Clips From TBTL #2602: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And I went to my teriyaki joint; and, I got on my scooter… and rode that thing like a bear on a motorized bicycle to the teriyaki joint”

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Andrew: “And, we also might’ve just burned a lot of… bridges… bridges of snottiness with that whole thing”

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Andrew: “Are you sure!?”

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Andrew: “Burburnk”

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Andrew: “Crunchy and beloved”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Awwwwwwwwwhh!”

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Andrew: Flat “What?”

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Andrew: Gen Xers and their inner Cthulhu

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Andrew: “Get your feet a-tappin’ and your hands a-clappin’, right?”

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Andrew: “Have you heard of this shit!?”

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Andrew: “Hmm… Hmm”

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Andrew: “Huh!!!”

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Andrew: “I dunno if I just hate fun… probably that”

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Andrew: “I heard no… ‘Huh!!’s”

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Andrew: “I like to push things to the point where they’re unlistenable. So, let’s just hear what happens. I’m just curious”

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Andrew: “I mean, I know you would. You’re game for anything; and, that’s why I like you”

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Andrew: “I mean… can you sp… spoil alert a comedy show?”

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Andrew: “I want to be excited. I feel like such a jerk for not being excited”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna go on another limb here; and, then, it’s gonna break beneath me; cuz, I think I should not be going on this limb at all. I think it’s totally a faulty limb”

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Andrew: “It makes me sound like I’m trying to be so random”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Let’s get me some personal space… in my face”

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Andrew: “Let’s just get really real here”

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Andrew: Making a funny, scoffing sound

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Andrew: “Power out”

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Andrew: “Really!!?”

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Andrew: Singing “KLM!”

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Andrew: “So, I’m not trying to make it sound like she’s a, a, an uninteresting blabbermouth”

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Andrew: “So, is it, is it a phoenix rising out from the Affleck?”

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Andrew: “Some weird, dumbass obsession of mine”

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Andrew: “This has been a fun show, by the way… Weird, but fun”

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Andrew: “This is gonna be rough”

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Andrew: “Umm, no”

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Andrew: “We’re having… Andrew issues”

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Andrew: “We’re having… Andrew issues. And, while we have Andrew issues on this show every day… the one thing you can… usually depend on me to do… (Oh, shit. Things are hard) is to re… is to record the dang show! Like, of all the stuff… that I do to ruin this show… not recording it, has never been on the list”

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Andrew: “You know, it could really set you up to either be a very, like, an independent-minded, free-spirit… strong… willed kind of… person with a lot of your own agency… or, it could just mean, you never got out of second grade. You died of swirly”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey, Luke… I have something very important to ask you… Alright”

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Clips From TBTL #2601

Andrew: “Amazon, add poison to Luke’s coffee”

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Andrew: Beeping and booping along with the Doogie Howser, M.D. theme

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Andrew: “Blocking out the haters, indeed!”

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Andrew: “Carey’s been lying about everything”

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Andrew: “Chlamydia! It’s so fun to say”

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Andrew: “Don-nahld [ph] Glover”

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Andrew: “Double indumbnity”

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Andrew: “Duuuuuuuuuh-Craig”

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Andrew: “Duuuuuuuuuhm-Craig”

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Andrew: “It’s the remix!”

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Andrew: “Let the listeners in our private lives even more”

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Andrew: “No!”

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Andrew: “Not all STDs! Just the fun ones”

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Andrew: “Oh, wow! Oh, God! I should have read this more carefully!”

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Andrew: “Okay. This might not be the best idea”

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Andrew: “Power out!”

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Andrew: “Sitch-ation [ph]

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Andrew: “STD! STD!”

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Andrew: “That sounds like work!”

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Andrew: “Well, think about it!”

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Andrew: “Ya wound me up with false accusations”

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Andrew: “You know, I hate being hollered at”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew got dark brown sugar instead of light brown sugar when asked to get brown sugar

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Andrew and Luke: “What are we gonna do Luke? What do you mean?”

