Clips From TBTL #3158

Andrew: “And, I don’t know how to pick one!”

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Andrew: “Good morning, Luke. Would you say that you got a… tan-meo?”

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Andrew: “How is this gonna impact my weekend?”

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Andrew: “I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m totally talking out… the wrong end of my body right now”

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Andrew: “I have to be careful not to be a total creep”

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Andrew: “I think I’m drinking soap”

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Andrew: “I was… stressed the other day… I was… stressed… out… the other day!”

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Andrew: “I will listen to that!”

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Andrew: “I’m going to go and watch it by myself in the bathroom or somewhere”

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Andrew: “I’m in a real Burbankian situation here”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Listen… I’m no Tanny Fauci”

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Andrew: “My… heart went a little bit a… pitter-patter”

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Andrew: “Oh my God. I’m the worst”

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Andrew: “Oh… here we go!”

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Andrew: Quiet “Oh, boy”

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Andrew: Singing “Rip-dip-da-lip-dip-dip-dip, it’s your birthday!”

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Andrew: “This is some of that famous TBTL nepotism”

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Andrew: “You have Chris Sullivan’s ‘Chokepoints;’ which, is just the… dirtiest sound thing! It’s so… filthy sounding to me!”

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Andrew: “You’re gonna go blind, Luke”

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Luke: “I made soup… Andrew. I made soup!”

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Luke: “I’m about to enter… the kill chute… of this Taco Bell”

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Luke: “Kinky, he used to… daddle the doots, right, on the, with the broken horn?”

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Luke: “So, I did have a bang-bang yesterday”

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Luke: “That was Tanny Fauci”

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Luke: “That’s the saddest salad I’ve ever heard”

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Luke and Andrew: “Because, I’m now using these free Nike socks to dab the… still considerable sweat coming off my brow… Oh, God! Does that gross you out?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke saying “No, it’s… more like Tanny Fauci” and Andrew laughing in a funny manner

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s just a meeting of two minds that are… beautiful. Yeah… Big… beautiful minds”

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Luke and Andrew: “Until then… please remember… there’s no… mountain that you can’t not… climb… And, happy birthday to Luke! Hey! Finally, it’s about me”

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Patricia Krentcil: “And, there is no mountain… too tall”

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Patricia Krentcil: “And, there is no mountain… too tall… at all… for you not to conquer”

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Clips From TBTL #3157

Andrew: “Ah; but, share them I will. Share them I will”

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Andrew: “And, then, that word just came out of my mouth”

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Andrew: “Definitely wanted to enter the leather daddy phase of my middle aged”

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Andrew: “Edible grease sponges”

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Andrew: “How do they know?”

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Andrew: “I didn’t land on Lynnwood, man. Lynnwood landed on me”

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Andrew: “I haven’t gotten on that train yet”

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Andrew: “I’m starting to wonder, man!”

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Andrew: “Middle-age maledom”

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Andrew: “My beard is a face hider”

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Andrew: “No, that was me acting!”

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Andrew: “Oh, the music’s out, Luke… The music is out!”

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Andrew: Saying “Hello, Luke!” in a high-pitched voice

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Andrew: “Smooth!”

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Andrew: “That is, like, my darkest memory of TBTL; and, you don’t even remember it, you jerk!”

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Andrew: “There will be talk of privilege”

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Andrew: “Well, God bless ’em for doing it”

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Andrew: “When the combination of the shame of your face meets the shame of your balding head”

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Andrew: “Whoa, that made it sound like Genevieve isn’t my family… Wait… Is Genevieve my family?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Are you linked to any pre-crimes right now? Constantly”

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Andrew and Luke: “We can see each other… (Yeah) More importantly, we can see ourselves. And, that’s where this Zoom thing really sucks, isn’t it?”

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Luke: “I ain’t doing that”

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Luke: “I’m also wearing running shorts that I split the… butt out of today”

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Luke: “It’s not a ‘Label Baby’!”

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Luke: “That’s… that’s the sketch-ball side of me”

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Luke: “You emerged from a human body somewhere… in Lynnwood”

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Clips From TBTL #3156

Andrew: “But, my Twitter’s weird”

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Andrew: “I do not like raccoon hands”

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Andrew: “I know where I stand”

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Andrew: “I’m really full of really bad opinions that I don’t have to share, recently”

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Andrew: “Low impact on the listeners, high impact on phones”

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Andrew: “My mouth wouldn’t make the… wouldn’t make the words!”

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Andrew: “Oh, goddamnit, Walsh!”

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Andrew: Saying “Luke” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “Shit be complicated”

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Andrew: “So, that takes out… Hüsker Dü, Mötley Crüe… and Queensrÿche”

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Andrew: “We are doing some stuff. We have some plans”

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Andrew: “Welp, I need that now”

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Andrew: “Yeah, the ‘but’ is very confusing there”

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Andrew: “You loved something… and, then, you didn’t love something. You actively… unloved something… And, then, you loved it again; and, it was a wild ride”

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Andrew and Luke: “Luke… Get what buddy? What?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Yeah! Yeah, the ‘but’ is very confusing there… Damnit. (Okay) Why didn’t you talk over that?”

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Luke: “Calirofrina”

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Luke: “I don’t know why my brain did that”

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Luke: “I feel like I am… highly suggestible… right now”

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Luke: “If I ever had a pet raccoon, I would make it wear mittens”

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Luke: “Luke… loved your comment. Luke unloved your comment. Luke loved your comment”

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Luke: “Now, that’s what I call metal-adjacent”

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Luke: “Now, that’s what I call sort of metal?”

