Clips From TBTL #2590: Hanna Brooks Olsen (Plus One) Edition

Chris Hayes: Singing “Right Way To Rock” on a voicemail message

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “A rich manwich”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Criss-cross, applesauce”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Disgusted sound

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Doing her version of the “It’s Your Birthday” drop

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Funny Laugh

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Get this Quip commercial out of the way!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I get it. I get it!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “If you come to Seattle… come for the Space Needle, stay for the day-drinking”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “It’s true. My mom was a big Burbank-head”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Laughing

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Laughing #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds in the clear

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds in the clear #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making sad air horn sounds in the clear

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Oh, hey, Shippy”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Oh, yeah. That’s why they pay you the medium bucks”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Ooooh!!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “RIP BachCon”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Snorting

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Snorting #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “The drugs sound awesome!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Well, I mean, heaven forbid the other neighborhood kids find out you like butter… cuz, then you’re just ‘Buttery Andy’ for the rest of your life”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “What is that!!?”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “Can you smell the roast beef from over there? Yeah, no, it’s just… Yeah. You know, I just love my big beefy cheddar”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “I feel conned, though. How is that not… the name of a place where I could go, like… sew a little, (Right) a little doily and get a drink? Why is that not, like, a stitch and bitch location?”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “I’m really glad that that story (It was so great) was so cool; and, not like… they unrolled it, and it was… just a… an archaic dick pic”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “When I was… oh gosh… sixteen, seventeen years old, I had a job working as a barista… in Oregon… and… Good Lord! Stereotype!”

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Clips From TBTL #2590: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And, I have a quiz for you; that, I’m super psyched about. I spent more time… on this bullshit quiz today than, probably, anything I’ve ever worked on in my life… and, it’s probably not even that good! But, I’m very, very excited about it; so, you should tune in for that”

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Andrew: Andrew accidentally triggered the e-mail frenzy drop and said “Oh, no! I didn’t mean to play this one!”

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Andrew: “But, I’m telling you, we don’t necessarily need Luke… to have one helluva show today (With him out of the way, I think we’re just gonna be… 360 spins… and slam dunk pointers)”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Really”

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Andrew: “For some reason, I hope you don’t… I mean, this is different weird… I hope you don’t take this as an insult”

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Andrew: “I feel like I’m taking too long with this damn quiz”

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Andrew: “It belongs in a museum!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Less, less of a big sea turtle; more of a, like a daily podcast”

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine #2

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine #3

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Andrew: “Now… now who’s the fool; cuz, I can’t even pronounce the next words that are coming up”

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Andrew: “Oh, God! You’re never gonna babysit again!”

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Andrew: “Okay, this isn’t about you and your rant. This is about me and the chips on my shoulder”

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Andrew: “Or, whatever the fuck”

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Andrew: Quiet “Oh, God!”

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Andrew: Saying “Don’t… don’t belong here” in a Maine-like accent

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t wanna pay those movie theater prices” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, man!” right as Strong Bad says “Oh, man!”

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Andrew: “SongFacts dot… com!?”

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Andrew: “The bartender, who I might have, like, a tiny crush on; like… let’s just leave that aside”

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Andrew: “The youth scare me”

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Andrew: “Why am I being such a dick today!?”

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Andrew: “Yes… ma’am”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Alright, here we go. Why, wait, why is it… like a Mariachi quiz? It is kind of a… yeah, it’s kind of like… porn-iachi though, too. It’s kind of… That makes me a little uncomfortable as well… ¡Ay dios mío!”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “And, I remember the note being… probably a little bit… less… I guess, fulfilling then you would want. Cuz, it was a dick pic? It was… it was… from a child”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: Andrew saying “It’s both… It’s both!” and Hanna making air horn sounds

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Are you on roast beef? I mean, if that’s what the kids are calling liquor these days; then, yes”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “How is this possible!? I don’t know!”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I don’t know about you; and, I do not not want to speak for you. But, I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about all of the, kind of, new-fangled Seattle places that are popping up all over Ballard. Yes”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I love soup stories… it’s my stock and trade… (Yeah!) It’s my stock… and trade. Thank you! Okay, well, I’m gonna leave… I think we got this”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Or New Hamp…(Maybe it was New Hampshire)…shire”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Sunlight… is a son of a B, man. (Oh, it lets you know…) Sunlight will freaking kill you! (Yup)”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “You are a gross person (Yep)”

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Clips From TBTL #2589

Andrew: “Genevieve calls it my ‘fun bag'”

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Andrew: “Goddamnit!”

