Clips From TBTL #2855: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “Anthony Swarzak and the Mariners roll into Baltimore… looking to keep their ERA below six!”

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Luke: “Come out, come out wherever you are”

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Luke: “Complex structures like a pyramid”

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Luke: Drawn out “Hey there!”

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Luke: “Heeyah!”

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Luke: “I can feel your bungholes clenching from here”

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Luke: “I don’t know what the point of that story was, Andrew”

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Luke: “I love that kinda shit”

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Luke: “I’ve watched good men die on the hill of self-promotion”

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Luke: “If your finger is ever being sewn back on provisionally… ya got probs”

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Luke: “Lead with the Conan… feed with the Spotless, okay?”

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Luke: “Like, it’s just… hours of this, kind of, bullshit”

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Luke: “My angle is gonna be zero promotion!”

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Luke: “My Luther Burbank brand is strong!”

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Luke: “Nama-saw, nama-say, na-nemesis?”

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Luke: “Ooh, bust! Cap! Roast!”

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Luke: “Ooh, cap! Bust!”

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Luke: “Putting in all kinds of metadata into the… Internet… part of the show”

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Luke: Rapping “Ya need to establish a board”

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Luke: Singing the North Seattle Christian High School fight song

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Luke: “Some people have said these dreams are in opposition to each other… Some people have described these dreams… as each other’s natural enemies”

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Luke: “Some people just shine!”

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Luke: “Somebody told me that that horse didn’t just love rocking, it needed to rock”

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Luke: “The extra Y… stands for… ‘yamberry'”

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Luke: “These are my dudes”

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Luke: “Those were the magic words!”

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Luke: “Well… now you’re in”

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Luke: “What the hell?”

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Luke: “When that was gone, I would just lie down in the snow and… say goodbye to the world”

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Luke: “Would ya like some ice cream, Doc?”

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Luke: “You gotta just, like, flog, flog, flog, flog, flog your project”

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Luke and Andrew: Addressing the catroll caused by Andrew going to instead of

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew wanting to make sure that people have the correct context and emphasis on him saying “proud boy”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s a Luke… (House!) house!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke saying “What I want to say is… Thank you Kelsey… Becky… Adam, Carol… Nancy and Margo… for not making sure that this world doesn’t not exist” and Andrew having a good laugh

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Luke and Andrew: Luke saying “Would ya like some ice cream, Doc?” and Andrew laughing

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Clips From TBTL #2855: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Creeping around in attics and basements just makes me need to go to the bathroom immediately”

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Andrew: “Doo!”

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Andrew: Having a good laugh

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Andrew: “Here’s the new show! Here’s the new show! Here’s the new show!”

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Andrew: “Hey, this is… completely self-serving”

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Andrew: “I got 3rd Bass here”

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Andrew: “I had to put this book down and just, like… dig into this… fucking Lolleredliness [ph]

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Andrew: “I have a… I have a… a, a dark web theory… a conspiracy theory”

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Andrew: “I love Warby Parker. Come back to TBTL. I’ll cut this all out of… the show”

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Andrew: “I mean, I am super scared of heights”

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Andrew: “I should not admit this”

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Andrew: “I took this show to Boring Town”

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Andrew: “I’ve done all I can to make myself clear”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing #3

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Andrew: “Oh, shit! My finger”

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Andrew: Reading the Walsh Jesuit alma mater

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, no!” while laughing

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Andrew: “See, that one’s on me”

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Andrew: Singing “I want to wish you… an unhappy Facebook”

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Andrew: “That is one hundred percent… make me need to poop territory”

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Andrew: “There are some… dazzling, damn deets in there though!”

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Andrew: “This is hazard pay, man!”

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Andrew: “Thus, adding to my proud boy status”

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Andrew: “Thus, adding to my proud boy status. I’m sorry… proud…boy status. Damnit! See, that one’s on me”

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Andrew: “What is the context here?”

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Andrew: “What the hell are we doing!?”

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Andrew: “Wow! We haven’t won a game in four weeks”

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Andrew and Luke: Coming up with ideas for answering the question of what TBTL is about

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Andrew and Luke: “I was a little Cranky Yandy! I think that was… Were you Cranky Andy or Cranky… Yandy?”

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Clips From TBTL #2854

Andrew: “Aw, shit! I forgot book five of Game of Thrones”

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Andrew: “I am a proud boy”

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Andrew: “I love the fact that you guys are all thirteen again!”

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Andrew: “I told you guys we could do it! Look at us! No–nothing can stop us!”

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Andrew: “I was reading a BoingBoing article”

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Andrew: “I’m going to, at some point, be fertile ground for that music… to plant its seed in me… Sorry… It’s Monday. I’m working out some kinks… Literally… I’m gonna learn how to talk again by Friday; then, I’ll forget… all again by next Monday”

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Andrew: “If you’re not supposed to be here, just give me a sign!”

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Andrew: “Isn’t it like Dipoto plus Servais… equals Felix? D plus X equals F?”

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Andrew: “It’s just… not… the right time for me”

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Andrew: “It’s not making me feel good”

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Andrew: “My brain is always pushing information out to make room for… new information”

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Andrew: “Now, why, why did I even do this?”

