Clips From TBTL #2790: No Point Conversion

Andrew: “Boobed the bed”

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Andrew: “Guess I got good at technology, Scotty. It’s Scotty. We love Scotty”

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Andrew: “I mean, I was Ders-ing it up like you wouldn’t believe”

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Andrew: “If I’m gonna be cocky about it”

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Andrew: “Ohh!! Gotcha. Gotcha”

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Andrew: “This is how you Browns it up”

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Luke: “Both teams just stunk it up”

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Luke: “Having just watched the Seahawks… guano the bed”

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Luke: “He’s just… just… diapered it up”

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Luke: “I just couldn’t care!”

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Luke: “It was Stu-dinger’s cat!”

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Luke: “It’s a good week to be an Andrew”

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Luke: “Spoken like a Browns fan. How dare you”

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Luke: “The game was… ugly. U-G-L-Y. You ain’t got no alibi. You’re ugly”

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Luke: “When it’s working… I love him”

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Clips From TBTL #2790

While discussing the top ten list of funny words, Luke had a field day with the word “cooch” and its homophone, “Couch” * (as in the John H. Couch who was one of the founders of Portland, Oregon). The following is a mashup of all thirteen times Luke said it and the one time that Andrew said it.

Luke and Andrew: Cooch Mashup

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Andrew: “Cooch”

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Andrew: “Cooch, we’ve covered… Goddamnit, Linh! If you… trim that out, and send that clip to me, I will… quit the show”

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Andrew: “Hans… Bubby!”

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Andrew: “I dunno why she knows this; but, I believe her”

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Andrew: “I had button jealousy”

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Andrew: “I mean, I don’t even know what the hell I was thinking”

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Andrew: “I… could never do that!”

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Andrew: “Let’s just ‘No, but’ ourselves out of this conversation”

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Andrew: “Oh my God. This is it. This is how I die. This is end of everything”

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Andrew: “Oh, shit. I got away with that! I can’t believe it!”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “Is it dirty?”

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Andrew: “What is this sweet, sweet button you have?”

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Andrew: “Yeah–not to be ‘No, but;’ but, that wasn’t the case in our, in our house”

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Luke: “Cooch”

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Luke: “Cooch” #2

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Luke: “Cooch” #3

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Luke: “Cooch” #4

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Luke: “Cooch” #5

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Luke: “Cooch” #6

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Luke: “Cooch” #7

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Luke: “Cooch” #8

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Luke: “Cooch!”

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Luke: “Cooch!” #2

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Luke: “Couch” *

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Luke: “Couch!” *

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Luke: Drawn out “Couch” *

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Luke: “Hunka-bunka, burning… bureaucracy”

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Luke: “Oh, that’s dirty”

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Luke: “Quit yer yapping!”

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Luke: Saying “California” in a funny manner

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Luke: “They are… high out of their minds!”

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Luke: “Top ten podcasts that ruined my marriage!”

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Luke: “Well, something must be wrong!”

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Clips From TBTL #2789

Andrew: “At the risk of trying to put her in a box”

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Andrew: “Black equals scary”

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Andrew: “Damnit!”

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Andrew: “Don’t phlegm into the mic”

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Andrew: “Go with me on this journey, Jeannie”

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Andrew: “I had some real burners”

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Andrew: “I literally played fantasy public radio show”

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Andrew: “It was Sunday. I was gonna have no coffee; but, I started to get the damn headache”

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Andrew: “It’s her… sophomore effort… if you will”

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Andrew: “Man, does my head hurt!”

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Andrew: “My name is Andrew Walsh. I get to talk first today; because, Luke Burbank… is traveling”

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Andrew: “No. I just leak from my face a lot when you make me laugh”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! Damnit!!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! I don’t like the look Jeannie’s giving me”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “I dunno what the rules are anymore”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m broken now” in a funny, drawn-out manner

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Andrew: Singing along with with the Doogie Howser, M.D. theme

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Andrew: Singing along with with the Doogie Howser, M.D. theme and saying “I like to sing along when I’m trying to get my… ducks in a row here”

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Andrew: “The Bad Boys of the seal community!”