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Andrew: “I’m not… fucking snuggling with these people; excuse my language”

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Andrew: “Maria, calm down!”

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Andrew: “Nope. Don’t care”

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Andrew: “Poo-poo on you-you”

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Andrew: “Really!?”

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Andrew: “Stop pinching my lifestyle, Luke!”

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Andrew: “This society is all phony, baloney”

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Andrew and Luke: “God darn matinee! It was twelve dollars and fifty cents. A matinee is now twelve bucks?”

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Andrew and Luke: Whispering “Yeah, what’s up? Well, when I… got here, to your neighborhood”

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Luke: “A Saab driven by an S.O.B… The irony… the irony, my friend”

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Luke: “But then, it gets, it gets real Armenian, real fast!”

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Luke: “Coming to you from the Burbank–wait… not the Burbank Springs Broadcast Center… the offices of Walsh, Walsh & Doormat in the Wallingford neighborhood… of Seattle, Washington!”

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Luke: “I am so, so sorry that I don’t know my, I don’t know my Gabes from my Gabs!”

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Luke: “I have got a cloud to go yell at”

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Luke: “Is it too early to get a perch sandwich?”

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Luke: “It’s a mop-top with a secret”

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Luke: “It’s a real combo platter”

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Luke: “It’s apropos of something”

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Luke: “No way!”

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Luke: “Oh my God, dude. This so takes me back!!!”

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Luke: Saying “Detroit” in a faux French manner

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Luke: “They’re twins; that’s gross”

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Luke: “What!!?”

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Luke: “Which was… quite something to behold and behear”

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Luke: “You are just getting… completely pwned by the… you and, and Genevieve, as a family unit… are getting pwned by the traffic of this town”

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Luke: “You… quite literally… almost… can’t get there from here”

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Luke and Andrew: “How I Met Your Mother. How I Met Your Sheriff”

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Luke and Andrew: “I mean, what the heck… It’s a Monday morning. Yeah… It’s a Monday afternoon!”

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Luke and Andrew: Laughing

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Luke and Andrew: “My mom… particularly, you know, in her 30s and 40s, despite having eight children… My mom was like… She ate children!? Yes! How… What!?!”

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Luke and Andrew: “That is not cool. No, it’s very uncool! Yeah. But, you know what, though? I am over it… cuz, I’m, I’m different Andrew now”

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Clips From TBTL #2588

Andrew: “Ahh, that’ll show him”

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Andrew: “And, it was on Christmas, man! It was on Christmas!”

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Andrew: “And, this was before I was known as, you know, Parking Warrior Andrew”

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Andrew: “Are you outta gas yet?”

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Andrew: “Aw, shit”

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Andrew: “Big mood!”

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Andrew: “But, again, I’m an old, I’m an old white guy; don’t ask me stuff like this”

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Andrew: “Genevieve did not like… That was not… that was not… I should’ve just…”

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Andrew: Having a good laugh

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Andrew: “He’s the one that makes you feel so-so”

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Andrew: “Hey, nice compact car!”

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Andrew: “Holy macaroons!”

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Andrew: “Honk! I’ll show you! Hooooonk!”

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Andrew: “Hooooonk!”

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Andrew: “I almost called the… the gas police on myself”

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Andrew: “I don’t… Mmm… I don’t wanna get weird right off… the top of the show… I don’t wanna set a… the wrong tone… but, you’re intro was incredibly appropriate for me today”

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Andrew: “I, I don’t know”

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Andrew: “I’m like a, I’m like a cow. I have two stomachs and two skulls”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Logan Paul is a dumbass!”

