Clips From TBTL #3224

Andrew: “Ah, the weekend is when we mix energy drinks into our booze. Right, Andy?”

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Andrew: “Dad! No!”

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Andrew: “I always have… you know… spare jerky on my person somewhere”

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Andrew: “I am going to regret this question, I know I am”

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Andrew: “I call myself ‘Andy’ when I’m self-loathing”

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Andrew: “I live here, jerk!”

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Andrew: “It was a monster mash”

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Andrew: “No, no, no! No!”

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Andrew: “Pick that fucking bottle up!”

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Andrew: “Take it out!!”

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Andrew: “The logo looks like something you’d listen to, yeah”

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Andrew: “The things is, though, I’ve been, kind of… chasing the dragon of that evening ever since”

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Andrew: “Tie your bag next time!”

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Andrew: “What will this one do to me?”

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Luke: “Cruise the Volga”

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Luke: “‘I heard people call you B-Money’… I don’t think so”

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Luke: “Ro-butt? [ph]

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Luke: “This is… this is… why the listeners tune in… allegedly”

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Luke: “We just saw, ‘I, Ro-butt,’ [ph] foo’!”

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Clips From TBTL #3223

Andrew: “Don’t say… these things!”

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Andrew: “Ghrelin, hold my calls!”

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Andrew: “I was so worried about scratching too much”

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Andrew: “I’m such a Negative Nelly”

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Andrew: “I’ve had many a moments on the lips and many a lifetime on the hips with Shari’s Berries”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Makes me wanna scratch things and pull things”

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Andrew: “Makes me wanna scratch things and pull things. Eugh!”

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Andrew: “Not that I don’t appreciate those swizzles”

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Andrew: “Politics… sports and diet talk”

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Andrew: Saying “Change” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “These are human beings; and, this shouldn’t be our priority” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Weird!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Somebody went rogue!”

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Andrew: “Yes!”

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Luke: “I don’t know if that’s just water… that I’d been… that I’d been pee-peeing out”

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Luke: “It was just running right through me”

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Luke: Saying “I was just trying to be positive!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Is this a winner?” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Ricky Roma!” as Al Pacino

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Luke: Saying “Weird!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “You don’t open your mouth… unless you know the shot!” as Al Pacino

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Luke: “See if I can drop a couple of lbs… off of this LB”

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Luke: “Thanks a lot, dude!”

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Luke: “Thanks a lot… Bay Kitty”

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Luke: “This big, soggy baby in the White House”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke wants to carve out twenty minutes to talk about how he’s living inside his body and Andrew is confused with what Luke wants to talk about

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Clips From TBTL #3222

Andrew: “Big, beautiful, purple mug!”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Happy Blursday!”

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Andrew: “I actually wasn’t even trying to mess it up; and, then, I… messed it up”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna George R. R. Martin this”

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Andrew: “I’m just turning into the Stu-bot”

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Andrew: “Like, I like this idea of, of rebooting my own hard drive”

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Andrew: “Not only was I peeing in the dream… I was peeing someplace that I wasn’t supposed to”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m last minute and may not make it!” in a funny, drawn out manner

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Andrew: “That is red alert! That is Defcon P, my friend!”

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Andrew: “That’ll really make Rubbermaid jealous!” [ed: There seemed to be an echo or a loopback when Andrew said this]

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Andrew: “This is Macintosh… country!”

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Andrew: “Water bottle looking at me and they’re like, ‘What, what are you doing–What are you looking on… what are you looking there on your computer at, Andrew? What’s going on!?’ It’s nothing water bottle… Just checking out the competition”

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Andrew: “Water bottle looking at me and they’re like, ‘What, what are you doing–What are you looking on… what are you looking there on your computer at, Andrew? What’s going on!?’ It’s nothing water bottle… Just checking out the competition” (Edited)

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Andrew: “You’re not supposed to be peeing here!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey, Luke, do you wanna Blurs on a Thurs? Oh, yeah, man”

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Luke: “Because, it’ll be more embarrassing when I… fail spectacularly”

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Luke: “Isn’t that for technogeeks with spread…?”

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Luke: “Now, I feel… Somehow, you’ve managed to make me feel bad an inanimate object that lives in your house”

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Luke: “Okay. Hold on, hold on. Move over. Move over”

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Luke: Saying “Crash into us. Crash into us” as Onyx the Fortuitous

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Luke: Saying “I don’t like to mail FedEx… Maybe, that makes me bad” as Andy Rooney

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Luke: “This is rough on me right now not… peeing my pants”

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Luke: “Yes. It’s, it’s, it’s cursive… and, it’s… it’s just if you, you know, it’s like pornography… my mom’s done a lot of it”

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Luke and Andrew: “If you wanna take the rest of the show off, I can probably just handle it from here… What’s that?”

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Clips From TBTL #3221

Andrew: Drawn out “Ohh!”

