Clips From TBTL #2590: Hanna Brooks Olsen (Plus One) Edition

Chris Hayes: Singing “Right Way To Rock” on a voicemail message

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “A rich manwich”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Criss-cross, applesauce”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Disgusted sound

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Doing her version of the “It’s Your Birthday” drop

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Funny Laugh

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Get this Quip commercial out of the way!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I get it. I get it!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “If you come to Seattle… come for the Space Needle, stay for the day-drinking”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “It’s true. My mom was a big Burbank-head”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Laughing

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Laughing #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds in the clear

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making air horn sounds in the clear #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Making sad air horn sounds in the clear

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Oh, hey, Shippy”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Oh, yeah. That’s why they pay you the medium bucks”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Ooooh!!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “RIP BachCon”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Snorting

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Snorting #2

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “The drugs sound awesome!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Well, I mean, heaven forbid the other neighborhood kids find out you like butter… cuz, then you’re just ‘Buttery Andy’ for the rest of your life”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “What is that!!?”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “Can you smell the roast beef from over there? Yeah, no, it’s just… Yeah. You know, I just love my big beefy cheddar”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “I feel conned, though. How is that not… the name of a place where I could go, like… sew a little, (Right) a little doily and get a drink? Why is that not, like, a stitch and bitch location?”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “I’m really glad that that story (It was so great) was so cool; and, not like… they unrolled it, and it was… just a… an archaic dick pic”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “When I was… oh gosh… sixteen, seventeen years old, I had a job working as a barista… in Oregon… and… Good Lord! Stereotype!”

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Clips From TBTL #2590: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And, I have a quiz for you; that, I’m super psyched about. I spent more time… on this bullshit quiz today than, probably, anything I’ve ever worked on in my life… and, it’s probably not even that good! But, I’m very, very excited about it; so, you should tune in for that”

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Andrew: Andrew accidentally triggered the e-mail frenzy drop and said “Oh, no! I didn’t mean to play this one!”

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Andrew: “But, I’m telling you, we don’t necessarily need Luke… to have one helluva show today (With him out of the way, I think we’re just gonna be… 360 spins… and slam dunk pointers)”

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Andrew: Drawn out “Really”

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Andrew: “For some reason, I hope you don’t… I mean, this is different weird… I hope you don’t take this as an insult”

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Andrew: “I feel like I’m taking too long with this damn quiz”

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Andrew: “It belongs in a museum!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Less, less of a big sea turtle; more of a, like a daily podcast”

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine #2

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Andrew: Mimicking sound of using an old-fashioned pull tab machine #3

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Andrew: “Now… now who’s the fool; cuz, I can’t even pronounce the next words that are coming up”

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Andrew: “Oh, God! You’re never gonna babysit again!”

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Andrew: “Okay, this isn’t about you and your rant. This is about me and the chips on my shoulder”

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Andrew: “Or, whatever the fuck”

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Andrew: Quiet “Oh, God!”

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Andrew: Saying “Don’t… don’t belong here” in a Maine-like accent

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t wanna pay those movie theater prices” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, man!” right as Strong Bad says “Oh, man!”

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Andrew: “SongFacts dot… com!?”

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Andrew: “The bartender, who I might have, like, a tiny crush on; like… let’s just leave that aside”

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Andrew: “The youth scare me”

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Andrew: “Why am I being such a dick today!?”

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Andrew: “Yes… ma’am”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Alright, here we go. Why, wait, why is it… like a Mariachi quiz? It is kind of a… yeah, it’s kind of like… porn-iachi though, too. It’s kind of… That makes me a little uncomfortable as well… ¡Ay dios mío!”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “And, I remember the note being… probably a little bit… less… I guess, fulfilling then you would want. Cuz, it was a dick pic? It was… it was… from a child”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: Andrew saying “It’s both… It’s both!” and Hanna making air horn sounds

