Clips From TBTL #3350

Andrew: “Aw, I just did a Kevin and Bean on him!”

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Andrew: “Can’t… COVID!” (Edited)

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Andrew: Growling

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Andrew: “Ha-ha-ha”

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Andrew: “HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead. HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead”

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Andrew: “I feel bad for them if they have to expose themselves”

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Andrew: “I have goldfish brain”

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Andrew: “I think that was me just fumbling around”

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Andrew: “I think, for me, the rage might still be there; and, it just comes out in different ways. No”

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Andrew: “I thought I was… gonna be so clean there!”

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Andrew: “I’m not playing dumb here. I’m just really dumb”

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Andrew: “It was a double entendre about sexuality the whole time; and, I was just too innocent to pick up on it”

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Andrew: “It’s so interesting. Stop being so interesting!”

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Andrew: “The thing is… I’m a big wuss-head”

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Andrew: “They don’t care about you!”

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Andrew: “They were wrong!”

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Andrew: “This just all started from a terrible place”

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Andrew: “Tonya? You’re not reading the room!”

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Andrew: “What’s in the ghost? What’s in the ghost!?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew growling and Luke saying “Rage building!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Can’t… (Yeah) COVID!”

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Luke: “Couch!”

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Luke: “I stand by everything I’m saying here”

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Luke: “I told you this was gonna be… pretty sexy”

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Luke: “I’m a noodge”

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Luke: “I’m talking about N95s, baby!”

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Luke: Saying “Sorry” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Whoo!” while the Strong Bad e-mail drop was playing

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Luke: “Well, no. Plan Z is just pooping your pants”

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Luke: “WFH… Work from home!”

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Luke: “Wow! I mean… All I can say is, ‘Wow!'”

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Luke and Andrew: “And… Andrew… my brain exploded (Yeah) with fury”

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Luke and Andrew: “You’re saying this isn’t the… first… long… rigid thing… that’s (Mmm…) been erected? Okay”

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Steve Neuman: “Ah. You sweet, sad child, Andrew”

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Steve Neuman: “Pale blue lump”

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Steve Neuman: “Ya picked up what I was throwing down, Luke. Thank you”

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Clips From TBTL #3349

Andrew: “#GrapeNuts”

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Andrew: “Are you familiar with the term, ‘back-handed compliment’?”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m not the smartest pancake in the train”

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Andrew: “I clearly don’t know what the hell I’m talking about”

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Andrew: “I don’t know what’s going on with me”

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Andrew: “I like flaky cereal”

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Andrew: “I should shut up now”

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Andrew: “I’ll never know what happened… to the royal family!”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna blow it up and make it the show pic”

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Andrew: “It’s fine. It’s absolutely fine”

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Andrew: “It’s perfect!”

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Andrew: “Jack Sprat could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean. But, Cream of Wheat was such a treat, they licked the platter clean”

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Andrew: “Oh, shit! Is that what the vaccine does?”

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Andrew: “That first week of a month where Monday is one, Wednesday is three, Friday is five. It’s perfect!”

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Andrew: “They’re just as good, Luke!”

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Andrew: “They’re just as good!!”

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Andrew: “You wouldn’t say that to Tom Petty, would you?”

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Luke: “But, I will… absolutely pour a… tall, giant block of cheese and eat it”

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Luke: “I’m coming out the booth!!!”

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Luke: Singing a portion of the “3-2-1 Contact” intro theme song

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Luke: “That checked a lotta boxes for me… here, early on a Friday”

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Luke: “You are just, basically, holding a wet booger that you can text people with”

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Luke and Andrew: “Please remember: No mountain too stall… Too tall or too stall? And, too stall. And, good luck to small!”

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Clips From TBTL #3348

Andrew: “Have you ever had somebody quit on you in the middle of a show? Cuz, Genevieve just walked out”

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Andrew: “He-he-he-hey, hey… Let’s… let’s make it about sex”

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Andrew: “HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!”

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Andrew: “HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn! Apply directly to the forehead!” (Edited)

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Andrew: “I just left some sparkles”

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Andrew: “I was doing fine until you made things super dirty”

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Andrew: “It uses my name!?”

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Andrew: “Mental illness is a serious issue”

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Andrew: Saying “He-he-he-hey, hey… Let’s… let’s make it about sex” at 0.575x speed

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t think you do!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Sorry, I’m picturing, like, a… unicorn with a leaking problem”

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Andrew: “That’s why you… Haas’d”

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Andrew: “Unbelievable sights… Indescribable feelings. Soaring, tumbling, free-wheeling?”

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Andrew: “Where am I going though?”

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Andrew: “You racist [beep]”

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Andrew and Luke: “You need to look out that badly at all times? I mean, maybe? Sadly? Yes, I think?”

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Luke: “ABD: Always Be Daria”

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Luke: “Beef squashed”

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Luke: “Don’t you dare close your eyes”

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Luke: “Funky stocks beat”

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Luke: “Here on episode 3347, in a collector’s series (Let the fun begin)” [ed: Nope.]

