Clips From TBTL #1970: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: Asking Luke if Carey is muttering to herself about being sick of seeing Luke wear sweats around the house

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Andrew: “But, I’m not famous!”

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Andrew: “But, it’s only a big picture of you. So, why the hell would I care?”

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Andrew: “Dummy! God!”

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Andrew: “For a guy, who as we’ve said many times, talks like a shit salesman with a mouthful of samples.”

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Andrew: “God, I never thought that I would miss overcast days so much.”

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Andrew: “How much will all, how much will all that add up to? And like, not that I would ever spend my money responsibly.”

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Andrew: “I think the only fair way for this to shake out is for me to shut my God-damn mouth right now.”

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Andrew: “I’m sideways-ly mobile, by the way. Just so you know.”

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Andrew: “In a state of disarray that I won’t even go into detail; because, it’s, it’s disarray that’s disquieting.”

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Andrew: “It’s going pretty well, Luke. It’s going pretty well.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Mmm-hmm”

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Andrew: “Nope.”

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Andrew: “Not gonna swear in the title.”

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t know!” in a high-pitched voice

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Andrew: Sighing

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Andrew: “Stop stalking me. How did you know that?”

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Andrew: “That doesn’t even scan”

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Andrew: “That’s not, that’s not something that you want to hear your wife say, by the way.”

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Andrew: “Wait a second. Was that racist?”

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Andrew: “Well, I’ve got a lot of regret about this episode.”

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Andrew: “Well, it is about you. So, get tense, right now.”

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Andrew: “What?!?”

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Andrew: “Whether or not you need more chlorine or bromine, or whatever the hell it is you put into pools.”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I guess it’s kind of like, yeah!”

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Andrew: “Yeah!!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “(Gasp!) Sorry. What was that gasp?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew beat Luke to the punch by saying “Notice me Stubbs”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew flummoxed by now just hearing about the pipe organ that had previously been in Luke’s house

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew just sang the word “Unforgettable” and now that means they should close out the show

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Andrew and Luke: “I also listen to a mashup artist named ‘Ass Jeeves’. Oh, ho ho ho. Are you serious? No, I just made that up.”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m wearing long pants… Alright, we’re all happy to hear that.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Let’s, let’s build up to the dirty way. Okay… like we always do. You knew I was not gonna leave that alone.”

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Andrew and Luke: “What the?!? (Yeah.)”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know, button-down shirt, jeans, shoes that lace up (Black Bucks, no socks)”

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Clips From TBTL #1970: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And just say like ‘Start shoving flautas into my mouth and stop when I tell you, Safeway deli employee.'”

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Luke: “B-T-Dubs, this is TBTL.”

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Luke: “But, I swear to God, if even one of you votes for them for Best Podcast of Western Washington, I will… pull this podcast over. I will.”

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Luke: Goes all out with a Hillbilly accent

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Luke: “I love walking, even though she’s a giant pain in the ass. You heard me!”

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Luke: “I’m not a douche.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Luke leaked out the TBTL 2000th episode ticket pre-order code that was supposed to be a newsletter exclusive

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Luke: Singing “The touch, the feel, the fa-abric of this crew.”

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Luke: “This is what happens when people are shitty.”

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Luke and Andrew: “(Mouth Sounds) I don’t know what. Rhythmic gymnastics? Okay.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew is hired as Luke pool maintenance guy

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Luke and Andrew: Luke tells the “How many Vietnam Vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?” joke

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s the home fire I like to keep burning for my wife. (Right.)”

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Luke and Andrew: Two Pair vs Two Pairs

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Luke and Andrew: “You don’t fucking get it. (Yes!)”

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Clips From TBTL #1969

Andrew: “And just like really embrace the fact that you are punk rocking it in the garage right now.”

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Andrew: “Aww, damn it.”

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Andrew: “Drunk on Fireball?!?”

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Andrew: “Hey Walsh, you know, say something!”