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Luke: “Choose your own thought-venture. I used to love those books when I was a kid”

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Luke: “Duuuuuuuuuh-Craig”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Lewis!”

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Luke: “Oh my God, this would be so funny. Let’s just, like, fart into an envelope and mail it to Boston”

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Luke: “Ru-dog… do you want to be my napping mentor? Cuz, you seem to be a recognized world master”

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Luke: Saying “Hey, is this Dr. Feelgoods?” in a loopy manner

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Luke: Saying “I wish I had those bricks!!” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Sugar, sugar… how’d ya get so fly”

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Luke: “Sure… I’ll buy that for a dollar”

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Luke: “That, my friend… is classified”

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Luke: “That’s me!”

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Luke: “There are dozens of you. Dozens!”

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Luke: “This some… this some National Treasure shit”

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Luke: “Why am I going here? Why am I doing this? Stop!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Alexa… call the Cornell Library and have them digitize a Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers CD! Don’t take no for an answer, Alexa!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Alexa… play Rap’Sures… Samson and Deliliah! Wait, this is Public Enemy… Alexa, stop”

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Luke and Andrew: “Alright, what do you got for me, Walsh? Oh, God! I don’t even know”

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Luke and Andrew: “There’s a right way to rock; and, a wrong way to roll. That’s an important lesson to learn”

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Luke and Andrew: “Today, you actually… threw our name… in the hat, or our hat in the name; or, whatever, however that idiom goes. Yes, that’s how it goes… we threw our hat in the name”

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Clips From TBTL #2600

As I did with TBTL #2525, where I created an image that was related to the episode number, I took inspiration from the episode number #2600 and wanted to create something that was based on the Atari 2600 gaming console. So, I recreated a version of the Atari 2600, but replaced the switch labels, cartridge and the Atari logo with some TBTL-related phrases. It was done in Adobe Illustrator and used some generated effects to simulate the wood grain and some of the texture on the original console’s plastic parts. I sent an e-mail to Luke and Andrew requesting it to be used as a show picture for #2600 and if they could play “Pac Man Fever” as the song to end the show with. Well, the latter didn’t happen; but, what did happen was even better.

Luke and Andrew: Mentioning the TBTL/Atari 2600 image created for the show, Luke saying that the request was to talk as a musical robot and doing so

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At the very beginning of the show, the guys played a voicemail left by an unnamed listener singing her take of the “Samson and Deliliah” rap song that Andrew had been describing on the show. Also, there was a voicemail message left by the Stu-bot that was played towards the end of the show.

Listener: Singing a version of “Samson and Delilah” based on Andrew’s description of the original song

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Steve Neuman: Voicemail Message

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Andrew: “Ba-da-bop”

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Andrew: Boisterous laugh

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Andrew: Funny laugh

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Andrew: “Get at it, people!”

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Andrew: “Hello, Lurnk Burburnk!”

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Andrew: “I didn’t know that. I’m an idiot”

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Andrew: “I’m sorry, Lurnk. I’m sorry, Lurnk Burburnk”

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Andrew: “Just say it, Luke. You’re talking about me… I’m your Genece Brinkley”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Listen, Lurk [sic] Burburnk was in an airport… and, so, he decided to get a 2016 Playboy; that would surprise me certainly, if you did it”

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Andrew: “Make yourself at home… there are some Playboys there from 2004… Enjoy”

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Andrew: “Oh, first of all… any day… any day, I love The Burbs!”

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Andrew: “Rappity-rap”

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Andrew: Saying “Hello, Luke Burbank!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Saying “My name is Lurnk!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Somehow!! Somehow, it got us there”

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Andrew: “That’s how Car Talk formed!”

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Andrew: “The Zipster!”

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Andrew: “There are springs? Like, what the eff?”

