Clips From TBTL #2129: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “But then everything went to shit!”

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Andrew: “But wait, there’s more.”

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Andrew: “Either you make it or you don’t.”

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Andrew: “Geez Louise!”

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Andrew: “Hey kid!”

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Andrew: “Hey little buddy”

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Andrew: “I didn’t know what a Stu-bot was”

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Andrew: “I hate myself. What the hell is wrong with me?”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna go with, because it’s a last name, I’m gonna go with a, a, a spelling that might be considered… of the wall.”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna take this clip of tape, I’m gonna send it to KCRW and say, ‘See? I can spell!!! I can spell!!!’ That’ll win them over.”

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Andrew: “If there’s anything I know about, it’s mixed nuts.”

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Andrew: “It is what it is though.”

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Andrew: “It means that you should go forth and spread the word of God!”

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Andrew: “It says if you dream about a playground, it means you secretly may want to club a seal.”

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Andrew: “Nothing makes sense”

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Andrew: “Oh yeah!”

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Andrew: “Okay, then. I’m doing two Songs for Your Weekend and I’m killing Luke’s mic.”

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Andrew: “Okay. Everybody’s a winner.”

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Andrew: “See? I can spell!!! I can spell!!!”

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Andrew: “That’s so good!”

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Andrew: “When the cat’s in Chicago, Andrew gets to play the music.”

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Andrew: “Why is this guy such an asshole?”

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Andrew: “Wow.”

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Andrew: “Wow, this dream took a really different turn.”

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Andrew: “You know what?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew asking if he’ll still be on the show for the next Music For Your Weekend

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew had to move Heaven and Earth to get APM legal sign-off for TBTL live event insurance

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew trying to spell “Feldenkrais” with Luke’s help

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew trying to spell “Gesellschaft” with Luke’s help

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Andrew and Luke: Trying to pronounce “Gesellschaft”

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Clips From TBTL #2128: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And an update on my pitched battle against the mole people of Bellingham, Washington, The Bay City.”

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Luke: “And now he’s, like, ready to fuck some people up.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Hodor’ Walsh. I use his full name, because it matters.”

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Luke: “Andrew, I’ve become an insane, insane lifehacker when it comes to traveling.”

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Luke: “Exactly!”

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Luke: Hold the Door and Let Die or Live or Let Hold the Door

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Luke: “I can’t effing believe they pulled it off.”

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Luke: “I love this story.”

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Luke: “I’m inside his head.”

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Luke: Imitating sound made by the mole deterrent device

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Luke: “It was making me crazy.”

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Luke: “Lewis!”

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Luke: “Lewis!” #2

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Luke: “Peter Wrinklage”

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Luke: Saying “I think I’m turning into Johnny Depp’s Hannibal Lecter, aren’t I?” in a weak Australian accent

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Luke: Saying “I’m inside his head” in a mixed Australian/Cockney accent

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Luke: “This is the kind of shit that I do now constantly. Everything is a system. Everything is like a, again, a lifehack.”

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Luke: “This is the most Seattle thing… Really, only Portland could beat Seattle in this Seattle-ness of this; that, your mayor is riding to the office with a bike messenger pack and his, his, like, suit jacket rolled up in bike messenger pack.”

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Luke: “Uh, what do you make of all this, Walshski?”

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Luke: “Well, this is gonna get boring real fast.”

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Luke: “Yeah, that’s been a plank in the TBTL platform for far too long.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Get out of my friend Andrew’s life! You’re right, no kidding. God!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I scan myself in with my fingertips, that’s how they, that’s how they know that you’re, like, (Oh my God!) part of the club. It’s some, like, Minority Report shit going on. Total Recall. I Total Recall myself into that little place.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke stays in accent for a good amount of time

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Luke and Andrew: “Uh, that’s the basis for the Rush song ‘Take Long Way Home’. Oh! I–You know so much more about Rush than you let on.”

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Luke and Andrew: “You ever had something you thought was your signature thing that no one else even knew was your signature thing? Podcasting.”

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Clips From TBTL #2128: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Adapt or hold the door; and, that’s all we’re saying here. That’s all we’re saying here.”