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Andrew: “Logan Paul is a dumbass! He’s the YouTube jerk face. Right, right, right”

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Andrew: “Logan Paul is such a dumbass!”

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Andrew: “Nice electric car, asshole!”

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Andrew: “Now, I sound like a… jerk”

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Andrew: “So, I hoped you learned your lesson, Jami! Thanks a lot!”

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Andrew: “That’s when, like, the traffic monster… you know… raises his ugly head”

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Andrew: “They call me, Dr. Nuance”

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Andrew: “Your SUV is not a compact car, butthead”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew clip-clopping and Luke making an excited sound and neighing

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew clip-clopping and Luke saying “And just like that… he rode off into the night”

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Andrew and Luke: “You can’t always get what you want… stupid. Ha!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know, I fantasize about that sometimes; but, then, even in my fantasies… I always come back around to being like, ‘No, that’s a bad idea.’ Not, not… the, not the you aspect of it… but… Oh yeah, the me aspect of it”

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Luke: “Because, there… there were storms, my friends. There were storms on the east coast that was messing everything up”

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Luke: “Dinking around”

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Luke: “Don’t do it… Luke’s brain… Don’t… convince him to… talk more about… multi-sport athlete Russell Wilson”

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Luke: “Don’t, nobody get mad at me, okay?”

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Luke: “Get out of my life! What are you, me!?”

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Luke: “I’ll give that a medium mood”

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Luke: “No way, José”

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Luke: “Oh, really!?”

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Luke: Singing “He’s the one they call Dr. Nuance! He’s the one that makes you feel so-so!”

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Luke: “The donors are coming! The donors are coming!”

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Luke: “This is why we can’t have nice contests”

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Luke: “What!?!”

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Luke and Andrew: “They said, ‘Yasss!’ No, they didn’t… They probably don’t say, ‘Yas'”

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Clips From TBTL #2587

While Luke and Andrew were announcing the top 10 winners of the TBTL Challenge, Andrew proactively made a fanfare sound ahead, thinking that Luke might need one. This kicked off a series of fanfare and clip-clop sounds being made after announcing each of the winners.

Andrew and Luke: Fanfares and Clip-clops

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Andrew: “And that’s where the trouble starts”

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Andrew: “Back up, back up! Little bit of context here; so, you don’t think I’m a total… crazy person”

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Andrew: “Can I tell you a weird story from my past?”

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Andrew: “Everything was going perfectly… and then, you had to bring up the Nazis”

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Andrew: “Graphic content warning”

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Andrew: “Hello! I’m doing something that is very Luke and very Andrew… at the same time”

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Andrew: “I hope the listeners learned a lesson there, though. With the right tone… he can be stopped! Just sound concerned!”

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Andrew: “I like to go to my weed shop, it’s called ‘Stems and Seeds'”

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Andrew: “If I want a dose of the pure shit, I gotta go to KIXI”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing #3

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Andrew: Laughing #4

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Andrew: Laughing #5

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Andrew: Making a fanfare sound

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Andrew: Making a fanfare sound #2

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Andrew: Making a fanfare sound #3

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Andrew: Making his own sound effect

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Andrew: “Pardon me… Pardon me… That’s the angry soup… coming back to get me”

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Andrew: “Pop it in the ThinkPad!”

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Andrew: Singing “I need a new soup… one without all the meatballs”

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Andrew: Singing “One that has more egg and spinach”

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Andrew: “So, I’m totally Dukakising it here, right now”

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Andrew: “Sometimes when it’s really dry out… or hot and dry, my uncle will, will refer to it as being ‘drier than a popcorn fart'”

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Andrew: “This is going even better than I could’ve possibly imagined!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I believe you’re confusing a popcorn fart with a Pringle fart again, Luke. Oh, yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: Making fanfare and clip-clop sounds

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Andrew and Luke: Making fanfare sounds and Luke saying “Clip-clop, clip-clop”

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Andrew and Luke: “Whoooooo! (Whoooooo!) This is fun… we have fun”

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Luke: “Classy, sassy… and a bit smart-assy”

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Luke: “For sharks”

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Luke: “I’m gonna walk in there and I’m just gonna go, ‘YOLO'”

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Luke: “I’m not gonna do that to you”

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Luke: “In the words of Susie… ‘YOLO. YODO'”

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Luke: Making fanfare and party horn sounds

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Luke: “Oh my God! Those poor bastards!”

