Clips From Show #1831

Fears, crunk juice and tickle monsters. The perfect trifecta that was show #1831.

Andrew: “And that seems inappropes”

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Andrew: “Classic Walsh (classic Walsh)”

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Andrew found nothing interesting, not one bit…

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Andrew: “Geez Louise, like who cares!”

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Andrew: “I don’t have words. If I did, they would start with an ‘F'”

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Andrew: “…I just make up words all the time too and mispronounce things…”

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Andrew: “I wanted to give you enough rope, Burbank”

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Andrew: “That’s not right”

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Andrew: “Wheels up, glasses off”

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Luke: “…feel like this is mostly your way of just wanting to kiss and hold me”

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Luke: “Well, it sure made the tickle monster games more bearable”

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Luke: “You’re violating your rules here, bruh”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew has a number of fears

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Luke and Andrew: Luke has a FONK, or a “fear of not knowing”

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Luke and Andrew: “That is the quickest trip to ‘Insecure Town’ for me…”

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Clips From Show #1830

Andrew: “Oh Luke, no one is more Richard Sherman than you”

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Andrew: “Okay, I’m gonna quit”

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Andrew: “Smoke ’em, Johnny”

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Andrew: “You assume it, and the listeners hope for it”

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Luke: “Do. Not. Tell. My. Wife.”

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Luke: “I know, I sound like a broken record, but…”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew fakes out Luke with “They are shutting us down”

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Clips From Show #1829

Resting. Beard. Face. That is all. Well, that’s not the only clip from show #1829.

Andrew: “And I look like…the angriest fat man in the world”

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Andrew: “And it turns out, I’m actually kind of a cranky son-of-a-bitch”

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Andrew: “I could just get out of my damn routines and go do something with my arms”

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Andrew: “I flip it and reverse it”

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Andrew: “Just so many assumptions I make on a daily basis”

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Andrew: “Mmm-hmm”

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Andrew: “Oh my God, I’m so sexist! Women can be one-armed too!”

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Andrew: “Somebody had to beat that horse”

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Andrew: “That’s just what I’m putting out to the world when I’m happy”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew describing his happy, yet aggressive face

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Andrew and Luke: “Is dream catching segueing into dream courting?…”

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Luke: “Andrew, face the facts. You’re walking around with Resting Beard Face”

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Luke: “It’s like somehow in my sleep brain, it makes sense”

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Luke: “Learning to enjoy the journey of life”

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Luke: “RBF. Resting Beard Face.”

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Luke: “You live very much inside your own head”

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Luke and Andrew: Stop dream-shaming Andrew!

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Luke and Andrew: Stu-bot

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Clips From Show #1828

Andrew: Andrew “Trevor Noah” Walsh

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Andrew: “By definition, marriage is between a man and a monologue”

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Andrew: “I got some bullying stories you can borrow”

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Andrew: “It was a meatball sandwich!”

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Andrew: “…maybe he’s a sandwich outsider artist”

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Andrew: “You had a but, you said but”

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Luke: “Again, I’m sure alcohol played a role in this”

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Luke: “And I’m also running out of childhood to talk about”

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Luke: “And the bloom is off the rose, brother”

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Luke: “Did that or did that not occur” spoken in the manner like the Defense Attorney in Serial

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Luke: “That’s not the ‘Boom Boom’ that I know”

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Clips From Show #1827

Between saxamaphone talk, Luke trying to sing the theme to “Night Court” and playing “Taps” with his mouth horn, and finding ways to flout a flauta, there were a lot of gems from show #1827.

Andrew: “Andrew and Luke, you silly rabbits”

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Andrew: “I’m kind of a big open sky country guy”

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Andrew: Interesting Sound

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Andrew singing “As You Wish”

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Andrew: “That’s not a ‘no'”

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Andrew: “We only have a few more seconds. Luke, will you marry me?”

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Andrew: “What the hell just happened!?!?”

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Andrew: “Why does everything bad happen to me?”

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Andrew: “Would you say that Dr. Luke is prescribing a chill pill?”

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Andrew: “You can’t flout a flauta”

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Andrew and Luke: “Just a quick check here, neither of us are drunk, right?”

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Luke: A very interesting “What!?!?”

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Luke: “And my key change game is strong”

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Luke: “And of course, it’s all about me Andrew”

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Luke: “Aww, that means that you love me”

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Luke: “Check out my flauta”

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Luke: “I don’t want to hear about your Harry Anderson”

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Luke: Makes up some interesting song lyrics

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Luke: Playing “Taps” with his mouth horn

Part 1: MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Part 2: MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Not quite part 3: MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Luke: “Saxamaphone”

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Luke: Tries to sing the “Night Court” theme song from memory

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Luke: “Woah!”

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Luke and Andrew: Can’t “claim the lane” with a baby stroller and a canoe oar

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Luke and Andrew: “Flaunting a flauta” versus “flouting a flauta”

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Luke and Andrew: Ghost in the drop machine

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