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Andrew: “And, that never makes for great podcasting.”

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Andrew: “And, you just made someone, somewhere cry.”

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Andrew: Funny sounding “No”

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Andrew: “God, every time I say anything with conviction, I’m wrong!”

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Andrew: “God, I’m so not funny today.”

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Andrew: “Ha!”

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Andrew: “Ho-ho-hoooo!”

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Andrew: “How the F did I get on this topic?”

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Andrew: “I just want to start with a dazzling detail before I get in… this is one of those stories where I kind of have a million opinions that are all jumbling around in my brain; and, that never makes for good podcasting.”

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Andrew: “I love it.”

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Andrew: “Luke”

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Andrew: “Oh my God!”

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Andrew: “Oh!”

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Andrew: “Oh!” #2

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Andrew: Singing the first four notes to the “On The Media” theme

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Andrew: “So, that’s the plot of ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’.”

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Andrew: “That’s exactly why I don’t go listen back to TBTL.”

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Andrew: “The War of Louis (Lewis) Aggression”

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Andrew: “Where you’d get in at the crack of 8:59.”

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Andrew: “Why the face!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m like, I’m like Hannibal Lecter… (Exactly!) inside of his head, pulling little levers and strings. (I’m sorry)”

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Andrew and Luke: No Power Out, No Power In

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Andrew and Luke: The “Not So Funny Today” Network

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Clips From TBTL #2127: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “All you can eat, baby. All you can eat.”

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Luke: “Alright, play one more.”

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Luke: “An aluminum tube full of farts.”

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Luke: “And it’s just… so annoying!”

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Luke: “Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash”

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Luke: “Howdy doody”

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Luke: “I need to be more ‘Yes, and’ and I’m being kind of like ‘No way, dude.'”

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Luke: Laughing to Andrew’s story

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Luke: “Lewis. Lewis.”

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Luke: “My woif!”

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Luke: “No, no, no, no, no.”

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Luke: “Nofunik”

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Luke: “Oooh!”

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Luke: Pod-dog is currently Luke’s friend for life

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Luke: “Sidenote”

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Luke: Singing “Take me home, bumpy roads”

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Luke: “So, let me cut the chit-chat”

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Luke: “The readings are off the charts!”

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Luke: “Well, don’t they feel like a fool.”

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Luke: “Whoa!”

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Luke: “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew laughing to Luke saying “Our Top Story today takes us to 35,000 feet.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Because you’re against keeping the faith? Because… is that a… is that a…? That’s what Tavis Smiley says at the end of every show, ‘Keep the faith!’ Oh, he does? Oh, I didn’t know that! I thought… Oh God! I thought I was missing a Loggins reference.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I have a question for, for you Walshski (Mmm-hmm)”

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Luke and Andrew: “It might be disorienting to have a period of time, where you just literally shit gold. Yeah, I know. Also, go to a doctor if you’re shitting gold.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke asking if Andrew would like a photo of Luke hugging Janeane Garofalo on Live Wire

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Luke and Andrew: Luke singing “I’m alright! Don’t nobody worry about me.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Okay, a couple of e-mails before we get outta here, and one that I was so excited, Andrew, to see from you! Yes.”

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Luke and Andrew: “This guy gets it! Yes.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Water logginsed? Water logginsed, okay. Water logginsed, okay.”

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Clips From TBTL #2127: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And I just got scared.”

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Andrew: “And they’ve, they’ve done the nasty, as they say.”

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Andrew: “Are we water logginsed? Are we logged out?”

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Andrew: “Boy, that’s a weird way of putting it.”

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Andrew: “But, this thing must work!”

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Andrew: Chuckling

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Andrew: “First of all, Father, you’re fat. Why should I listen to you?”

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Andrew: “Hi, Luke.”

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Andrew: “I called him, ‘Doh-nald'”

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Andrew: “I don’t believe in ghosts… but!!!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know”

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Andrew: “I don’t think you have time for such silliness.”

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Andrew: “I, I know all kinds of slang.”

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Andrew: “I… Um… Yes.”

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Andrew: “I’m not rooting for you and Janeane.”

