Clips From TBTL #2254: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Aaghh!”

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Andrew: “By the way… there are some F words coming up”

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Andrew: “Can I, can I just disconnect the line before you finish this; cuz, I think I know what you’re gonna say”

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Andrew: Drawn out and groaning “No!”

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Andrew: “Excuse me while I slip into something more annoying”

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Andrew: “Hello, Luke Burbank”

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Andrew: “I will stand. I will pace. I will kind of wring my hands. I’m a hand-wringer.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing #3

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Andrew: Laughing #4

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Oh, God!”

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Andrew: “Like a little slam dunky thing”

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Andrew: “M-m-my brain’s has to do what brain’s got to do”

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Andrew: “Move over, booze”

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Andrew: “Oh, by the way… this is gonna get gross”

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Andrew: “Oh, God! How are we gonna get through this segment!?!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no.”

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Andrew: “See, Luke? You effed the country!”

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Andrew: “Sorry”

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Andrew: “Sup, man! Damn it!!! G–Just gimme one more, just one more. I got it this time.”

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Andrew: “Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.”

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Andrew: “We’re just kind of slipping into, slipping into annoying mode”

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Andrew: “What do you know-sef, Josef?”

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Andrew: “What we all just saw was, you know, a bunch of people who are gathered to be entertained for an evening; so, it was a good thing that everybody there didn’t just Andrew it up and hide behind the bleachers.”

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Andrew: “Wow. You are… over-estimating the power of TBTL, my friend.”

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Andrew: “Yeah, son.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew’s brain kicked off a self-defense mechanism, trying to forget Luke’s toenail story

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m pretty sure we can just go forever, until we break (Okay) the Internet”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m putting you on the… Bud Light Michelada Lime hot seat here. Yup!”

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Andrew and Luke: “Now, if you had me sit down, and blindfolded me, and then bit my fingernails for a while, and then gave me a… cuz… That’s how we do! And just ran ostrich feather over your lips. Oh, God! I’ve them all written down at home, if you’d like to see it. I’ve got some drawings.”

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Andrew and Luke: Singing “Brooklyn, we sit hard. We sit hard.”

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Andrew and Luke: “We’re off to (Yes) a hot start”

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Clips From TBTL #2253

Andrew: “¡Vámanos a Cheers!”

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Andrew: “Did you wake up at midnight and just eat a turkey? That’s what I want to hear about; like, I assumed you woke up at…”

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Andrew: “Here’s the saddest thing: if we open up your head, it’s Homer Simpson; and then, if we open up Homer Simpson’s head, it’s me. So, that’s really bad.”

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Andrew: “It’s gonna be good, Luke.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing at an SNL skit

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Andrew: “Look at me and how wonderful my life is”

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Andrew: “Oh, man.”

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Andrew: Quiet “What?”

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Andrew: “Really!?”

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Andrew: Saying “Yeah, it’s good” as Bob Dylan

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Andrew: “Well Camus can do, but Satre is smartre”

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Andrew and Luke: “Gracias. ¡Vámanos!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Probably like the last moment before death, we all probably feel okay. I’m feel warm, I’m levitating. What the eff!”

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Luke: “¡Vámanos!”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “Cómo se dice, level”

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Luke: “Damn, I feel good this morning!”

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Luke: “Et cetera, et cetera”

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Luke: “I have problems today!”

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Luke: “I’m Homer S. Pumpkin!”

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Luke: “I’m trapped in a David S. Pumpkin’s world”

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Luke: “It stinks!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing at a Simpsons clip

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Luke: “Portland, Oregon, the Rose City by the Bay”

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Luke: Saying “Hey man, keep on keeping on. No cameras, please.” as Bob Dylan

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Luke: Saying “You’ve got a lotta nerve!” as Bob Dylan

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Luke: Singing “I go out eatin’, after midnight, out in the moonlight, just like a cartoon mouse”

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Luke: Singing “I go out eatin’, after midnight”

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Luke: Singing “Sun’s coming up, looking over the clouds. Listen to a story about police ineptitude and kidnapped children”

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Luke: “Snitches get stitches”

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Luke: “What the eff!”

