Clips From TBTL #1911

Andrew: “Ah-no.”

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Andrew: Drawn out “God!”

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Andrew: “God, that poor woman’s nose!”

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Andrew: “If a Stu-bot sharp-shoots you in the woods and Luke isn’t there, did it really happen?”

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Andrew: “If anybody ever does run into Luke, don’t look him in the eye. Do not look him in the eye.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing “Not for me”

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Andrew: “My bearded lips”

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Andrew: “Once you peered into that abyss…”

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Andrew: Repulsed “Oh, God!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “What!?!?”

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Andrew: “When you say my name, I want it to pop!”

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Andrew and Luke: “My bearded lips. New sponsor, my bearded lips. My bearded lips.”

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Andrew and Luke: Renting to own sound effects

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Andrew and Luke: “You’re gonna get sharp-shot by the A-bot right off the top”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: Luke just drops off the line

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: Ranting about Luke’s Frank Stallone obsession

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Luke: “Don’t break kayfabe on T.K.A.M!”

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Luke: “He’s kind of a jabroni, but he was a likable jabroni to me”

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Luke: “I also have a hard-out, Walsh, a hard-out at 1:30 west coast time, okay?”

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Luke: “I just had the idea for this name and it’s so sharp, it’s like, it could cut things!”

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Luke: The lifespan of a Luke Burbank joke

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Luke: “Tronald Dump”

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Luke and Andrew: From Jackie Stallone’s lips to everyone else’s ears

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Luke and Andrew: “If the Pope sharp-shits in the woods…”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke saying “Aww, shit!”

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Luke and Andrew: Playing online Scrabble and Andrew’s extended laughter

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Luke and Andrew: “You’re pretty tough from behind that beard, aren’t you? Man, a week ago… I think of it more as a scruff.”

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Steve Neuman: “Am I a likable jabroni too, or…?”

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Steve Neuman: “Possible show title?”

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Steve Neuman and Andrew: Andrew is repulsed by the thought of a McDonalds sushi

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Clips From TBTL #1895

Andrew: “I might as well have been buying booze and guns and condoms”

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Andrew: “I’m in my own head too much here”

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Andrew: Saying “I seriously cannot wait for the quiz!” in an overly excited manner

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Andrew and Johnny: Johnny regrets playing Andrew’s quiz and Andrew wants to play more quizzes with Johnny

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Andrew and Stu: “Do you have a punching pillow too?”

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Andrew and Stu: “Oh my God, this is the worst game ever! I’m sorry, I apologize to everyone who’s ever lived!”

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Stu: “Because, that’s what normals do”

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Stu: “Can I ‘ding ding ding’ a potential show title for ‘booze, guns and condoms’?”

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Stu: “He is a jackass”

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Stu: “It’s a Phyllis Friday on a Test Thursday, but it’s not a Wednesday”

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Stu: “Quiz Master Andrew”

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Stu: “You can just take this bit of audio and fire it into the sun”

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Stu and Andrew: Poppycock, piffle and white hot garbage

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Stu and Andrew: “Separation anxiety is almost over kids! (Right!)”

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Stu and Andrew: Stu went into a dark room and cried, the Andrew way

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Clips From TBTL #1894

Andrew: “Are you about to throw Phyllis under the bus?”

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Andrew: “But listen, I’m not here to poo on Jennifer Gardner (sic)”

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Andrew: “Holy macaroni!”

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Andrew: “I can, I can barely keep the show afloat”

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Andrew: “I think Jennifer Garner acts with her forehead too much”

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Andrew: Introducing Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman

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Andrew: “Just like, bam!”

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Andrew: “The dog’s name is actually Berryhill Thinking Man’s Crumpet”

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Andrew: “Yes!!!”

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Andrew: “You are in great hands, you’re in my hands. You’re in my big, meaty paws. Sorry, let’s get to the part where we stop talking about my hands.”

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Andrew: “You are so mad at this story. You are so mad at this story!”

