Clips From After These Messages #267

The center of the TBTL turducken that was #3316 was an episode of After These Messages, #267 to be precise. The following clips were pulled from that After These Message episode.


Andrew: “God love him. He’s a dirty man!”

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Andrew: Singing “You get the Maxx for the minimum, the minimum price!”

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Andrew and Genevieve: “I hate this commercial so much. It’s such a mess! (You’re that mad at it?) I am! It’s a mess!”

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Andrew and Genevieve: “Now, I would say, though, if listeners wanna do the work for us… I’d be interesting in hear… We already did this show! You’re listening to it right now!”

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Andrew and Genevieve: “Red Bull gives you tears! (Alright)”

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Andrew and Genevieve: “Shout out to the Black Santa… Shout out to Black Santa. Obviously… pro-Black Santa”

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Andrew and Luke Burbank: “That really… I don’t know, dilled my pickles… Hmm… As… people famously say. Mmm-hmm”

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Andrew, Luke Burbank and Genevieve: “This is a power move. I’ve been making him sit here… quietly, the whole time. We have a special guest again tonight. And, of course… How close are we to the end of the show? We’re… (Cuz, honestly) we’re getting closer every minute. That’s, I’m… happy to be a silent partner”

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Genevieve: “Doot-doo-doos!”

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Genevieve: “Goddamn, I wanna go to a fucking TJ Maxx”

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Genevieve: “Ham, Pam… Thank you, Spam”

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Genevieve: “That was a… sort of a letdown… I’ll be honest”

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Genevieve: “What the… fuck happened to that Santa Claus!?”

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Genevieve and Andrew: “There’s no… bottom to it. It’s Santas all the way down! It is”

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Genevieve and Luke Burbank: “Tell you what… nothing sticks to this. Hey-oh!”

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Luke Burbank: “First of all… I give this… five Santas up”

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Luke Burbank: “I have listened to this show!”

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Luke Burbank: “Is that before or after your pickle has been dilled?”

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Luke Burbank: Saying something in a funny manner

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Luke Burbank: “Well, now I got dirty Santa to worry about”

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Luke Burbank and Andrew: “Every family celebrates their Christmas differently. Some it’s the elf on the shelf, the others is the kill on the grill. Exactly”

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Luke Burbank and Genevieve: “Can I start by just apologizing, Genevieve… for the many, many times… that… I, I have cannibalized… After These Messages content… on the that… Andrew hosts, that I sidekick on, called ‘TBTL’… I appreciate that apology… and, it’s long overdue. Yes”

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Luke Burbank, Andrew and Genevieve: “Could this just be TBTL? (Yeah!) Apparently, it is”

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Clips From No Point Conversion 2020-12-16

Andrew: “Oh, it’s fine!”

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Andrew: Saying “It’s gonna be okay! We still love Russell!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Who is this? This isn’t the Browns that I’ve known for the past five years”

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Andrew and Luke: “We were all pretty tuned up by the time that game ended; and, I mean, with adrenaline and… what’s the thing called, alcohol? Yes”

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Luke: Saying “What are you guys so sad about?” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Why are you so sad?” in a funny manner

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Luke: “We’re fucked”

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Clips From TBTL #3316

The majority of this show includes Episode 267 of Andrew’s and Genevieve Haas’ podcast “After These Messages” and included Luke as a special guest. Clips from that episode have been posted.


Andrew: “He’s, he’s… kinda becoming a bully again… But, I love it!”

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Andrew: “If ya nasty”

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Andrew: “So, today at 3 PM… look for Tom Wassell… on… Twitch… if ya nasty”

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Andrew and Luke: “But, one of the songs on this called, ‘Ram On;’ which is… you know (Ram off!)”

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Andrew and Luke: “Will After These Messages take over? (Yeah, man!)”

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Luke: “Between the two of us, we have… most of the show remembered”

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Luke: “Daddy Phyllis”

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Luke: “Daddy… Daddy, Phyllis never burps in our face… when she’s reading our names on the thing!”

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Luke: “Fletch… can you stop with the showing us up?”

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Luke: “I bet you Phyllis rarely burps during the show”

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Luke: “If the Spotify is vibing with Luke Burbank”

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Luke: “Mother!! I want to…”

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Luke: “We sorta turducken After These Message into… TBTL”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t remember what happens from show to show. And, nor do I”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke and Andrew are like the biological fathers of the Tens but no one cares for the Tens more than Daddy Phyllis

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Clips From TBTL #3315

Andrew: “Again, nothing sexy at all about it!”

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Andrew: “Alright. Well, I gotta start talking at some point, don’t I?”

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Andrew: “And, guess what? It was the plumbing! It was the plumbing!!”

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Andrew: “Bop-boop!”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m… broken!”

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Andrew: “Dipping into the Stern-iverse”

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Andrew: “I’m saying ‘indeed’ a lot”

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Andrew: “I’ve had it! I’ve had it! This is my breaking point!”

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Andrew: “If it swells… ride it!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “My blood is gonna be Arby’s sauce and Jim Beam”

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Andrew: “My life is about puttering anyway; so, why the hell not?”

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Andrew: “Pizza deprivation tank?”