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Andrew: “We watched the last five minutes of it, just enough to make me cry, when Ben Stiller says, ‘I’ve had a tough year, Dad'”

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Andrew: “What!?”

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Andrew: “What the what!?”

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Andrew: “Why do I feel guilty!?”

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Luke: “Anything that happens to me is interesting”

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Luke: “Buncanny valley”

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Luke: “Can we just… hard… hard… right… for just a quick moment?”

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Luke: “Have I told you, kind of, the whole Car Talk dealeo?”

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Luke: “He’s the Genece Brinkley to my Lurnk Burburnk”

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Luke: “I consider suspending disbelief a superpower. It’s one I don’t have”

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Luke: “It’s good to be back, everybody. I have no memory of yesterday’s program”

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Luke: “It’s so funny; because, what you’re describing… is a very… is a very me… way of looking at the world”

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Luke: “Known for his drawing of tall ships, their grace… and their… splendor… maybe? Sure, that sounds like a thing I say sometimes”

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Luke: “Let me take off my… Christian… rap… hat… and put on my ass-masking… woke… social justice warrior… pants”

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Luke: Making R2-D2-like sounds

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Luke: “My name is Lurnk Burbank. I’m your host”

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Luke: Saying “I’m sorry Linh that I forgot the deal we made” as a musical robot

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Luke: Singing “Rock me gently, rock me slowly”

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Luke: “That’s on them!! Let’s sell the sizzle, not the steak!”

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Luke: “That’s some ass covering”

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Luke: “Would you do me a kindness?”

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Luke: “You’re getting, you’re getting very Burbank on that”

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Steve Neuman: “Hey, dinguses!”

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Steve Neuman: “Rap air horn… rap air horn”

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Clips From TBTL #2599

Andrew: “And, this is… just gonna be another old man yells at technology cloud”

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Andrew: “And… from the… LB Elbow Foundation, reminding you to take care of your elbow”

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Andrew: “But, ever since then, I felt very ashamed about that”

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Andrew: “But, Maryland… is wack!!”

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Andrew: “Do you think you have brain cloud? Do you… are you familiar with brain cloud?”

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Andrew: “Don’t be a podcasting hero”

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Andrew: Faking an echo

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Andrew: “Good audio, Walsh!”

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Andrew: “Hey, speaking of… things I shouldn’t do the podcast; my apologies there… I broke the very first rule of podcasting… which was… I clicked on a Huffington Post link”

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Andrew: “Hold on a second. I lost you for a second here”

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Andrew: “Huh-uh!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this; but, Genevieve’s… but… but I’m going to”

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Andrew: “I don’t turn everything… you know, into… whatever, take it all the way to Negative Town”

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Andrew: “I don’t wanna… kinda repeat what I’ve said… a million times on the show already… because, that’s old Andrew”

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Andrew: “I dunno if this is big news, and… This is not big news… Don’t try to turn something into… turn nothing into something here, Walsh”

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Andrew: “I love it! I love it!”

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Andrew: “I think Virginia got a little hoggy!”

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Andrew: “In for a penny, in for a pound, right?”

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Andrew: “Is he Lurnking it up? Oh, he’s Lurnking it up again”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “God! I hope we don’t have any listeners who are listening for the first time today; because… you will realized that I am touched”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Let’s see if this… pays off”

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Andrew: “Ooh… you’re so strong”

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Andrew: “Panini!”

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Andrew: Saying “And, just dealing with life that way” in a desperate manner

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Andrew: “So, I’ve, I’ve hit the maybe button before”

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Andrew: “Supposedly”

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Andrew: “Supposedly” #2

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Andrew: “That’s Lucas the… Moo–Mucus”

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Andrew: “The Tobester”

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Andrew: “Things get small up there, my friend. Very small”

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Andrew: “Why, Wyoming!? Why do you have to take a chunk out of Utah?”

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Andrew: “Why… why… does Wyoming have to take part of Utah?”