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Luke: “I’ve quit on myself and the show”

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Luke: “It was shocking to me… to realize… just how many people have observed me… walking around without clothing on in Portland”

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Luke: “Put it in my veins!”

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Luke: “That’s how fully torqued I am”

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Luke: “You got it not right”

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Clips From TBTL #3347

Andrew: “And, I’m just so dumb when it comes to the street, Luke!”

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Andrew: “And, I’m spelunking and I’m feeling myself again”

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Andrew: “And, my butt started clenching really tight”

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Andrew: “Cuz, you can wend your way right over the border”

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Andrew: “Hey, I’ll poke ya and give you the vaccine”

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Andrew: “I don’t wanna die on the toilet”

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Andrew: “I really need a win-win here!”

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Andrew: “I remember that panicky feeling of one time getting in there; and, then, feeling like, ‘Oh, no. I can’t get it out'”

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Andrew: “It was a thinker!”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “That is so good! What do you mean, ‘That is not as good’?”

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Andrew: “Luke, just… put it in the arm”

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Andrew: “Oh, Dad”

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Andrew: “Ohhh, yeah!”

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Andrew: “So… boo on that. That sucks”

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Andrew: “Wow, look at me… This is the most powerful I’ve ever been”

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Andrew and Luke: “Eh, I got a podcast… Eh, I’m on TV”

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Andrew and Luke: “I sometimes cry at commercials… sure. Wait, you do? No, I don’t”

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Luke: Drawn out “Oh, yeah”

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Luke: “Holy guacamole!”

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Luke: “I always say: a Peabody is just an award we haven’t won yet”

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Luke: “I have to paint my bald spot”

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Luke: “I’ve got bald spots to powder”

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Luke: “Three non-Juggalo medical professionals”

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Clips From TBTL #3345

Andrew: “Ah, come on. Stop talking about this. Move on. Talk about the Browns or anything!”

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Andrew: “Hardcore nerd culture”

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Andrew: “Hey, 44 year old boyfriend. What… what’cha watch, what’cha watching in here?”

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Andrew: “Holy macaroons!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know how much I like it!”

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Andrew: “I hate to be a bummer here”

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Andrew: “I think you keep on explaining this to me and I keep forgetting it”

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Andrew: “Le Batard-iversary”

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Andrew: “Post-coitus jibber-jabber”

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Andrew: “The glut of Le Batard”

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Andrew: “Them’s the Boomers”

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Andrew: “Then we’ll be fine forever, right Daddy?”

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Andrew: “There should be some dampness”

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Andrew: “They filthy-up the language immediately”

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Andrew: “Think outside the bun”

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Andrew: “Well, this just isn’t my thing”

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Andrew: “Yeah, guys… Can we just not tell Luke everything?”

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Andrew: “You should quit your other shit though”

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Luke: “Andrew has… said… the quiet part loud”

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Luke: “Aw, hell no”

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Luke: “Coastal Honda Elite”

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Luke: “Couch”

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Luke: “Game recognize game. Shame recognize shame”

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Luke: “I just wanna tell you, I’m gonna make a lot of mistakes (What an idiot!)”

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Luke: “I stole so much other mail!”

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Luke: “Maximize the… the, the flavor… to tongue ratio”

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Luke: “My life has been the story… of a, a man with a pool filled with human excrement”

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Luke: Saying “Uncle Ricky… would you tell us a story? Please, oh, please?” in a high-pitched voice

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Luke: Singing “I lost on Jeopardy!”

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Luke: “Well, why am I gonna… add to their… lung problem?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Luckily, my body has caught up to my insecurity… (Shit) So”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke reciting lyrics from Megan Thee Stallion’s “Savage”

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Clips From TBTL #3344

Andrew: “Arrows are an international language!”

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Andrew: “Bottom”

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Andrew: “Come on!”

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Andrew: “Do you mind if I taco-splain for a moment?”

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Andrew: “Duck and Covney”

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Andrew: “I can say esses now, Mrs. Bean!”

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Andrew: “I cleaned the house top to bottom”

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Andrew: “I don’t like this arrow rule; but, I’m following it!”

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Andrew: “I just look like… grumpy Bernie Sanders all the time anyway”

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Andrew: “I never, nerver [ph]

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Andrew: “I tried to get us back there, man. I didn’t everything I could to get us back there”

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Andrew: “I would totally blow it”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna try to be… a good co-host today”

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Andrew: “If I’m really in judgy mode”

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Andrew: “It was the best I had, man!”

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Andrew: “My gut goes the other direction”

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Andrew: “Taco-splaining”

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Luke: “Done, done”

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Luke: “Have some self-respect… please”

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Luke: “I’m not in your camp!”

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Luke: “Oh, Andrew”

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Luke: “This is getting more boring!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Jerry Seinfeld claps back at Larry King (Yeah. Right) for being under-prepared!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Weirdly subservient to me (Hmm)”

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Luke and Andrew: “What do you think the listeners are more interested in: David Duchovny or tacos? Umm, tacos?”

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