As with the past several shows, Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman left a voicemail message for the guys in the run-up for the Seahawks vs Vikings game that was played on Sunday. Below are three little gems from his voicemail message:
Andrew: “Bring me Katie Nolan!!! Oh, please, please, Carey, someday, just walk into the room while Luke is just staring forlornly at his remote control saying ‘Katie Nolan! Katie Nolan!'”
For the third show in a row, Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman left a voicemail message on the TBTL line and talked more about the upcoming Seahawks vs Vikings game. Both Luke and Andrew were wondering when Stu-bot would start throwing down some trash talk about Seattle and/or about the Seahawks; and, well, Stu-bot sort of delivered on a series of “burns”:
Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman left a another voicemail message for the guys regarding the upcoming Seattle Seahawks vs Minnesota Vikings game and the guys played it on the show. Before Stu-bot got into the meat of things, he started plugging Andrew and Genevieve’s “After These Messages” podcast.
Luke and Andrew: “But, then Andrew, you chose to roll the dice with what we have now titled on this show, the Bladder of Damocles. The Bladder of Damocles.”
Luke and Andrew: “God, I can’t believe I’m even gonna say this. What are you gonna say, is it gonna make me embarrassed? Yeah, probably, for me. For the way that my brain works.”
Luke and Andrew: “I, I know I’ve been to a theater like this, so I don’t know why I’m so in the dark; but, umm, maybe because they turn the lights off before the movie. Oh-ho-ho-ho, God!!! Not bad. Not great.”
Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman left a voicemail message for the guys regarding the upcoming Seattle Seahawks vs Minnesota Vikings game and the guys played it on the show.
Andrew and Luke: “Because, I know a year ago, I would have been outside dancing in the rain. No, no I wouldn’t. That’s an exagger… that’s an exaggeration! But I would have been really… That, I would like to see. You’d just Gene, Gene Kelly the shit out of it.”
Andrew and Luke: “That was the worst radio experiment that I’ve ever done; and, Luke, I’ve done some crazy stuff. Does Genevieve know that you’re peeing in the office again?”
Luke and Andrew: “I hope you’re not mad, Andrew, I called you a conference call. No, no, not at all. I’ve been called worse. I’ve been called better, but I’ve been called worse.”
Andrew: “I do like the fact that we’re starting the new year right with you just, you know, throwing some knowledge down on me and making me feel inferior, like right off the bat.”