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Andrew: “I’ve asked a lot of dumb questions on this show, that might, that might top the bill.”

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Andrew: Imitating a pilot barking words over a plane’s PA

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Andrew: “It felt more like you were talking to a faceless god. Umm… a boy must have a name.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Yes!”

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Andrew: “Might have tacos tonight”

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Andrew: “No, that’s awful. That would torture me.”

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Andrew: “Oh yeah. Oh, yeah!”

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Andrew: “Oh, God… Tavis being Tavis!”

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Andrew: “Really?!? How did you not tell me this; or, did I ignore it?”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “So, I go to the app store and I go, ‘Yeah, gimme that, uh, gimme that ghost radar thing.'”

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Andrew: “That’s right, yeah, yeah, yeah.”

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Andrew: “There are a million of them!”

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Andrew: “There may or may not be a ghost in the room in here with me. Oh, as soon as I said that, it went away though.”

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Andrew: “Uh, wow!”

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Andrew: “Who are you? You fascinate me!”

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Andrew: “Yeah, that’s where… Ohh, I see red on that!”

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Andrew: “You wanna pull the nose up on this negativity train?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Don’t beat up on my friend, TBTL. Hey, good call. Thank you.”

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Andrew and Luke: “God, I love this song! It’s so good, right? Yes!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hi, Luke. Ummm… Everything alright, bud? Yeah… no…. it’s okay. There may or may not be a ghost in the room in here with me. Oh, as soon as I said that, it went away though.”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m sorry, I’m kind of going down a rabbit hole. I, I won’t play this, but… A Loggins-hole? Oh my God.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Is that the ‘I’m feeling alright,’ or what’s… ‘I’m alright!’ I’m alright, right! Yeah, yeah, yeah. ‘Don’t nobody worry about me.'”

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Andrew and Luke: “Like, I didn’t deserve friends. I nicknamed him… Oh, Andrew.”

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Clips From TBTL #2126

Andrew: “Aww man, Frank, you’re so cool. You know everything about buffer size… or whatever.”

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Andrew: “Can we stop killing direwolves, do you have your tote bag… We get it Luke, you care.”

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Andrew: “Does an apple sound good to you right now? If an apple doesn’t sound good to you right now, you’re probably bored. If you’re actually hunger, food would sound good to you.”

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Andrew: “Give it a break!”

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Andrew: “Holy crap! Is Hodor dying?!?”

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Andrew: “I get it. I get it.”

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Andrew: “I get it. I get it. So, Pod-dog can just come and go, decide whether or not she wants to do the show in any given day; but, I gotta be here, don’t I? I can’t just wonder off.”

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Andrew: “I love it so much!”

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Andrew: “I mean, am I an awkward guy? Yeah, I’m a little bit of an awkward guy.”

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Andrew: “I’m not gonna just use the power of Andrew Walsh, by the way; which, is a, it’s like a, a, a blowtorch on the… Well, it definitely blows. Hey oh!”

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Andrew: “Kingsmoot is still going on!!? What’s a kingsmoot and why is it still going on!!! Like, it just seems so tiresome!”

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Andrew: “Like, it just seems so tiresome!”

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Andrew: “Luke, how God damn flattering is this?”

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Andrew: “That man has a moon face.”

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Andrew: “They, they should say, like, before you hit ‘Calculate’, it should say ‘You should sit down’ or something like that.”

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Andrew: “Wow, that dog has had a weird, weird influence on me.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Can you do the squirrel call and see if I get excited? (Okay) I love it so much!”

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “I dunno.”

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Luke: “I’m just going to turn around and she’s in her Pod-bed. She’s not there.”

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Luke: “I’ve done a great job as a parent. I think we can all agree.”

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Luke: “It is crazy!”

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Luke: “Keep your warg dick in your pants, Bran!”

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Luke: Quaker Oats Center for Excellence

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Luke: “They better get to dyin’!”

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Luke: “They changed up my iTunes again!”

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Luke: “Whoever came up with the BMI thing, the Body Mass Index… Those people need to be on trial at The Hague for war crimes.”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is the part of the show where I correct mistakes… over the top of the Game of Thrones music. Yeah, sure. Whatever. It’s fine.”

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