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Andrew: “Oh, nice! Where was it?”

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t think we should. Like, I dunno! Like, I got flat feet and I’m fat!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “This isn’t your victory”

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Andrew: “This… is so stressful”

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Andrew: “Wait. Who is this guy again?”

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Andrew: “What, Luke? I’m just saying, I am a proud boy. What is wrong with that?”

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Andrew: “When you’re talking about the rhythm, you gotta watch out; because, that rhythm is gonna getcha”

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Andrew: “You don’t have to right to be proud”

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Andrew: “You were ready to give up!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m going to, at some point, be fertile ground for that music… to plant its seed in me… Sorry… It’s Monday. I’m working out some kinks… Literally… I’m gonna learn how to talk again by Friday; then, I’ll forget… all again by next Monday”

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Luke: “But, what about the thirteen-thousand eggs that follow me… who will… who will crack them up with hilarious… insights about… daylight saving time, et cetera?”

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Luke: “Cuz, it feels cool and outdoorsy”

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Luke: “I mean I get… hundreds of things… wrong per episode”

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Luke: “I, I was… shocked! Shocked!!”

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Luke: “My precious, precious tabs”

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Luke: “Next time I accidentally fart on Carey in the middle of the night, I’m gonna say… I’m moving things–I’m moving my business in the fart direction… my love. I apologize”

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Luke: “Now we’re in a math world that I am not… familiar with”

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Luke: “Ooh! Elicit”

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Luke: “Rudy… this is working!”

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Luke: Singing “Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa. Men have…”

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Luke: Singing “Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters, and something, something”

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Luke: “That is absolute dream breath right there”

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Luke: “This… is Luke’s… ball”

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Luke: “What the what, Sonos?”

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Luke: “Why am I doing this to myself right now?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m having a hard time motivating to watch them; and, I can’t quite figure out why… Well, because it’s rough!”

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Clips From TBTL #2853

Andrew: “Barren, beacon, beckons, bacon, baron, barren, beacon, beckons, bacon”

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Andrew: “Barren, beacon, beckons, bacon, baron, barren, beacon, beckons, bacon. I got a whole list here”

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Andrew: “But… there I am… giving everybody more… more reasons to make fun of me”

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Andrew: “I carried the married character over the barrier… I carried the married character over the barrier”

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Andrew: “I disappoint people all the time”

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Andrew: “I know it sounds childish; and, I am like a big, stupid child; but… that grosses me out. I would gag on that!”

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Andrew: “I was having a bit of a day”

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Andrew: “I’m not even a big cheese guy!”

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Andrew: “It is really nasty out there!”

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Andrew: “Just… giving a gift to our friend Phamdemort”

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Andrew: “Man, it is… nasty out there!”

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Andrew: “Mine is weirder and doesn’t make sense”

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Andrew: “My, God. If I park here, I may never get out”

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Andrew: “Now, it’s like… coming down gross”

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Andrew: “Oh, God, yeah! I say no to food all the time! I’m weird! Yeah, of course!”

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Andrew: “Oh, I’m an idiot”

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Andrew: “Scottish movie. Irish movie? Oh, I’m an idiot”

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Andrew: “Shit! There are no new ideas in the world, are there?”

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Andrew: Singing “Everybody knows that the dice are loaded”

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Andrew: Singing “When the donation hits your eye like a big pizza pie”

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Andrew: “The lips, the teeth, the tip, the tongue, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips… A box of biscuits, a… box of mixed biscuits… a biscuit mixer”

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Andrew: “The lips, the teeth, the tip, the tongue, the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the lips… A box of biscuits, a… box of mixed biscuits… a biscuit mixer… Doing some warm-up exercises for my voice here”

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Andrew: “The state of the booty… is strong!”

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Andrew: “This is just… grossness”

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Andrew: “Welp… I’m good”

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Andrew: “You’re on vacation… your mind wanders”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew making breaking news teletype sounds and Luke saying “Breaking news”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s not though! It’s not! I’m zigging, I’m zagging! (You button-hooked me!?) I know!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Yeah, I could see this really effing with a young Luke Burbank (Mmm-hmm!)”

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Luke: “I can’t hurt these little guys! Oh my God! They’re too cute!”

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Luke: “I’m Captain Cheese!!”

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Luke: “Just gimme like… about ten more seconds of… trying to work out this knot in my back with this TheraCane… Alright, that’s good. Now, I’m ready you guys… I hope you are”

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Luke: “No, really!?”

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Luke: “Oh, me too!”

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Luke: Singing “You got Cheesy Blasters”

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Luke: “Sorry… little kids… Earmuffs”

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Luke: “The fundamentals of this booty are strong”

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Luke: “Turns out, people are trying to steal our shit, you guys!”

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Luke: “Yeah, get back to me when you’re not even eating fish, bruh!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let me see your Tootsie Roll!! (Yeah!)”

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Clips From TBTL #2852

Andrew: “And, I’ll try not to turn this into a classic Andrew hot dog story”

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Andrew: “Good morning, pizza man… Good morning”

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Andrew: “I dabbled in the Khalifa”

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Andrew: “I don’t like when people try to out-Andrew the Andrew!”