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Luke: “Zing!”

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Luke and Andrew: Chipper, new Luke wants to sing the Cheers theme song in Spanish

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Luke and Andrew: El Niña, La Niña and Luke is bueno at Español

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Luke and Andrew: “I drank… the blood of an infant. Oh, wow!”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s a Russian nesting doll of inadequacy (of inadequacy and stupidity)”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke is turning into Mark Russell

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Luke and Andrew: Mark Russell Fan Forum

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Luke and Andrew: The Full Russellization of Luke Burbank

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Luke and Andrew: “The smell…. What? It stinks!”

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Luke and Andrew: “What do you think you would grab? Probably ‘A Gift From A Flower To A Garden’… Donovan record. I don’t even know what that is! It’s a Donovan record.”

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Luke and Andrew: “What Homer just did is the inside of my brain, twenty-four hours a day (I know!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Whoa. Whoa.”

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Clips From TBTL #2252

Andrew: “And possibly even smoked one too many cigarettes. I know! I know. You should never smoke cigarettes, especially when you’re sick. But… I did, Josef. I did.”

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Andrew: “Bleu”

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Andrew: “Hello-sef, Josef. How do you like that? That’s my new thing.”

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Andrew: “Hey listen, I know. I, I like cheap-o beer. I’m not some sort of beer snob about it; but, just generally speaking, this story is depressing.”

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Andrew: “Hoo-hoo!”

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Andrew: “How does that happen!?”

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Andrew: “I got the brain-cloud”

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Andrew: “I have a cold”

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Andrew: “I think I’m gonna be a little slappy today”

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Andrew: “I’m out”

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Andrew: “I’m-a get me some pho”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Oh, God. That killed me.”

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Andrew: “Oh, really?”

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Andrew: “Ohhhh”

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Andrew: “What!?!”

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Andrew: “What is that?”

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Andrew: Whispering “Yo quiero Taco Bell”

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Andrew: “Whoa”

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Andrew: “You know… whatever.”

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Andrew and Luke: Chuckling

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Andrew and Luke: “You know what that was? That was the audio equivalent of Olive putting her paw on Carey’s finger. Ohhhh!”

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Luke: Chuckling and saying “Oh, man.”

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Luke: “Goddamn, that’s racist!”

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Luke: “I call that, ‘The Marriage Buster'”

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Luke: “I got more juice to drink; so, buckle up, everybody.”

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Luke: “I will slake my thirst with your blood!”

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Luke: Imitating sound of a line whistle

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Luke: Imitating sound of a line whistle #2

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Luke: “Job-job”

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Luke: “My wegs were shakin'”

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Luke: “Nguyen”

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Luke: “Nguyen” #2

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Luke: “Nguyen” #3

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Luke: “Nguyen” #4

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Luke: “Oh, no-sef, Josef”

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Luke: “Ow!”

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Luke: “Skyjinks, woo!”

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Luke: “Sorry, my… Hey L.A. Times… stop, please.”

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Luke: “That was actually me messing something up”

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Luke: “The Bay Kitty. We have so much to talk about with her. She had a rough yesterday, it turned out. Went to get, went to get spayed… or neutered. That’s how we honor Bob Barker’s memory in this house; is, we help control the pet population by having our pets spayed and neutered. I think only, maybe the girls gets spayed and the boys get neutered?”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, tell them The Bone sent ya! Don’t!”

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Luke and Andrew: “But, the first thing the doctor said was, he goes, ‘Has any insects come out of it?’ Hoo-hoo!”

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Luke and Andrew: hWhooping Cough vs Whooping Cough

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Luke and Andrew: Luke’s Job-job

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Luke and Andrew: “This mofo gonna break this seat into my lap! (Right. That’s exactly…) Yo, relax!”