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Andrew: “His resting steampunk rate”

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Andrew: “I assume that was the more popular one; but, I could be wrong. Could be wrong”

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Andrew: “I love swearing wrong. That is so great”

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Andrew: “i-RON cur-TAIN! [ph]

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Andrew: “If I hear one more second of my voice, I am going to jump off my roof”

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Andrew: “It’s only Wednesday, Walsh. Keep this shit straight”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “SexMonster69”

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Andrew: Singing “You had a bad day”

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Andrew: “We just want you to be normal; and, clearly, you’re not!”

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Andrew: “What a world”

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Andrew: “Whatever. Time doesn’t exist”

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Andrew: “You’ll know when we’re doing the tall ships”

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Andrew and Luke: “We just want you to be normal, Luke. And, clearly, I’m not”

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Luke: “It’s… becoming the… fodder… of my dreams”

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Luke: “Just fuck it up here”

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Luke: Saying “I don’t know” as Onyx the Fortuitous

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Luke: Singing “Hey, Kaylee… it’s your birthday”

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Luke: Singing “Just call me angel of the morning, baby”

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Luke: “They just want you to read the article; and, clearly, you didn’t!”

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Luke: “User5625721403459”

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Luke: “Ya think?”

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Luke and Andrew: “He may be best known for reminding Luke to do a Hey Dummies video… and, asking that he include lots of… grace and splendor… He’s best known… for getting other people to do his work”

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Luke and Andrew: “Notice me Hanks-y. Notice me (Exactly)”

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Clips From TBTL #3220

Andrew: “Absorbing all that… during, all your… face… grease during the night”

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Andrew: “Baking soda… I got baking soda”

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Andrew: “I have something to say”

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Andrew: “I think the trend of millennials have killed, fill-in-the-blank, has, kind of, gone by the wayside now”

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Andrew: “I’m just becoming a sticky monster”

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Andrew: “Not interesting, Walsh. Keep it back”

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Andrew: “Shit seeds”

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Andrew: “That’s not helpful, dude. I’m trying to do a podcast here and I’m trying to rip off your content… Give it to me straight!”

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Andrew: “Uhhh, I forgot about another one!”

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Andrew: “What broom do you want… or have?”

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Andrew: “Yeah, it’s a dishwasher. It’s… fucking great”

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Andrew: “Yeah. It’s called madness”

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Andrew: “You don’t have any napkins, Walsh”

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Andrew and Luke: “Like an (Sure) old-fashioned husband”

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Luke: “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips”

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Luke: “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips” (Edited)

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Luke: “(Baking soda! I got baking soda!) Baby!”

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Luke: “Cottage’s… [sic] dissonance”

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Luke: “Hey, man… Chill out!”

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Luke: “I’m fucked!”

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Luke: “Then… the voices get quieter for ten minutes”

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Luke and Andrew: Getting mentioned for the intentionally janky “I’m a podcaster and I care who knows it, baby!” drop that Luke played to introduce Andrew

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Clips From TBTL #3219

Andrew: “A moment on the lips… a lifetime full of quips”

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Andrew: “Have you heard of Dingfelder’s?”

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Andrew: “I was taking it to Boring Town is what I was doing”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna be a good boy”

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Andrew: “I’m used to your bullshit”

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Andrew: “It was mysterious and I didn’t know what it was; and, I loved listening to it”

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Andrew: Saying “But, they’re Chinese!” in a scary manner

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Andrew: “These are the weirdest earrings I’ve ever seen. Let’s see what they taste like!”

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Andrew: “To fight a watermelon, you gotta be a watermelon”

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Andrew and Luke: “Okay, so you do have, you have a password on your phone, right? (I don’t even know if I do, honestly) Oh, God… It’s annoying!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “To fight a watermelon, you gotta be a watermelon. Think (Yeah) like a watermelon and be a watermelon”

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Luke: “Does it really feel… like America is in chaos to you? Does it really feel like your personal safety is… being threatened? Are people marauding in the streets of Hood River, Oregon? Or… are you… drinking too much brain poison via FOX News?”

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Luke: “It’s annoying!!”

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Luke: “Let’s first take a moment to talk about… what we talk about when we talk about diet talk”

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Luke: “Mama Say Mama Sa Mama Coosa”

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Luke: “Mama Say Mama Sa Mama Coosa” #2

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Luke: “Mama Say Mama Sa Mama Coosa?”

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Luke: “Nothing tastes as good as being funny feels”

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Luke: “The B.L.A.T., hold the A”

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Luke: “The soggy-diapered President”

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Luke: “These don’t look like seeds I’ve ever seen before”

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Luke: “This some hippy-dippy shit; and, I know they’ll some bomb-ass fake meat… sandoozles for me”

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Luke: “This sounds very woo-woo”

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Luke and Andrew: “It was so… upsetting to me; that, I want… I wanted to start a riot… (Yeah) on these guys’s faces with my fists”

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