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Andrew and John Moe: “Well, thanks for explaining this to me and answering a bunch of, a million questions that probably took all of the fun out of something you find joy in.”

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Andrew and Stu: “Know what? Good talk, good talk Stu! Thanks, I’m actually over it, I’m really looking forward to our adventure.”

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Andrew and Stu: Whispering computer voice saying “Save a horse, ride a Burbank” will haunt your nightmares

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John Moe: “What the fuck did I just watch, is what I thought”

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John Moe and Andrew: “Can you swear on this show by the way, Andrew? Ah, yes.”

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John Moe and Andrew: “Can you swear on this show by the way, Andrew? Ah, yes. What the fuck did I just watch, is what I thought”

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Robot Voice: “Sharp-shot by the Stu-bot”

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Stu: “Berryhill Thinking Man’s Crumpet”

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Stu: “Cuz her name is fucking Sophie, it’s a normal dog name. Not, Nottingham Science Person Bagel Bite, I mean it’s not…”

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Stu: “Jesus Christ!!!”

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Stu: Mimicking “El Ropo” whistle and saying “Cost overrun”

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Stu: “Ride a horse, save a Burbank”

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Stu: “She’s a forehead actor”

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Stu: Sighing

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Stu: “They, at some point, agreed to name this defenseless animal, this stupid God-damn name”

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Stu: “We have a dog, her name is Sophie. She’s a good girl, yes she is, she’s a very goo… Who’s a good girl? Sophie’s a good girl!”

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Stu: “With Meadowlark Super Genius Biscotti here”

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Clips From TBTL #1874

Andrew: “But I’m taking the wheel today folks, and I like to go fast”

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Andrew: “Dead or Donovan”

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Andrew: “Hello Stu-bot”

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Andrew: “Holy macaroons”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if we should have you on”

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Andrew: “I guess that’s still TBD, we’ll find out if I can handle the show today”

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Andrew: “I think there are a lot of people out there with some Twitter remorse”

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Andrew: “Instead of writing it on a mistake page, he had a sheet of paper that said ‘improvement opportunities'”

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Andrew: “Mmmm-really!?!?”

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Andrew: “Oh you’re coming back, you’re definitely coming back”

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Andrew: “Oh, you poor soul”

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Andrew: “Think at this point, I deserve it”

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Andrew: “When I say Stu-Bot, I’m talking of course about Steve, aka Stu, Neuman of the Infinite Guest podcast network”

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Andrew: “Why ‘RandBallsStu’?”

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Andrew: “Wow, you know your stuff!”

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Andrew: “You fascinate me”

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Andrew: “You know, it’s not often you see a guy steal first base, am I right?”

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Andrew: “You nailed it”

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Andrew and Stu: “Golden Flashes” sounds like something that involves “urine and bad decisions”

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Andrew and Stu: Getting Andrew’s goat

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Andrew and Stu: “Holy macaroons, do people have questions for the Stu-bot”

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Andrew and Stu: Lack of a Luke

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Andrew and Stu: “Remember, no mountain too tall…and good luck to all (you nailed it!)”

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Andrew and Stu: Unsexable

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Geoffrey and Stew (from “Strangers with Candy”): “Simmer down Stew. I’m just so angry! Obviously, you have a beef Stew but please don’t stir things up”

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Stu: “And I’d just like to say to the Tens, you’re all perfect Tens to me”

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Stu: “Damn it!”

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Stu: “Every time I tweet, there’s Twitter remorse”

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Stu: “Everyone’s first Tweet, by the way, is ‘checking out'”

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Stu: “Good luck to all”

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Stu: “Hot Rockin’ Andy”

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Stu: “I gotta get into the right head-space”

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Stu: “I need the shit out of this, Andrew”

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Stu: “I’m not blowing smoke up your hinder”

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Stu: “Newsletter Thing”

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Stu: “Oh, like Stewie Neuman, from St. Elmo’s Fire”

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Stu: “Sounds like Classic Manly coming up”

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Stu: “Umm no, I had Stu thrust upon me”

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Stu: “What? Who? Why?”

