Clips From TBTL #2131: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “A theory of mine, to the degree that I am funny”

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Andrew: “BTDubs”

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Andrew: “Hey, listen, I’m an idiot. If I get something something wrong, I’ll make fun of myself. I think Genevieve really likes to be right.”

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Andrew: “His dad is a real dick nozzle.”

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Andrew: “Holy cow!”

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Andrew: “I just feel like you’re the first sane person I’ve talked to in a week.”

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Andrew: “I must love chips.”

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Andrew: “I really don’t understand adult things.”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna throw something on you here.”

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Andrew: “I’m probably gonna lose you here.”

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Andrew: “I’m so God damn sick of that trope!”

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Andrew: “Let’s not call ourselves ‘daddy’.”

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Andrew: “Let’s see if I can live up to that. Hell of an introduction. Hey, Luke!”

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Andrew: “Look who’s coming to dinner.”

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Andrew: “My brain was just one big eye roll… yeah.”

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Andrew: “Ooh!”

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Andrew: Saying “I like another thing with the rum and the juice.” in a slurred manner

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “This season on Punked: Horn Hill!”

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Andrew: Trying to remember to do something but already forgot something else

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Andrew: “Ütz!”

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Andrew: “Vieves and I got into a fight on the podcast, that was not fake and continues to this day.”

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Andrew: “We know what boats are. Thanks.”

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Andrew: “Wham-bam”

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Andrew: “What, what the hell’s going on?”

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Andrew: “You’re balding, but you still have… I’m sorry, we don’t use the B word.”

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Andrew and Luke: “A man must pay his rent. Exactly!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew wonders how much fried chicken he could eat without shame kicking in

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Andrew and Luke: “There are dozens of us… Dozens!!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Tommen is such a God damn idiot! Aww. I love little Tommen. How do you love Tommen!?! The guy’s an idiot!”

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Dreamcatcher and Dream Court Segment Intro Drops

The Dreamcatcher and Dream Court segments came about after Luke and Andrew started talking about their dreams and people started to send in their own dreams, which were read on the podcast. Both segments have their respective intro drops.

Both drops start off with Kenan Thompson playing Steve Harvey during an Saturday Night Live skit where the American Idol cast is pitted against the cast from The Voice in a game of Celebrity Family Feud; in which, Kenan says “You look like a dreamcatcher came to life.”

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The Dreamcatcher segment intro drop then continues with a portion of the Dreamcatcher song from the musical of the same name.

Dreamcatcher by John Jacobson and Mark Brymer

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The Dream Court segment intro uses a portion of the “Night Court” theme.

Night Court Theme

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Since both segment intro drops are usually played as Luke and/or Andrew are talking, I had to resort to doing my best to recreate the drops based on the clips above.

Dreamcatcher Segment Intro

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Dream Court Segment Intro

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Clips From TBTL #2130

With #2130 being aired on Memorial Day, Luke and Andrew do a little bit of chatting and then played the Cereal special show, #1727.


Andrew: Andrew could not say “I am a talking robot.” in a robot voice without cracking up

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Andrew: Andrew should not do a Casey Kasem impression

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Andrew: “God dang it!”

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Andrew: “God dang it! That’s-a no good.”

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Andrew: “God, I love to putter a little bit.”

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Andrew: “I am a talking robot.”

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Andrew: “I think I have a power out, ready? You ready? I am a talking robot.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Oh, you’re napping!”

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Andrew: Singing “Off to a hot start this holiday.”

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Andrew: “Yea-ha-ha-ha-ha-eah”

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Andrew: “Yeah!”

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Luke: “A putterer in the streets and a mutterer in the sheets.”

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Luke: “I’m gonna vote for staying home and doing jack squat! So, that’s, that’s my plan for the weekend”

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Luke: “Jack squat!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “The point is, I’m a pretty big deal, Andrew; and, as you go around Portland, just drop my name early and often and see where it gets you. I’m sure that it’ll almost be nowhere.”

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Luke: “This is what will go down in history as, ‘The Weekend of the Nap’.”

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Luke: “What?!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is, I’m channeling my inner Walsh. Mmm-hmm, sounds like it.”

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Clips From TBTL #2129: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “Andrew Walsh, you beautiful bastard!”

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Luke: “But, you know what, let’s not name nuts.”

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Luke: “Chatted with my woif!”

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Luke: “Everything’s coming up Milhouse.”

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Luke: “For a while I was a drama major in college. In my adult life, I’ve just majored in drama.”

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Luke: “I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, by the way.”

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Luke: “I’ll allow it!”

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Luke: “I’m going to fucking get a parachute on and I am going to be parachuting.”

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Luke: “I’m slipping on my bible knowledge.”

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Luke: “If, if your sleeps lasts for more than 23 hours, see a doctor.”

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Luke: “It’s like, it’s just, everybody gets a trophy.”