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Andrew: “I have no feelings about the man at all”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Not having an easy time saying “2000th Episode”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! Are you serious?!?”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “Oh, thank you for saying that.”

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Andrew: “Well, listen Chris. It’s clear that you have not given this a lot of thought. So, I would recommend you just take some time, mull it over a little bit, and then let us know where you land.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew asks if Luke gets uncomfortable when his doctor asks how much he drinks

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew knew that his “2000th Episode” flubs would be posted on to Marsupial Gurgle

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Cameron Esposito: “We’re waiting, like we’re waiting ’cause it’s the right thing to do.”

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Cameron Esposito and Luke: “Can you believe what we found today, Meredith? This was in a dude’s butt!”

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Chris Hayes: Sings the first three notes of the “On The Media” theme

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Chris Hayes and Luke: “Gun Cars, colon, Totally Safe at Every Speed. Possible show title.”

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Luke: “And, I couldn’t exactly say, ‘Hey, am-scray. I need to do my podcast in your TV room.'”

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Luke: “Bellingham, Washington: The City Of Subdued Nicknames”

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Luke: “He… eee, ah, er… Oh, man.”

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Luke: “I like your, I like your suggestion, brother.”

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Luke: “I’m trying to really energize my prives.”

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Luke: “It had, of course, a fucking sweet bazooka tube”

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Luke: “It’s like, ‘Fuck you'”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Lemme just lay it out for you, Walsh.”

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Luke: “My name is Luke Burbank, and I’m your host.”

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Luke: “My new prison is an unfinished garage.”

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Luke: “One day, I’m gonna blow their fucking minds.”

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Luke: “Peace!”

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Luke: “Rudy’s in here, she’s not happy about it.”

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Luke: “…Sarkisian. Now, this is turning into No Point Conversion. So, sorry, if you don’t like sports.”

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Luke: Saying “Why? These look like good hands.” as the Rock Monster from The NeverEnding Story

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Luke: “She had red wine, with a side of red wine.”

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Luke: Short, Cute Chuckle

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Luke: “So the abstinence thing gave you a pretty decent cover for not having to go to the ‘bone zone’?”

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Luke: “There used to be a dog in here, but I kicked her out of here.”

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Luke: “What about my gun car?”

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Luke and Andrew: “He ordered a Fireball with a side of four Fireballs. (Right.)”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke inspires Andrew to write the TBTL newsletter

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Luke and Cameron Esposito: “Not to brag, but I bought an anti-fungal foot spray the other day. Oh my God! Yeah.”

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Clips From TBTL #1968: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And I need to start practicing not swearing into microphones.”

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Andrew: “But, I don’t know if there’s enough space on the entire Internet”

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Andrew: “Cheese and crackers!”

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Andrew: “Da-dah-da-da-DAH”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Oh, no!”

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Andrew: “Hey Lincoln, get a load of this!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know.”

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Andrew: “I like it. That sounds good.”

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Andrew: “I picture you doing most of the show, kind of like, running around shaking your head trying to get my words out of your ears. Like a dog with a cone or something.”

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Andrew: “I won’t even remember my name on the 28th.”

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Andrew: “I’m an awful man, I guarantee it.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and trying to say something

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Andrew: “Maaaaan!”

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Andrew: “No, I didn’t say to whom.”

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Andrew: Quiet “Oh!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Sonova Beach!”

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Andrew: “Ummm”

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Andrew: “We have to really just kind of Burbank it.”

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Andrew: “You’re a gambler Luke, and a drinker!”

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Andrew: “You’re gonna love the way you look, I guarantee it.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew came in way too hot with the “Roundball Rock” song for “Keys To The Show”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew let a curse word fly out soon after swearing off swearing

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Andrew and Luke: “Play-what? Play-who?”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know what I found the other day, Luke? Jesus? No, I didn’t say whom. Okay. To whom you are finding.”

