I was able to persuade the guys to send me a copy of the Technotronics Technogeeks with Spread Shee mix that Luke put together for the Donors of the Day segment.
Andrew and Luke: “‘Give us the jersey, Brady!’ That was the worst! I knew it was gonna be bad. Do you even know what I was trying? I think that was your attempt to do an impression of a Nihilist. It was!”
Andrew and Luke: “It might be a two foot day. It might (Right) be a ten foot day… my friends. It might (Yeah) be a fifteen foot day. You don’t know what’s happening, and you’re in a park. You’re in a park!”
Luke: “Hey, by the way, listener, what you don’t know is that was a fucking funny joke I told, that Andrew just bleeped out. Because, he didn’t want you to realize how funny I actually am.”
Andrew and Luke: “I usually have, like, a light rain and, sometimes, a medium rain going on at the same time. But, never a hard rain, ironically. Ironically, never a hard rain, never a real rain.”
Luke and Andrew: “It should be specified, uh, clarified? Mentioned? Cauterized? Cauterized is the word (Collateralized?) you’re looking for. It’s cauter-comma-ized.”
Andrew: “The Nielsen system… is down? Am I understanding that correctly? Like, this whole, like, dumbass conspiracy theory I had about, about Rachel trying to sweep the quarter hour; which, I don’t even know if that fucking applies to TV. I’m just so embarrassed admitting that!”
Luke: Saying “Oh, right-o. Don’t mean to be a, a bother; but… would it be too much trouble if we put that clip on the Internet?” with a snooty British accent