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Luke: “That ‘but’ is the wrong word there”

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Luke: “Those ‘tallica guys”

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Luke: “Y’all, this guy’s crazy”

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Luke: “You suddenly realized… I was talking to you”

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Luke and Andrew: “Those ‘tallica guys seem… Those ‘tallica guys?!”

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Clips From TBTL #3155

Andrew created a montage of various drops that are done by cute kids with MGMT’s “Kids” playing in the background for Dazzling Donor Amy.

Montage of cute kid drops

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Andrew: “Banana gambler”

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Andrew: “By the way, I have a million verbal ticks”

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Andrew: “Don’t say anything about me! Just a disclaimer for Luke’s bullshit”

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Andrew: “I have the hottest of hot takes for you here at the top of the show”

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Andrew: “I’m not blow-hardin'”

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Andrew: Saying “Uh… Congressman? How do you… how do you think about the Earth?” in a nervous manner

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Andrew: Singing “I guess that’s why they call it, ‘The Metal'”

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Andrew: “Some of the stories you’re about to hear have been told before on this podcast”

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Andrew: “That’s how I spent my afternoon. Did you get anything done?”

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Andrew: “That’s not my worst verbal tick. I have a million bad verbal ticks. I don’t like to ‘tick’ them off here”

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Andrew: “This is Andrew’s… Weekend Observations”

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Andrew: “You should be flogged by… unripe bananas”

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Luke: “Baseball’s back, baby. How about that?”

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Luke: Drawn out “¡Drink-o de Mayo!”

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Luke: Drawn out “Whoa!”

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Luke: “Have you all gone insane? This is not good!”

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Luke: “I can see both arguments; because, I’m a big curtain-puller-backerer”

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Luke: Saying “Guess you would call it metal” in a high-pitched voice

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Luke: Saying “Warning… what you’re about to hear is gonna blow your mind. If you can’t handle it… get out of the kitchen, grandmama” and singing the opening to Metallica’s “Enter Sandman”

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Luke: Saying “Well, shit” in a funny, drawn out manner

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Luke: Singing “Banana Gamble” to “Mahna Mahna”

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Luke: “Warning… what you’re about to hear are a lot of stories that have been told… repeatedly over the years… Two white guys, with a lot of privilege, escape to the Los Angeles underground… If you can find them… Wait. Why did this become the A-Team intro?”

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Luke: “Warning… what you’re about to hear are a lot of stories that have been told… repeatedly over the years… Two white guys, with a lot of privilege, escape to the Los Angeles underground… If you can find them”

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Luke: “Warning… what you’re about to hear are a lot of stories that have been told… repeatedly over the years… Two white guys, with a lot of privilege, escape to the Los Angeles underground”

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Luke and Andrew: “God… Don’t do it, Burbs. (What?) Don’t do it… (Oh, talk about the doc?) Well… to talk… No. I can’t… Okay, quickly”

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Clips From TBTL #3154

Andrew: “Ask your doctor if you suffer from underlying sweatpants”

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Andrew: “Good to know that I am popping my Ps”

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Andrew: “I’m not sure; but, I do think I’m gonna talk like this, see?”

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Andrew: “It would’ve also freaked a lotta people out!!”

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Andrew: “Murder hornets”

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Andrew: Singing “Round here” as Adam Duritz

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Andrew: “The long… unnecessary buildup”

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Andrew: “Yeah, when I saw Secretariat won, like, that’s literally the only horse I could name!”

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Kid: Star Wars Talk

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Luke: “Boss Burbs”

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Luke: “Cuz, I like bad decisions, Andrew”

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Luke: “Hornet… Gabbard… 2020”

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Luke: “That was kind of a bang-bang”

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Luke: “The parts of my brain… that… release serotonin… when gambling is happening, they were releasing it”

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Luke: “These are bottle episodes, if you think about it that way… Each and every one of them is gonna make little sense and be mostly boring”

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Luke: “You don’t live in this time zone”

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Luke and Andrew: “Oh, yeah! Shit is weird (Mmm-hmm)”

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Clips From TBTL #3153

Andrew: “Big, beautiful, purple balls”

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Andrew: “Friendships are like a garden… they have these big, beautiful, purple balls”

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Andrew: “I guess he’s a Stipe-man… in this case”

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Andrew: “I know smart people, I know dumb people… I know where I, I… I know where I stand on that”

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Andrew: “If you are insecure, do what I do: add extra words… mix it up a lot, tell the story out of order, and make it as… unlistenable as possible”

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Andrew: “Let the fun begin”

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Andrew: “Not gonna lie. That’s a good damn joke”

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Andrew: “People… you know what to do here… You know… what to do here… Don’t make me threaten to quit again”

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Andrew: “There’s just a bunch of stuff… banging around my head”

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Andrew: “This thinking out loud is rough!”

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Andrew: “We’re getting down there, man!”

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Luke: “See, it’s not about races, just places. Faces. Where your blood comes from, is where your space is”

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Luke: “The Notorious L.T.B.”

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Luke: “Yeah, I wish I was… a better friend”

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Luke: “You wanna do this? Let’s do this. You wanna dance? Let’s dance”

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Luke and Andrew: “We need to recharge the self-esteem… in the Andrew Walsh. That is, I’ll pay a thousand dollars… to recharge the self-esteem (Well, it’s connected) in my good friend and co-bro Andrew. It’s connected to the… self-loathing clutch. So, I don’t know. You might want to just remove the belt”

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