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Clips From TBTL #1968: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: Affirmative “Mmm-hmm”

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Luke: “Andrew, you are one Sonova Beach.”

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Luke: “Aww, crap. I thought we were doing a fist bump.”

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Luke: “Dog-gam-futher-mucker-bun-of-a-sitch”

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Luke: “Hidely-ho.”

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Luke: “His name is Doctor Professor Andrew ‘Hodor Hollywood’ Walsh”

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Luke: “Jesus?”

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Luke: “Louisville, Colorado?!?”

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Luke: Luke’s reaction as a kid to seeing a banner that read “AIDS: Now none of us are safe”

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Luke: “Lukie and Carey have to spend years of their life scraping it up.”

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Luke: “Please let that be the last thing you ever say to me…”

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Luke: “Talking about talking about this with you, Andrew… It’s what we talk about when we talk about when we talk about on TBTL.”

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Luke: “This is deodorant that will give you AIDS.”

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Luke: “W-T the F”

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Luke: “Wasssuuuuuup”

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Luke: “Yeah.”

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Luke: “You know… just my, you know, my prives.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew’s reaction to Luke pulling a painfully good “Contra” pun

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s more just like a bitchin’ McDonald’s Funland slide. So, it is like a bitchin’ McDonald’s Funland slide!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke forgot that there was someone named “Philip Roth”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke is the bad boy of public radio (podcasting)

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Luke and Andrew: Scirocco

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Luke and Andrew: “Thank you! You’re welcome!”

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Luke and Andrew: Younger Luke wouldn’t have been able to work up the courage to buy a condom

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Clips From TBTL #1967

Andrew: “And G-D it.”

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Andrew: “How can we erase this from our memories and still have a real quality, uplifting show?”

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Andrew: “I like to call it ‘Issi-kah’.”

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Andrew: “I told you how awful awful, lemon awful”

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Andrew: “I waste, I waste all of my life”

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Andrew: “It’s in the water”

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Andrew: “It’s in the water… when it’s not on fire.”

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Andrew: “It’s Rock-tober!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Let’s call it a ‘ground bridge’. Oh wait, yeah, we have that. It’s called ‘the freeway’.”

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Andrew: “No, you would not have.”

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Andrew: “Oh Luke, nobody would ever make a trailer about us.”

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Andrew: “Oh wait, no. Don’t, don’t think that way. That’s how you ruin your Sunday.”

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Andrew: Saying “I have the power of Loot Crate!” a la He-Man

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Andrew: “Sorry, California.”

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Andrew: “Umm, I’ve already given up, Luke.”

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Andrew: “Wah-wah”

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Andrew: “Yup.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew whispering “It was me, it was me Luke. It was me. I did it, it went really well.” while Luke was talking

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Andrew and Luke: Bvlgari

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Andrew and Luke: Feeling Vajazzled

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Andrew and Luke: “She-Ra. She has been known to bark at He-Mans and wink at She-Mans.”

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Luke: “Aaahhhhhh!”

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Luke: “And they’re just talking about this, like, completely cockadoody stuff.”

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Luke: “As Carey says, ‘Insert useless detail, insert useless detail’.”

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Luke: Doot-dooing a part of the Jeopardy theme

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Luke: “He’s got his sweat towel and he’s ready to rock.”

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Luke: “I LOL’d”

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Luke: “I’m just like you… I just donk off so much time in my day anyway.”

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Luke: Imitating the deep timpani from the Jeopardy theme

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Luke: Interesting Laugh

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Luke: “It’s sort of like a probiotic for their skin funk.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “My life is very weird right now.”

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Luke: “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes!”

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Luke: “So, I’m a little funky”

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Luke: “Thank you, double-A”

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Luke: “Timpani Interruptus”

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Luke: “Wow!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke Laughing And Andrew Saying “Thank You.”

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Luke and Andrew: Systemic vs Endemic

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s a submarine of Beatles. Right.”

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