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Are you on roast beef? I mean, if that’s what the kids are calling liquor these days; then, yes”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “How is this possible!? I don’t know!”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I don’t know about you; and, I do not not want to speak for you. But, I have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about all of the, kind of, new-fangled Seattle places that are popping up all over Ballard. Yes”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I love soup stories… it’s my stock and trade… (Yeah!) It’s my stock… and trade. Thank you! Okay, well, I’m gonna leave… I think we got this”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Or New Hamp…(Maybe it was New Hampshire)…shire”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Sunlight… is a son of a B, man. (Oh, it lets you know…) Sunlight will freaking kill you! (Yup)”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “You are a gross person (Yep)”

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Clips From TBTL #2577

Andrew: “Alright, get ready to blush, everybody… Earmuffs, kids!”

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Andrew: “And now, I wish I could burn that episode of TBTL”

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Andrew: “And, if those are alligator boots, you’re a sick bastard”

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Andrew: “By the way, I have no idea why Genevieve is still with me”

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Andrew: Cute Laugh

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Andrew: “Epithode”

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Andrew: “Get off my back! For Christ’s sake”

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Andrew: Having a good laugh

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Andrew: “Hey, wha’ happened?”

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Andrew: “I don’t wanna be the asshole producer in Seattle”

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Andrew: “I have a lot of dazzling deets on that”

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Andrew: “I think this is a s…tupid idea”

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Andrew: “I’m the schlubby-dubby guy that I just described… who’s picking Silly Putty outta of his pocket”

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Andrew: “It’s really kinda gross”

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Andrew: Making thinking sounds

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Andrew: “Nuh-uh!”

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Andrew: “Okay, we’ll leave you sniffling in, me gurgling at times”

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Andrew: “Please stop looking at… Nick’s soft, potato-like lips”

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Andrew: Saying “And, I’m hoping it’s gonna be a doozy!” in a funny, drawn out manner

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Andrew: Saying “What about me? I thought you hated me?” in drawn out, whiny manner

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Andrew: “Sorry, listeners! Sorry, Bean!”

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Andrew: “The bobsled coach was a woman!”

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Andrew: “The first one of… ever”

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Andrew: “The King of Distinguished Numbers?”

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Andrew: “They saw something and they said something!”

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Andrew: “We are… still animals”

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Andrew: “What does it mean if you’re a drip? Oh, no. I’m sorry… That means you’re me”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Anyway… You just wanted something to talk about other than your shame”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Are you taking a selfie? Yeah, I am taking a selfie… Keep going! Keep going!”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “I made a horrible mistake… Why? When getting into Top Stories, this is like the only time in TBTL that we didn’t play the Top Story sounder. I totally just forgot about it”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “No shit!!! (That’s what I’ve heard)”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Not a lotta crime in New Hampshire; but… dark-ass crime (Yeah) in New Hampshire; like, crazy shit”

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Andrew and Hanna Brooks Olsen: “What does it mean if you say, ‘Ping me’? You’re an asshole? You’re awful?”

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Andrew and Nick Jarin: “Cuz, I was sniffing right before the break (Sorry!)”

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Andrew, Hanna Brooks Olsen and Nick Jarin: “Also, I don’t know if we’re gonna have time to get to this. My girlfriend just posted this on Facebook… and, so I figured… that’s the… Great tease, Walsh! That’s how you know it’s top-of-the-line news”

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Andrew, Hanna Brooks Olsen and Nick Jarin: “In the meantime, please remember: No mountain too tall; and, good luck to all”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Drawn out “Oh, no!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Oh, no! Oh, no”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: Saying “I don’t know how to call anybody!” in a funny manner

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Hanna Brooks Olsen: “Yes!!!”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “New Hampshire? New Hampshire!?”

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Hanna Brooks Olsen and Andrew: “Wait, wait, wait. With Dockers!? How does one bring this outfit together!? One… just… never… cared”

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Nick Jarin: “Hooray, beer!”

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Nick Jarin: “It’s because it’s an Afro-futurism coronation!”

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Nick Jarin: “”

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Nick Jarin and Andrew: “Why does he have (Yes) the bobsled? First of all, sexist. It’s a she”

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