Clips From TBTL #1978: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And then Smart Water, I’m like, I want to be smart!”

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Luke: “And, umm, I got into the bathroom and I was jigging out. I was getting jiggy with it.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Hollywood Hodor Tapioca Future Magic Castle Attendee’ Walsh”

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Luke: “Do you even Prairie Home, bro?”

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Luke: Doing the “Na na na na” bit from Will Smith’s “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It”

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Luke: “Feel the burn.”

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Luke: “Hornswoggle”

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Luke: “I’m class out the ass.”

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Luke: “I’m half a Durst”

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Luke: “I’m hardcore Dreamcatchering”

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Luke: “Is this dive too deep for you, bro?”

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Luke: “It’s just all farts”

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Luke: “It’s just all farts” with Andrew laughing

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Luke: “It’s-a like a Depends for my insides, and it draws up all of the moisture.”

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Luke: “Kate Smith, or excuse me, kiss, listener, or maybe kistener.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Listen to the Keith, bro!”

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Luke: “Night Pizza”

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Luke: “Nirvanna”

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Luke: “Noticing”

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Luke: “Oh, God.”

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Luke: “Oh, my God, am I Susie Burbank’s son.”

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Luke: Reciting lyrics from Cypress Hill’s “Insane In The Membrane”

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Luke: “Shoot the Christmas tree!!!”

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Luke: Singing “Return of the drops. Oh my God!”

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Luke: Singing “Return of the Mack”

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Luke: Singing “There goes my hero” from Foo Fighter’s “My Hero”

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Luke: “This is, will send our listeners scrambling down a WebMD rabbit hole, and then telling me about it.”

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Luke: “This one is going, this one is going to Dreams Small Claims Court.”

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Luke: “Umm, can I file a claim for my laptop?”

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Luke: “When I wants me a Billy Bass, I gets me a Billy Bass.”

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Luke: “Whoo-whoo”

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Luke and Andrew: Doot-dooing melody of “Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega

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Luke and Andrew: “Guess what Andrew? Huh. I have peed my pants now.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I meant Duck Tales. Woah-oh!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I was like, ‘Well, this one goes to three. (Right. Absolutely.) Why don’t you make, why don’t you make two tighter? This one goes to three. (Right.)'”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’ve only found one thing that works. Wearing diapers to bed.”

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Luke and Andrew: “If you’re Luke Burbank, you file fraudulent claims. It’s what you do.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke reading/reciting lyrics from Cypress Hill’s “Insane In The Membrane”

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Luke and Andrew: New take on Talking Heads’s “Once In A Lifetime”

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Luke and Andrew: “Our first e-mail is actually a v-mail. Our first b-mail is actually a v-mail. This is a weirdly punchy show for a Tuesday. It really is. Oh my God, Friday’s going to be a mess.”

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Clips From TBTL #1978: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: Andrew uses “rounds of drinks at a bar” as a unit of monetary measurement

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Andrew: “Ha-ha!”

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Andrew: “Ha!”

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Andrew: “Huh.”

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Andrew: “I’m just a lazy, fat bastard.”

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Andrew: “I’m just talking to the world here, Luke.”

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Andrew: “I’ve always been kind of a burn dog though.”

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Andrew: “It’s raining like a cow pissin’ on a flat rock.”

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Andrew: “It’s so funny, this life of ours.”

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Andrew: “Oh my God, Friday’s going to be a mess.”

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Andrew: Saying “Woah-oh!” a la Duck Tales theme song

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Andrew: “That was the creepiest moment in TBTL history.”

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Andrew: “This is making me have to go to the bathroom; and, I’ll bet ya a millions bucks, I’m not the only one.”

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Andrew: “Whatever.”

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Andrew: “Who pushed the fish?”

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Andrew: “Yeah.”

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Andrew: “You PHC, bro?”

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Andrew: “You’re making the classic mistake of thinking the show is about the listeners.”

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Andrew and Luke: High point or low point of American podcasting

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Andrew and Luke: “Hundo and five hundo us to death, like it’s (That’s rich.) ridiculous. That’s rich. That’s rich.”

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Andrew and Luke: “She’s a hep cat! Yeah, yeah. She’s outta sight, man!”

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Andrew and Luke: Steve Nelson drop is now a mash-up of first few notes of Seahawks Rap, El Ropo and Luke vocalizing the end of El Ropo and donkey sounds

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Clips From TBTL #1977: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “All Tupacs go to heaven though.”

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Andrew: “Aww, dang it. Awww! This is turning into a Monday, my brain doesn’t work.”

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Andrew: “Come on!!!”

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Andrew: “Fireball is kind of shortcut for ‘Oh, my God! How many Fireball shots did you drink?'”

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Andrew: “God!!!””

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Andrew: “God!!! How does that help anything?”

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Andrew: “I was livid before kick-off.”

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Andrew: “I’m not podcasting from the bathroom anymore.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I love the fact that those words just came out of your mouth.”

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Andrew: “Oh, my God!”

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Andrew: “‘Roam [sic] with me, Hail Mary!’ I can’t believe I’m singing Tupac. I shouldn’t have done that.”

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Andrew: Singing “Roam [sic] with me, Hail Mary!” from Tupac’s “Hail Mary”

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Andrew: “There’s a lot of dead comedians out there!”

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Andrew: “What’s he building in there?”

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Andrew: “Why are you being so mean, Luke?”

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Andrew: “Why does everything happen to me?”

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Andrew: “You Burbanked that, by the way.”