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Andrew: “I mean… that’s what they call, ‘Burbanking it'”

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Andrew: “I probably have the brain of somebody who’s… on that Whammy game”

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Andrew: “I should put a sticker there! Then, no you can’t put a sticker here!”

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Andrew: “Luke lets me shine”

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Andrew: “Now, it’s a seventeen year old Andy in that picture. I don’t know that they would recognize me and my… wild mane of hair”

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Andrew: “Nutella is a powerful drug”

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Andrew: “Oh, goddamnit! I meant game show”

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Andrew: “Spoiler on the Blursdays: they are going to be a mess today; because… just like I said, I’m still waking up. I forgot it’s Blursday!”

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Andrew: “Who’s my daddy, my mommy, my daddy, my mommy?”

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Andrew and Luke: Getting mentioned regarding the random domain names that have been mentioned on the show and that I have purchased over the years

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Luke: “Ahooga! Spring going sproing”

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Luke: “Cuz, I was… loaded”

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Luke: “Damnit, Trebek! You’re right”

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Luke: “Game… apologize to game”

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Luke: “God, I love it. No barking from the dog, no smog… Momma cooked a breakfast with the no hog”

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Luke: “Have a potato day!”

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Luke: “How many people who are not you, or me, or Phamdemort… have gone to that website”

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Luke: “I got more… Nutella to smash on my face”

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Luke: Imitating the “Uh-oh!” drop

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Luke: Imitating the “Uh-oh!” drop #2

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Singing “Letters… We get letters. We get lots and lots of letters. Letters!”

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Luke: Singing “The sun is a mass of… incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace”

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Luke: “So, yeah… call me a Scrooge… I am really ready for… Spring… to get here”

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Luke: “Welcome to… Tradio… Where we clean out your garage and the garage of the Waldorf Astoria… five days a week”

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Luke: “Wheel and a Jep”

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Luke: “Wow! Okay. I did not know this about you”

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Luke and Andrew: Both getting catrolled by going to rather than the domain Luke actually registered at one point,

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Luke and Andrew: “Can I teach you… (Oh, yeah) Andrew, could you, can you sit… can you come sit by my… (Oh, no) side here at the fire? I wanna share, I wanna share a little broadcast wisdom with you. Can I just tell you, I hate this already?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I know what it is, Andrew. (Oh, you do?) I know what it is!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m… I’m both clairvoyant… and, what I call, ‘Tenvoyant’… (Mmm-hmm!) which, means I can warg into the minds of the Tens. (Mmm-hmm) And, they were, like, ‘That’s enough Burbank… We need some… we need some Vitamin A up in this'”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke imitating the falling bomb drop and Andrew saying “It’s amazing… You know what? I’m sorry. You can be annoying without your sound effect machine”

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Luke and Andrew: “We haven’t been singing enough on the show lately (Uh-huh!)”

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Clips From TBTL #2851

Andrew: “Another Hamster?”

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Andrew: “Goddamnit”

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Andrew: “Hey, quit rememberin’ that!”

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Andrew: “I am gonna tuck into some falafel. I am going to just… embarrass you guys… when I get my hands on that falafel”

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Andrew: “I could be the… the… the, the sweat mopper”

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Andrew: “Isn’t that the saddest thing you’ve ever heard?”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Like, it’s just so sad”

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Andrew: “Me-mes!”

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Andrew: “Pho…get About It”

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Andrew: “Quit rememberin’ that!”

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Andrew: Saying “They watching the game! Eh, be quiet! They watch–why you waking me up!? I’m watching the game!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Singing “Ya unbelievable”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “That was not the delay in the line. That was the delay in my brain”

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Andrew: “Which, I know, it sounds terrible when I do it”

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Andrew: “Yuuup!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew saying “They watching the game! Eh, be quiet! They watch–why you waking me up!? I’m watching the game!” would make for good No Point intro tape and getting mentioned

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Luke: “Are all of the Radio Shacks gone? We’ve only talked about Radio Shack… one kabillion times on this show”

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Luke: “Aw… hell, yeah!”

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Luke: “Cuz, you know I like to ding my bell… so to speak”

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Luke: “Guys… buckle up! This is some real-time podcasting. We’re going on an adventure together”

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Luke: “I’m gonna make a joke at your expense; and, I hope it doesn’t throw us off for the rest of this show”

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Luke: “It doesn’t know they’re here!”

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Luke: “Put the batteries behind the counter; cuz, LB’s got sticky fingers; and, he needs to get him some batteries”

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Luke: Saying “It’s totally the opposite!” in a high-pitched voice

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Luke: Saying “This is really good!” in a gruff manner

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Luke: Singing “Right here, right now”

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Luke: Singing “There are all kinds of doughs”

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Luke: “That was… nut-flange”

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Luke: “Tonight, Calgon is gonna take me away”

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Luke: “Turducken of sadness”

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Luke: “Uh… yes!”

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Luke: “Zip it!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I want to suck your blood. I’m Morrissey. He’s got that vibe… But, not any animal blood”

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Luke and Andrew: “That is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard (It is)”

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