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Andrew: “Wow! This is a game changer for me. Whoo!”

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Andrew: “Yes!!! Gag bags! Holy shit! Thought I was the… Archie guy”

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Andrew: “You know, Luke… I always thought it was”

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Andrew: “You’re turning into me. We can’t have two Andrews on the show. That’s the problem”

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Andrew and Luke: “Marma-Luke, (Marma-Luke!!!) get off the couch!! Ahhhhgghh! Marma-Luke thinks he’s people”

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Andrew and Luke: “See, you’ve slowed… your brain is now on Andrew level. We have, like, two Andrews hosting the show today; which, is just, we’ve never… we’re seeing shit we ain’t never seen before, my friend… Two Andrews, One Mic? Yep. Can that be a show title? Sure. Maybe. I dunno”

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Andrew and Luke: “This is… Ron Dante on lead vocals… for the Archies. Oh yeah, a Ron Dante do… I remember that. Yes”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “Did you just… send me a calendar invite to do the show?”

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Luke: “Geez, Louise, dog!”

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Luke: “God… Lurnk was really spaced out on Monday”

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Luke: “I didn’t hear that… HuffPo noise”

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Luke: “If you go to TMZ, you deserve whatever you get”

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Luke: “Lurnk and Learn”

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Luke: “No! Nobody needs to be worried. Everything’s a-okay”

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Luke: “Oh, no!”

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Luke: Saying “Heiner!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Singing “Even when I’m with my boo”

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Luke: “That was when I learned that New England is really just a state of mind”

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Luke: “The calendar doesn’t lie”

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Luke and Andrew: “Because, this is gonna make good radio (Oh, no)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Give him Lurnk’s e-mail address. I will… It’s

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Luke and Andrew: Luke asks Andrew if he would be okay with carrying the show if Luke couldn’t continue on

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Luke and Andrew: “One, was that I drove… to… the dentist appointment this morning… only to find out I didn’t have a dental appointment… What? Well… life… life is complication here in twenty… what are we in, twenty-eighteen? (Mmm-hmm. There’s no way to keep track of appointments) “

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Luke and Andrew: “Take that, brain fog! Yeah! Brain cloud… Whatever it is”

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Luke and Andrew: “The Walkman, the cassette… and the Archie comic is… one too many of those things (It’s one too many!)”

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Clips From TBTL #2598

Andrew: Clearing his throat

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Andrew: “Ehh, whatever… I’m done. I’m done with this damn conversation!”

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Andrew: Funny mumbling

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Andrew: “I mean, it took a week to not get a selfie, it’s gonna take a month to not get a video”

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Andrew: “I want, I want the show title to be… ‘Enough about me-sef, let’s talk about you-sef'”

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Andrew: “Is it a porno thing?”

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Andrew: Saying “Powerball” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Seems like… seems like bullshit to me”

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Andrew: Singing “Hanging in Detroit!”

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Andrew: Singing “Samson! Huh!!! Samson and Delilah!”

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Andrew: “What’s wrong with my brain?”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s too loud!! And, too specific?”

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Andrew and Luke: “No, (Yeah) I’m on my grind. (Yeah) No, you guys, (Yeah) I don’t want to (Mmm-hmm)”

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Andrew and Luke: Singing the “On The Media” theme

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Luke: “Come pick your dad up! He’s embarrassing your family!”

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Luke: “Coming to you from the… studios of Walsh, Walsh and Doormat, in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle, Washington… for now!”

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Luke: “Hey, man. You wanna see the studio? Send me a video”

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Luke: “I knew it was you!”

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Luke: “Ohhh!”

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Luke: “Power out!”

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Luke: Saying “The Powerball” in a menacing manner

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Luke: Singing “Ah, yeah!”

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Luke: Singing “Now hang me out to dry!”

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Luke: Singing “Now hang them out to dry!”

