke: Singing “Monday, Black Monday”

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Luke: “Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts; and, keeping us in your direct deposits”

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Luke: “The longest running Coburg of the show”

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Luke: “The problem is… there is, there have definitely been counting errors that were not caught. This is before we… had… such a… carefully… careful team of, of listeners… One, in particular, I know really, kind of, keeps us on the right course”

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Luke: “There are some bugs”

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Luke: “Watermelons are the pumpkins of the summer”

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Luke: “What!? I didn’t get honored?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hot dogs are kind of the meat pumpkins… of (Don’t) the summer”

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Luke and Andrew: “How about you? When you said goodbye… on The Andrew Walsh Show… I must have listened to it. But, but, I’ve now forgotten… You were there, buddy. You were there… (I was there, physically!?) Yeah, I think so. A bunch of people were there”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke not so good at grammar

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Luke and Andrew: Luke plays the audio drop of Andrew saying “Wassup!” and Andrew is not pleased

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Luke and Andrew: Luke whistling, both saying “Gone Troppo” and Luke making a donkey braying sound

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