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Andrew: “This is journalism. I hope you’re taking notes”

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Andrew: “You are so ‘Yes, and’-ing me right now”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Andrew saying “He’s talking about cocaine… Yes!!” and Jeannie gasps

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Don’t… mess around with that shit! (Yes)”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Funny reaction

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Geez, Louise. Oh my God! We’re fifteen minutes past break time already. Uh-oh… That’s your fault”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Jeannie is squicked out by the details of the eels that are up monk seals’s nostrils

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “John Barth still thinks I’m unemployed. Ohhh!”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Oh, yikes, man! (Mmm-hmm) Wow!”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “The computer yelled at me. It said, (Yeah) ‘Walsh, you don’t have to look this shit up’ (Yes)”

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Jeannie Yandel: “Feel the shape of your sinuses”

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Jeannie Yandel: “For God’s sake!”

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Jeannie Yandel: “I’m super phlegmy”

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Jeannie Yandel: Laughing and saying “Wait. What?”

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Jeannie Yandel: “Let’s talk about the Oscars when we can’t remember anybody’s name!”

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Jeannie Yandel: “That would be my rap name, is: O.T. Mouth Sounds”

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Jeannie Yandel and Andrew: “Actually, my favorite holiday meeting is when nobody knows who’s leading the meeting. Oh my God. You’re right”

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Jeannie Yandel and Andrew: The egg nog may have gotten to Jeannie

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Clips From TBTL #2788

Andrew: “First of all… this is gonna offend some people”

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Andrew: “Fuzzy kinda punky pop”

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Andrew: “Good morning, America!”

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Andrew: “I don’t think it’s a stinky smell I’m putting out there”

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Andrew: “I think it’s a tautology”

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Andrew: “It is nasty out there”

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Andrew: “Like, I’m not a real stinky person”

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Andrew: “Like, what the fuck happened!?”

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Andrew: “Smell-slash-poop hole”

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Andrew: “This is one… sexy donor song, right here”

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Andrew: “This is the oldest man-y thing I can say right now”

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Andrew: “We’ve reached Andrew Walsh at the Emoji Research Institute, based in Los Angeles, California… He says that he’s pretty agnostic when it comes to emoji usage; however, we should consider… the negative effects of having too many emojis when trying to text… quickly”

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Andrew: “What is this thing?”

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Andrew: “You know, I don’t have a huge… Doug on this flight”

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Andrew and Luke: “Did I just take the piss out (Yeah) of this for you?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Okay, I just want the bomb one; because, I just… I’m blowing this text chain up, or… whatever (Sure)”

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Luke: “Cthulhu”

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Luke: “Houston… we have an Andrew!”

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Luke: “I told you this was a thing!!”

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Luke: “Right now, it just looks like a weirdo nose”

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Luke: Saying “We told you there was a cliff!!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Singing “Ding-dong, ding-dong”

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Luke: Singing “Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong”

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Luke: “The scent of an Andrew”

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Luke and Andrew: “Can we use the word ‘jizzing out’ please? Oh, God! Wow! Good morning, America!”

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Luke and Andrew: “He demises and returns? Oh, Christ. Am I wrong about this?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I apologize to people outside of the Northwest at how I say the word ‘bagel’… It’s pronounced ‘boogle’… It’s pronounced… ‘Michelle'”

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Clips From TBTL #2787

Andrew: “And, I think we even had her on our talk show. Kinda–I think it was my talk show; cuz, I remember being somewhat against my will”

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Andrew: “But, you kind of owe me a thank you; because, I was damn close to asking him how the 4K situation plays into this”

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Andrew: “Constantly going to laundromats looking for the one. Everybody knows that feeling. You’re looking for… the one”

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Andrew: “I dunno why I think about greeting card… writers a lot; but, I do”

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Andrew: “I guess I’m just like a Princess and the Pea over here”

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Andrew: Saying “I would run one thousand miles” in a stilted manner

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Andrew: “Sorry… I’m getting my Crossfire on”

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Andrew: “What is this, Cool Club!?”