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Stu: “What kind of pornography is that?”

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Stu: “Who played the saxamaphone”

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Stu: “You know the rule of three Steves”

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Stu and Andrew: Andrew has a lot of nicknames and carries them around like baggage

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Stu and Andrew: Stu answering my question to him

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Stu and Andrew: Stu attempts to recreate the “El Ropo” whistle as a little ditty

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Stu and Andrew: “This is a multi-layered uninteresting tangent, so this is perfect for TBTL as far as I’m concerned”

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Steve “Stu” Neuman Explains His Nickname and Twitter Handle

When Steve Neuman, aka “Stu” and “Stu-bot”, was a guest on TBTL #1874, he provided the history and explanation of how he got the nickname “Stu” and why his Twitter handle is Twitter: @RandBallsStu.

Stu and Andrew: Stu explaining how he got the nickname “Stu Neuman”

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Stu and Andrew: Stu explains his Twitter handle “@RandBallsStu”

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Clips From TBTL #1860

Andrew: “And the, you get your Veep in there”

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Andrew: “Give now, while you still have a job”

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Andrew: “God, I’m lazy”

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Andrew: “Hmm”

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Andrew: “I always have this lingering sense that I’m using words incorrectly, but sometimes I can’t figure out which words they are”

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Andrew: “I don’t think I’ve completed my Googling”

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Andrew: “I wish I could name the show that”

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Andrew: “Oh”

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Andrew saying “Steve Nelson” a la “El Ropo”

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Andrew: “So you said it well yesterday, so I’m going to take it and mangle it”

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Andrew: “Sorry Luke”

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Andrew: The Tale of Two “What!?!?”s

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Andrew: “I mean I could be wrong here… the reason why I’m stuttering and stammering is that, first of all, my name is Andrew”

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Andrew: “We’ve always been small, we’ve always been scrappy”

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Andrew: “While I do my doody”

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Andrew: “Wondering around the room looking for the best signal, and the best signal was there in the poop room?”

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Andrew: “Worst. Pitch. Ever.”

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Andrew: “You have a new job, Stu-bot”

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Andrew: “You’re right there in the bathroom huh?”

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Andrew: “You’ve now made this the best pitch ever”

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Andrew: “Yup”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew mixes up DVD, Tivo and DVR

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Luke: “A teddy bear, who’s just been misunderstood”

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Luke: “But actually, I was going John Mayer song ‘Gravity'”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “For the lappy-toppy”

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Luke: Impression of Mr. Burns saying “Excellent!”

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Luke: “Jacko wacko fo’ cracko”

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Luke: “Laptop. More like craptop”

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Luke: “…The Brain Fairy comes when they are two and gives them a brain”

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Luke: “We’ll keep this spaceship of terrible analogies hurtling towards the sun”

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Luke: “Well, that was a non-sequitur and we have a lot of those on the show”

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Luke: “Well, you have been many times the recipient of e-mails that have been composed in the bathroom, Andrew”

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Luke and Andrew: “Because, my wife finds it upsetting when she sees me carrying a laptop into the bathroom”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke attempts to do an Australian accent but aborts part way through

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Luke and Andrew: Luke telling Andrew to finish his Google

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Luke and Andrew: “No, no, no. God, I’m not an animal, ‘kay?”

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Luke and Andrew: Pronunciation of GIF

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Luke and Andrew: Role play on a plane about donating to TBTL

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Luke and Andrew: The phone in Luke’s hotel bathroom rings while the guys are recording the podcast

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Luke and Andrew: With a flourish and a toilet flush

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Steve “Stu” Neuman: Recorded Message: “Hey Luke, Hey Andrew. It’s Stu from the Infinite Guest podcast network, a division of American Public Media”

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