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Luke and Andrew: Trying to figure out if the name spoken will be Rámon or Fernando

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Luke and Andrew: “We, we full-ass each and every episode (Yes! Yes, we certainly do!) of the show…”

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Clips From TBTL #2251

Andrew: “I thought you’re supposed to hold her paw?”

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Andrew: “I’m babbling”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Over here”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Yeah”

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Andrew: “My goal for the show is to make that come out your nose”

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Andrew: “No, no, he’s on a telephone pole, messing with wires. And, he says, ‘I can call my mom from here.’ And then, he yells, ‘Hey ma, get off the dang roof!’ Which is one of my favorite jokes ever.”

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Andrew: “Oh, wow!”

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Andrew: “Teriyaki Madness!”

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Andrew: “Why do I want to hurt you!?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew wants to hurt Luke by eating some ribs in front of him

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Andrew and Luke: “Does it give you gas!? No! Okay, good; (I got nothing) cuz, I lit a candle. Thank for doing that, John Fogerty.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Good, that’s funny juice right there. Ha! Possible show title: Funny Juice!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I have a chopped and screwed version… Oh, that’s perfect. That’s absolutely perfect.”

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Andrew and Luke: “It was so goddamn moving, man. It was (Really?) so goddamn moving. Yeah.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Teriyaki Madness, we have your daughter! It’s so messed up! I love it.”

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Luke: “And I’m not trying to rub it in the ears of the listeners”

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Luke: “And that’s only, that’s just the beginning of the weirdness!”

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Luke: “Bodies rocked… five days a week. That’s right.”

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Luke: “God, kids are idiots.”

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Luke: “Green Bling”

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Luke: “I am whatever the opposite of being constipated is because (I love juice!) I’m in day two of my, of my juice cleanse”

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Luke: “I’ve got a Coleman cooler that looks like I have transported a human kidney here intro Andrew’s home studio”

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Luke: Injecting “Green tea” into the Biggie Smalls “Juicy” song

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Luke: “Let’s see if I grab that one. Yep! I did! Yes, I did. I did that.”

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Luke: “Oh, my goodness gracious. What has my life come to? What is this man’s life come to? He’s been sitting across the table from me, listening to all of this”

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Luke: “Oi!”

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Luke: “Sarcastic joke loading”

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Luke: Singing “Put a candle in the window, ’cause I feel I’ve got to move.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Basically wing-nut, white people. Yeah, I guess.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Dang it! Why didn’t I think of that!?! (Right) You got me.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I still haven’t heard from him… (Right) but I could. (Right, right) I still haven’t heard from him… but I might.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’ve taken a lot of green juice during this program, and some of it is coming out of me. Not, not as we speak… God, I paid a lot for that chair. Good, grief.”

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Luke and Andrew: “It will be more like: I wanna steal stuff, I want to look at people when they’re naked, I wanna go to Costa Rica and not see me at the pool (Yeah)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s make it all pineapple juice next time, please. Could you throw a meatball in there too, please? Ooh, I almost got ya, almost got ya. You came so close! It’s my carpet, I don’t know why I want to see this happen so bad.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Oi! Oh, here we go. I’ve been watching a lot of Black Mirror. Apologies in advance, Sam.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Olive is our cat, by the way; in case, you just tuned into the show today. That’s not true, it’s their daughter! (Yeah, Yeah) And, this is a dark conversation.”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is like when they cancelled TBTL on KIRO. How so? Umm, I kept missing kicks. Yeah, but, Jen kept holding them laces… in. Dang it! (So)”

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Luke and Andrew: “We could go way outside the litter box with this episode. Oh, ho-ho-ho! Dude, I told you… funny juice! (I love juice!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “We’d like to thank our Biggie Smalls ‘Juicy’ clean, chopped and screwed… level donors of the day (Mmm-hmm)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Yeah, what about naked people? Exactly.”