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Andrew: “What the fuck!!?”

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Andrew: “You punt where the Canucks are”

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Luke: “Hear that, Rudy? I deserve some respect around here… Forty-two years old… I drive a Dodge Stratus”

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Luke: “I might fuck around and make some more crackers tonight, Andrew. That might happen”

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Luke: “I’m not trying to interrupt your flow state”

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Luke: “I’m on the road to Wellville… here with this stuff”

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Luke: “I’ve had that zit for… thirty yea–for twenty plus years”

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Luke: “It’s good cop, rude cop”

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Luke: Making a buzzer-like sound

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Luke: “Operation… Cracker Ranch… is going well”

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Luke: Singing “Hang me up to dry!”

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Luke: Singing “Now, we’re the Cold War Kids!”

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Luke: “This tastes like mayo!!!”

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Luke: “What do we need clouds for?”

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Luke: “Who runs this place?”

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Luke: “Whoa!!”

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Luke: “Wow. Well, I guess, then, we know you’re a freaking liar when you say things like this, ‘I agree with everything that you said'”

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Luke and Andrew: “On behalf of The Church of Scientology… Australia (Thank you) is a beautiful country… Rich and diverse”

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Luke and Andrew: “You tunt where the Cucks are… Oh, no! (I cannot believe you just told that joke) No, go back the ducks thing! Go back to the ducks thing!”

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Clips From TBTL #2786

Andrew: “And, the thing is, like, everybody at the front desk was super nice. They were also super young, and super beautiful, and super hip”

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Andrew: “And, this is where I’m a terrible person to date… or just be around”

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Andrew: “I felt so uncomfortable and like such an old… fat, flubby-dubby… like, looks like he just got off the bus from Ohio guy, waiting in, in, outside of these brunch spots”

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Andrew: “I guess I could be the test tube on that”

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Andrew: “I was so goddamn insecure”

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Andrew: “I’m overweight and eat too much junk”

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Andrew: “Like… waiting… for brunch in Santa Monica… is… the bad place… for me”

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Andrew: “Oh! Oh! Oh… God, yeah!”

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Andrew: Saying “My relationship with food is not healthy” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Oh my God, this is a lotta food” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, yeah. Take this shame away from me” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “This is Andrew brain here. This is gonna get in some real weird territory. Okay?”

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Andrew: “Wait. What?”

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Andrew: “Woohoo!”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I gotta say, like, I have a pretty good job with TBTL; but, everybody knows that Genevieve really brings home the bagels”

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Andrew and Luke: “Would you say I shouldn’t slurp my wings? Hey, I mean if they’ve… if you’ve got the diapers… I’ve got the time”

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Luke: “Have you been to Hollywood?”

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Luke: “I am so good at working my way through white, male journalism models”

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Luke: “I went to this thing yesterday; and, I went on just a long… as I, as I’m want to do… I wanna make a long journey in my heart… in my mind… with my ego, Andrew, with my insecurity”

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Luke: “I would be at that thing. I would trying to be a vlogger, or a blogger, or a Viner… or a joker, or a midnight toker”

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Luke: “It was the intersection of wokeness… and commerce”

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Luke: Singing “Waiting for the brunch!”

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Luke: “Take me to… your leader”

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Luke: “What the eff?”

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Luke: “What… would George Plimpton do?”

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Luke: “Why am I doing this right now?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke singing “Waiting for the brunch!” and Andrew saying “Yeah!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Oh, clowns to the left of you… Microsofties to the right (Coders to the right)”

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