Clips From TBTL #2779: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And, I started going into the stall… not because I had to any kind of… Well, whatever. It’s… it’s my personal life. I can go in there if I want to”

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Andrew: Booing

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Andrew: “By the way… your brother and I are now colleagues”

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Andrew: Cute chuckle

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Andrew: “Happy holidays!”

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Andrew: “How about some… how about I just change my mind on everything I just said”

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Andrew: “I can’t, I can’t with this anymore!”

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Andrew: “It doesn’t have a lot going on for it, other than the haze… that I leave with”

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Andrew: “It’s okay… just don’t puke in the bathroom anymore”

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Andrew: “Oh, no!”

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Andrew: “Oh!”

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Andrew: “Ohhh, sure ya did! And, sure ya did”

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Andrew: “Salty old coots”

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Andrew: Saying “Did I do that?” as Steve Urkel

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Andrew: Saying “No Gutenberg” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “She’s a scolder, man”

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Andrew: Singing “But, it wasn’t great. And, it was… chili night!”

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Andrew: Singing “It would be shitty without books”

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Andrew: Singing “What would we do without brains”

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Andrew: “Stop being a jerk all the time, old lady!”

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Andrew: “Well, I’m–I shouldn’t say anything about Game of Thrones, at all, anymore”

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Andrew: “You got your Silverblatt in my Barbaro. You got your Barbaro in my…”

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Andrew and Luke: “Close to hard knocks time… but… you might say knocking on the door of hard knocks time… But, there’s still no… (Knocks knocks knocking on hard knocks door?) Right”

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Andrew and Luke: “David from the… from the Michael… Gregory from the knowing things? Right. Gregory from the knowing things”

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Andrew and Luke: “Guess what? I’m still ignorant (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Luke: “I put Chantix on my salad! Yeah… And, then, a dog tried to jump on me; but, then, we were friends. Hi, dog!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Lot going on there… Lotta noises (Sure)… Lotta sounds”

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Andrew and Luke: “New York City!? Get a tree!”

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