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Luke: Sniffling

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Luke: “That is a real solid… a real solid from this person”

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Luke: “This is hitting your earballs”

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Luke: “Will you do me this kindness?”

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Luke: “You do you. YOLO”

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Luke and Andrew: “I feel like this is a story… somebody dies in this story. I feel like that’s what this build-up is… No. It’s… Okay. But, there’s a phallus… Oh. I liked your reaction there!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m glad that you… I’m glad you dove on this grenade… I didn’t even… (of making up the nicknames) I didn’t, I didn’t know it was a grenade when I jumped on it. I thought it was a grapefruit”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke said to try to stop him from thanking the donors of the day and Andrew succeeded

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Luke and Andrew: Luke saying “Clip-clop. Clip-clop” and Andrew drumming out a horse trotting rhythm

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Luke and Andrew: Making fanfare sounds

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Clips From TBTL #2586

Andrew: Clearing his throat

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Andrew: “Clone Dog Millionaire”

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Andrew: “Did you forget something?”

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Andrew: “Go in my top drawer over there… You’ll find some beakers. Just start mixing things up… I got big plans”

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Andrew: “I have, well, I have one quickie”

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Andrew: “I noticed that you came in here today with a necklace of thumb drives”

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Andrew: “Oh, Christ! That’s bad”

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Andrew: “Oh, God!!! That’s right! That’s him!”

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Andrew: Saying “Sexual Hygiene!” in a booming voice

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Andrew: “So, there’s gonna be a lot of slingblading during the… during the show today”

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Andrew: “That’s really some… hand-clappy, boot-stompy stuff right there, isn’t it?”

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Andrew: “Why is Rudy wearing a mask all the time?”

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Andrew and Luke: “All of that is to say is, I would never clone Theo; because, he is a problem cat, as much I love him. But, Genevieve… (Hope he doesn’t hear this) Well… doors are closed”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew not letting Luke live down bringing four electric toothbrushes on a trip

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Andrew and Luke: “Because you’re away from home for a long time… I mean, (Yeah) people like being at home. Who you talking to? Well, right… one of our nation’s leading recluses”

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Andrew and Luke: “I was actually gonna take the other path today… (Mmm) Is that also an option… just go out there and fail?”

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Andrew and Luke: “More dull, huh? More dull! I, what you meant to say was, will I actually be dull for the first time (Yes) on TBTL ever”

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Andrew and Luke: “Sexual Hygiene! Like that… Oh, wow. I’ve never seen you blush before… that’s what it looks like. When I get that feeling, I want… sexual hygiene”

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Andrew and Luke: “That’s, uh, how that works. Yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “That’s… my secret! Ooh!”

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Luke: “Geez!!”

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Luke: “Gepetic diversity”

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Luke: “He has nine thousand ping-pong balls on his face!”

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Luke: “I don’t understand… technology”

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Luke: “Just a little dab will do ya”

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Luke: Saying “I want my giant dog now!” as a spoiled brat

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Luke: Singing “I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no head”

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Luke: Singing “Papa, can you hear me?”

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Luke: “There must be something about… the soul of a Reynolds”

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Luke: “Well, good morning everybody!”

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Luke: “What!?!”

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Luke: “What… am I doing wrong!?”

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Luke: “Why do you ruin my life!!? All I want is a dog! I work thirty jobs! Can I get… a high-priced, designer dog when I want one!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, he actually had a podcast… (Oh, great) but, he’s looking to. I know”

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Luke and Andrew: “Why do you ruin my life!!? All I want is a dog! I work thirty jobs! Can I get… a high-priced, designer dog when I want one!? So, you sound fun. Oh, yeah… Laugh a minute”

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