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Andrew: “You listen to the show, folks. You know that I don’t know what words mean.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew talking about Browns fans and Luke does his vomit sound

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Andrew and Luke: “Can we name the show that today? Umm, not on your life.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Those people right there were saying, ‘But Walsh, we loved your show…’ Notice me!”

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Clips From TBTL #1977: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “Andrew ‘Hodor Boom Boom Hollywood Tapioca’ Walsh”

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Luke: “Andy Ka-ouf-man”

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Luke: “As per usge”

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Luke: “But that also has the ‘N word’ in it.”

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Luke: “Come over to Burbank Town.”

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Luke: “Corrrrrect her.”

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Luke: Cyber Funday, Cyber Fuesday and Cyber Fednesday

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Luke: “Doctor Balls”

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Luke: “I felt like I could maybe, possibly upchuck.”

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Luke: “I mean, we can’t rule it in or out, Andrew; that, just talking to you makes me violently ill.”

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Luke: Imitating a vomiting sound

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Luke: Imitating a vomiting sound #2

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Luke: “Oh man, I will drink any baby under the table. I am confident about that.”

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Luke: “Oh, I’d punch a baby Hitler. Don’t get me wrong.”

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Luke: Singing “Turn down for pun!”

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Luke: “That sounded like you were having a stroke. That was amazing.”

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Luke: “This is a, more or less, a vomitorium at this point, if I need it to be.”

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Luke: “Uhh, I like all that shit.”

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Luke: “Vegas, baby. Vegas.”

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Luke: “You can’t write this stuff.”

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Luke and Andrew: “(Sneeze) Gesundheit (Sneeze) That’s better than puking! There was a little puke in there.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew laughing to Luke saying “Seattle’s Browns station…for one night.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke asks Andrew if Andrew would kill a baby Luke if he knew Luke would make a spoof

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s me losing my tapioca. Well, I don’t like my nickname in that context.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Turn down a pun? Turn down a pun would be more… Do you want me to write that down? No, please don’t (I will!)”

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Clips From TBTL #1976: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Abort, abort!”

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Andrew: Andrew reads a portion of a nasty e-mail he received from a listener

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Andrew: “Don’t bury that!”

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Andrew: “Give me a brerk.”

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Andrew: “#Blessed”

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Andrew: “Hmm”

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Andrew: “Holy macaroons!”

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Andrew: “I mean, I’m not fine with eating tapioca, but I’m fine being called Tapioca.”

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Andrew: “I meant, oh yes!”

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Andrew: “I’m think am losing control of mouth at this point in the show, that is true.”

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Andrew: “Is lazy the right word?”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh”

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Andrew: “Oh no, but”

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Andrew: “Oh no!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! You’ve been on Facebook today, my friend!”

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Andrew: “Oh, wow!”

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Andrew: “Rub two of these maple bars on it and call me in the morning.”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “The e-mail? That’s just absurd, though.”

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Andrew: “Try going to a cafeteria, man!”

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Andrew: “Try going to a cafeteria, man! Holy macaroons!”

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Andrew: “We’re gonna need to do a maple bar transplant. But, what? Yes, we replace bones with donuts.”

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Andrew: “What the hell is wrong with me?”

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Andrew: “With my laptop computor [sic]

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew couldn’t quite say “throngs of people”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew losing control of his mouth by saying “Plantard” instead of “Planters”

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Andrew and Luke: “Broke your leg, huh? Sounds like something sugar can help! Yeah, have you tried rubbing a donut on it? (Geez!)”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m Helm’s Deep into the story (Yes), I’ll tell you that much, right now.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh no! But so… No, oh yes! I meant, oh yes! Yes and. Oh no, but. Possible show title, ‘Oh no, but’.”

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Clips From TBTL #1976: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “6 cc of raspberry jelly, stat!!!”

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Luke: A Mini TBTL No Point Conversion

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Tapioca’ Walsh”

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Luke: “B-ham”

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Luke: Drawn out “What?!?”

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Luke: “God, I love that show!”

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Luke: “Got it. Okay. I get it. I follow. I dig.”

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Luke: “Hey bruh”

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Luke: “Hey, I finally get fractions!”

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Luke: “How can you not love that show?”

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Luke: “I was in Ballard since you were drawing with crayons–whatever”

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Luke: “I’ll be a bridge…”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing #2

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Luke: “My ship has come in.”

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Luke: “Oh, the iTunes checkmark”

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Luke: Singing “Let me see that throng.”

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Luke: “Sorry Stu, you texted to us, we read it on the air. Stu said, ‘She can kick me in the dick, as long as she buys me a beer.'”

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Luke: “Stu-bot texted both of us. He said, ‘Fletch covered my bar tab at the Muddy Pig. She is quality people and swears a fuck-ton more than she does on TBTL.'”

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Luke: “Tastes great! More filling.”

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Luke: “That Fireball will, will really kick you in your prives.”

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Luke: “That throng, that throng.”

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Luke: “The Dick Kicker”

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Luke: Trying to recite the “Lord’s Prayer” from memory and adding “World without end?” to the end

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Luke: Trying to sing the theme to “Writer’s Almanac”

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Luke: “Why in your new ads, why does your beer sound like an unredeemable dick?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Get off my lawn!!! (Mmm-hmm.)”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s not a big deal, but it’s not a big deal (it’s such a big deal). Doesn’t matter.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke has been on the negative train lately, does impressions of himself speaking negatively and kind of sounds like his Bill Clinton impression

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Luke and Andrew: Luke’s Garrison Keillor impression sounds like a Bill Clinton impression

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