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Luke: “L-squiggly D-squiggly was on this show”

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Luke: “Let me try to get German on it.”

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Luke: “Let’s say howdy doody”

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Luke: “Let’s take a look at this passage in more detail. Actually, let’s not.”

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Luke: “Like, the system just, it just does what it do.”

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Luke: “May God have mercy on your soul.”

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Luke: “My woif!”

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Luke: Saying “There are only two things that I hate, intolerance and the Dutch.” as Michael Caine

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Luke: Saying “Yayuh” in the manner of Lil’ Jon

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Luke: “You brought it up, dude!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Can I Sky Jink you for one moment? Oh yeah!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m, I’m want mein Hossenfeffer at the Gesellschaft. (Okay)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Would you like to give it a shot. Well, no; but, I will.”

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Clips From TBTL #2129: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “But then everything went to shit!”

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Andrew: “But wait, there’s more.”

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Andrew: “Either you make it or you don’t.”

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Andrew: “Geez Louise!”

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Andrew: “Hey kid!”

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Andrew: “Hey little buddy”

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Andrew: “I didn’t know what a Stu-bot was”

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Andrew: “I hate myself. What the hell is wrong with me?”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna go with, because it’s a last name, I’m gonna go with a, a, a spelling that might be considered… of the wall.”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna take this clip of tape, I’m gonna send it to KCRW and say, ‘See? I can spell!!! I can spell!!!’ That’ll win them over.”

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Andrew: “If there’s anything I know about, it’s mixed nuts.”

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Andrew: “It is what it is though.”

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Andrew: “It means that you should go forth and spread the word of God!”

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Andrew: “It says if you dream about a playground, it means you secretly may want to club a seal.”

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Andrew: “Nothing makes sense”

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Andrew: “Oh yeah!”

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Andrew: “Okay, then. I’m doing two Songs for Your Weekend and I’m killing Luke’s mic.”

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Andrew: “Okay. Everybody’s a winner.”

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Andrew: “See? I can spell!!! I can spell!!!”

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Andrew: “That’s so good!”

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Andrew: “When the cat’s in Chicago, Andrew gets to play the music.”

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Andrew: “Why is this guy such an asshole?”

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Andrew: “Wow.”

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Andrew: “Wow, this dream took a really different turn.”

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Andrew: “You know what?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew asking if he’ll still be on the show for the next Music For Your Weekend

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew had to move Heaven and Earth to get APM legal sign-off for TBTL live event insurance

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew trying to spell “Feldenkrais” with Luke’s help

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew trying to spell “Gesellschaft” with Luke’s help

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Andrew and Luke: Trying to pronounce “Gesellschaft”

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Clips From TBTL #2128: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And an update on my pitched battle against the mole people of Bellingham, Washington, The Bay City.”

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Luke: “And now he’s, like, ready to fuck some people up.”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Hodor’ Walsh. I use his full name, because it matters.”

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Luke: “Andrew, I’ve become an insane, insane lifehacker when it comes to traveling.”

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Luke: “Exactly!”

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Luke: Hold the Door and Let Die or Live or Let Hold the Door

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Luke: “I can’t effing believe they pulled it off.”

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Luke: “I love this story.”

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Luke: “I’m inside his head.”

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Luke: Imitating sound made by the mole deterrent device

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Luke: “It was making me crazy.”

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Luke: “Lewis!”

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Luke: “Lewis!” #2

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Luke: “Peter Wrinklage”

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Luke: Saying “I think I’m turning into Johnny Depp’s Hannibal Lecter, aren’t I?” in a weak Australian accent

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Luke: Saying “I’m inside his head” in a mixed Australian/Cockney accent

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Luke: “This is the kind of shit that I do now constantly. Everything is a system. Everything is like a, again, a lifehack.”

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Luke: “This is the most Seattle thing… Really, only Portland could beat Seattle in this Seattle-ness of this; that, your mayor is riding to the office with a bike messenger pack and his, his, like, suit jacket rolled up in bike messenger pack.”

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Luke: “Uh, what do you make of all this, Walshski?”

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Luke: “Well, this is gonna get boring real fast.”

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Luke: “Yeah, that’s been a plank in the TBTL platform for far too long.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Get out of my friend Andrew’s life! You’re right, no kidding. God!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I scan myself in with my fingertips, that’s how they, that’s how they know that you’re, like, (Oh my God!) part of the club. It’s some, like, Minority Report shit going on. Total Recall. I Total Recall myself into that little place.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke stays in accent for a good amount of time

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Luke and Andrew: “Uh, that’s the basis for the Rush song ‘Take Long Way Home’. Oh! I–You know so much more about Rush than you let on.”

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Luke and Andrew: “You ever had something you thought was your signature thing that no one else even knew was your signature thing? Podcasting.”

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