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Luke: Singing “Now wake me up inside!”

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Luke: Singing “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese”

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Luke: “The Internet is supposed to have the answer to everything”

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Luke: “This is how it starts! This is how it starts!”

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Luke: “Treat myself… Treat yo self”

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Luke: “Unh… unh… turn me up!”

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Luke: “Yeeeee-No”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, I’ll spare everybody my… Yousef impression. My famous Yousef impression. Good; so, this won’t be the last episode of TBTL. Great”

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Luke and Andrew: “Driver… (Right) deliver me to the location… and, I’ll be over here”

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Luke and Andrew: “He’s so sexually turnt… Don’t! (Maybe?)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Is that her nickname for you in the bedroom… her Android? Yeah… I’m her wireless earbud… That her nickname for me; it’s gross”

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Luke and Andrew: “Unh… unh… turn me up! Mmm-hmm… Turn the bass up. Turn my–No, seriously… who’s in charge of these headphones?”

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Clips From TBTL #2597

Andrew: “Awwwwww”

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Andrew: “Check this out!”

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Andrew: “Don’t ever do that again”

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Andrew: “Dour McSourface”

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Andrew: “Hey, no need to get aggra, bro!”

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Andrew: “I am the kid; and, I want somebody to do it for me”

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Andrew: “I dunno, man!”

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Andrew: “I got more boxes for us, baby!”

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Andrew: “It… Oh, no! Don’t do that! Wow. Calm down… Calm down!!!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Making a funny, unconvinced sound

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Andrew: “Mmmh? Mmmh!?”

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Andrew: “Now, you’re just pandering!”

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Andrew: “Oh, that’s right!”

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Andrew: “Really!?”

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Andrew: Singing a funny song

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Andrew: “That wasn’t a speed bump!”

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Andrew: “The box collector follows his own rules”

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Andrew: “Yeah!”

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Andrew: “You know, I was a v–I’m a very scared adult”

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Andrew and Luke: “I still don’t have a good answer to that… Me neither”

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Andrew and Luke: “That whole world scares me. The future is now! Didn’t you hear Common at the beginning of the show? I thought that was me”

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Andrew and Luke: “Yeah!! Yes! (Yeah)”

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Kristina Lopez: Saying “Augie… I don’t know how many times I gotta tell you… but, you can’t be comma uppy here asking me about dates. This is my place of work… I have to do my job” in a Bronx accent

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Luke: “Alright, hold on… Tina-T Meat Krissy-Kris”

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Luke: “And, by the way… sorry… I’m just gonna do this. You didn’t ask, nobody asked; but… just gonna talk about poker for five seconds”

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Luke: “Bye, everybody”

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Luke: “God, Andrew… these eyes! These old eyes!”

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Luke: “Goddamnit! I got Westworlded!”

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Luke: “I mean, I guess some people just don’t know that. Some people maybe haven’t clogged as many toilets as I have… not to brag”

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Luke: “I totally know them!”

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Luke: “If it’s good enough for Kars4Kids… it’s good enough for us”

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Luke: “My family calls me, ‘Big Meat'”

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Luke: “Nope!”

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Luke: Saying “They’re never gonna buy this cow” in a dour manner

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Luke: Singing “1-877-Kars4Kiki… K-A-R-S, Kars4Kiki!”

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Luke: “That is so adorable, and upsetting”

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Luke and Andrew: “But, a brave child! Don’t ever do that again”

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Luke and Andrew: “Dang it! We gave the… we gave the milk away! (Mmm-hmm) They’re never gonna buy this cow”

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Luke and Andrew: “I think that we should have Kiki’s Korner. Oh, shit!”

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Luke and Andrew: Singing a funny fanfare

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Luke and Andrew: Singing a funny fanfare #2

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Luke and Andrew: “We’ll see you tomorrow… Don’t go breaking our hearts; and, please remember: No mountain too tall; and, good luck to all”

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