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Clips From TBTL #2250: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And every time I turn on… fucking Jim Rome, I’m just like, ‘Goddamn it!'”

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Luke: “Biggie Smalls ‘Juicy,’ clean version, donors of the day”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: Cute Laugh

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Luke: Cute Laugh #2

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Luke: “Cuz that’s, that’s gonna be upsetting to see in the toilet”

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Luke: “Eff my life”

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Luke: “I am, once again, embarking on a juice fast!”

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Luke: “I’m-a get you!”

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Luke: “In Hell’s anus”

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Luke: “It’s such a club-banger, but it’s so high!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Saying “Here I go once again with the e-mail” as Strong Bad

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Luke: Saying “Scotty Ferrall the Ferralla” in a weird voice

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Luke: Saying a promo for Scotty Ferrall in a weird voice

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Luke: “That would be how LB does”

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Luke: “Well, I stand by it, Andrew!”

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Luke: Whistling a portion of an Aerosmith song

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Luke: Whistling to the Strong Bad e-mail segment intro

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Luke: “Yonder parts of Bellingham”

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Luke and Andrew: “Andrew Walsh, tooth, tooth detective. There’s just one molar bothering me.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew wanted beef jerky pie

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Luke and Andrew: “Dang, that’s a tight cluster! Look at that, New England represent! (…of New England) Wow!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I have to really actually, kind of like, sort of limit that. Because, otherwise, it’s gonna turn me, Andrew, into you. Uh, how so?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke whistling the Strong Bad e-mail segment intro and Andrew creating keyboard typing sounds

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Luke and Andrew: Singing “It’s gonn’ brick… out!”

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s some Hannibal Lector shit. Exactly what I pictured too!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Yeah, well, this is chopped and screwed… How come you get to make those jokes!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “You know Slate has a headline up right now that’s like ‘The Secret Reason Donald Trump Will Be Better for Liberals’. (Right) You know they gonna do that shit.”

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Clips From TBTL #2250: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Aagh!”

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Andrew: “Ah, pulling a Walsh they call that. They, they, once, one young, one young cool person once said.”

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Andrew: “Ain’t fuck with Slate right now”

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Andrew: “Aw, juice buddies. I love juice!”

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Andrew: “Barely Home Companion”

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Andrew: “Be the Luke Burbank who has to pee the most”

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Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: “God!”

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Andrew: “Goddamn, that must smell bad!”

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Andrew: “Hmm… Hmm… Hmm.”

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Andrew: “I am obese”

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Andrew: “I forgot about that guy!”

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Andrew: “I wanna see how outrageous that is compared with my diet of, of just eating, of eating junk and awfulness”

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Andrew: “I’m a winner!”

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Andrew: “I’m the biggest wuss in the world”

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Andrew: “Is Wednesday’s show title gonna be, ‘So… Cold!’?”

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Andrew: “It’s a little too hip for me”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing #3

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Andrew: “Like, you’re a hero”

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Andrew: “Radio math”

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Andrew: Saying “I love juice!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “That’s a horrible imitation that I just did”

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Andrew: “There’s a, there’s a chin under there somewhere look that so many people find, so many people find sexy in a middle-aged pudge man, like myself.”

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Andrew: “There’s just one molar bothering me”

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Andrew: “This is a Trump-free zone”

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Andrew: “This is where I’m gonna be a little rude about it”

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Andrew: “Wait! Hold on, though”

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Andrew: Whistling

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Andrew: “Yay!”

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Andrew: “You don’t want me to scat in the meantime?”

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Andrew: “You know, fucking… Sorry.”

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone


Andrew and Luke: “I am awake, but I just don’t care that somebody’s got (Right) pliers in my mouth and ripping (Right) my goddamn tooth out”

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone

Andrew and Luke: Luke’s e-mail notification sound went off

MP3 | MPEG-4 | MPEG-4 Ringtone