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Andrew: “Some drama here in… in Andrew-land”

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Andrew: “The second I hear Andrew’s voice, I’m just like, ‘I can’t'”

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Andrew: “There’s something broken in me”

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Andrew: “Well, I for one feel… much better! Thanks, as always, for everything, Steven!”

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Andrew: “Yesterday… was the day where we started to truly see, like the… little… green grasses of tomorrow start to poke up through the soil”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Because, that’s more relatable. Right… Somehow”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “How about that, though? No, no! No? No! How about that? That gets it across, doesn’t it? No. No!? No. Are you sure? Yes. What if I give you a Coors Light? Will that start your feeling (Hmm) about that?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “I love going to Arby’s. You love Arby’s, right? You know… Are you… are you… are you turning cold on Arby’s?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If I were you… (Uh-huh) alone… (Mmm) in this area, kind of… traipsing down this old, abandoned path, on this, like, kind of, post-rainy day… (Mmm-hmm) Even describing it… (Mmm-hmm) sort of makes me have to go number two”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If it swells… ride it! Oh, dear!”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “What did Wally do? Maybe nothing for you”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Andrew!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “Okay. Yeah, this is already off-the-rails… I’ve, right? Yeah. I wasn’t… I wasn’t (yeah) mis-triggered here? No, no. I was justifiably triggered?”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “You make your pizza bed, you lie in it… As they say. Of course!”

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Clips From TBTL #3314

Andrew: “I don’t think what I just said made sense; but, everybody knows what I’m saying here”

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Andrew: “I have static electricity problems”

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Andrew: “I’m like, ‘I could do that’. And, then, I think, ‘You’re no Chris Hayes. Shut up!'”

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Andrew: “Isn’t there a famous composer named ‘Schumann;’ or, am I just making shit up again?”

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Andrew: “Next time you tell me I’m wrong, maybe just take a moment and, like, look at it in all angles”

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Andrew: “Now, that I’m trying to… remember when that Cindy Crawford poster reared its ugly back”

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Andrew: Saying “Aw… she miss you… They’re breaking my heart!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “I could write a song for that clock, Don” as Donovan imitating George Harrison

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Andrew: Singing “Tubs, Tubs, Tubs, Tubs”

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Andrew: “The Big Dark is good for me; cuz, it says, ‘You don’t have to take a walk today. You can just get fatter'”

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Andrew: “This is just pandering”

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Andrew: “Uh, doctor called! Your salve is ready!”

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Andrew: “What about… a factory reset? Have you ever… done a factory reset on something? It is glorious”

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Andrew and Luke: Singing “Tubs, (Chili’s!) Tubs, Tubs, (Baby back ribs) Tubs, Tubs, Tubs, Tubs, Tubs”

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Andrew and Luke: “We got one feedback. Anybody need a feedback? I got (Yeah) one feedback here!”

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 Luke: “Bro, your videos suck”

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Luke: “I’m already regretting even bringing this up”

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Luke: Making a disgusted sound

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Luke: “Saturday Luke is no fun, Andrew; and, I wanna apologize”

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Luke: “That was before you even… that was before ‘Sploooge’ [sic] was even a tinkle in your toilet!”

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Luke: “Zed’s dead, baby”

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Luke and Andrew: “Luke, Luker Burbank. Mmm-hmm… Luker? I hardly knew him”

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Luke and Andrew: “Not to be a gross person; but, it is a long… shard of something that is surrounded by pus! Oh my God! That is a gross person”

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Luke and Andrew: “So nervous. What’s the next song? What’s it gonna be? I know it’s a song”

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Clips From TBTL #3313

Andrew: “I know that you love your Bubbies, I know you love your sauerkraut”

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Andrew: “I wouldn’t do that!”

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Andrew: “I’ve already been thinking about something I wanna do on this show and it may be terrible”

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Andrew: Singing “Until I discovered Tubs Subs!”

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Andrew and Luke: “But, I was still scared… (Mmm) because, my brain is broken”

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Luke: “Coming to you from… high in the sky above Portland, Oren… [sic] Oregon”

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Luke: “I just shoot it and forgoo’d [ph] it”

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Luke: “I mean, every other ad I do, I’m lying through my teeth”

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Luke: “I’m not even kidding. This is how kooky my brain is”

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Luke: “Like, I can… do it; but, it’s not… my favorite part of the day”

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Luke: Singing “Please release me”

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Luke: “So, I forked some out on to the plate”

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Luke: “That’s some ‘Little House on the Prairie’ shit”

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Luke: “The last man sitting”

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Luke: “This is what living alone in the Bachelor Arms feels like, Andrew; or, looks like… or, tastes like… Just… opening a jar of delicious sauerkraut and just drinking the sauerkraut juice, right out of the jar, standing in your kitchen”

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Luke: “Where’s my gross person drop?”

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Luke: “Yeah… This is how you do it”

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Luke and Andrew: “I made a series of questionable decisions… last night, between the hours of… 9:30 PM and midnight… Yep. Those are the hours”

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Luke and Andrew: “I think, that Randy, my Roomba… has some kind of attachment issues. Oh! (Hmm) By the way, that’s a pretty solid joke about a vacuum”

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