Clips From TBTL #2506

Luke: “A travesty of a mockery of a sham of two mockeries of a… travesty of a sham”

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Luke: “Alright, Ru-dog… ready? Let’s do it everybody”

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Luke: “And, you know what might help… loosen these lips up”

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Luke: “Because, I’m in charge, you people! I’m in charge!”

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Luke: “Cuz, I’m all the way out here in New York Jersey by myself”

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Luke: “Diagnosis? Delicious”

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Luke: “Encinitas… that is a… beautiful city, I love your city. To me… that is a beautiful city”

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Luke: “FDA, schmFDA”

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Luke: “God, it doesn’t get better! Oh-ho-ho, it gets worse!”

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Luke: “Have I mentioned that I’m in New York Jersey… a hundred times already… in the program?”

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Luke: “I almost said, ‘customer cervix experience'”

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Luke: “I don’t know a ton about wine”

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Luke: “I love me a fortune cookie. Love me a fortune cookie”

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Luke: “It comes and it goes”

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Luke: “My brain is bad”

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Luke: “New York Jersey!?”

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Luke: “Oof”

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Luke: “Papi!!”

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Luke: “Take it easy!”

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Luke: “That sounds about right”

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Luke: “That’s all I wanted to say… about that”

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Luke: “That’s halloumi!!!”

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Luke: “Until then, please remember: No mountain too tall; and… good luck to all”

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Luke: “What!!?”

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Luke: “What happened to the halloumi!?”

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Luke: “Yes! Thank you… Cream colored”

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Luke: “You know… let’s be honest, it’s just you, and me, and the cheap wine”

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