Clips From TBTL #2974

Andrew: “But, I was freaked the fuck out. Sleep well, Luke”

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Andrew: “Even when I tell myself mentally, like, ‘Oh, it’s okay. I got this. This is no big deal;’ my body is like, ‘Do you? Do you got this, Andrew?'”

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Andrew: “I’m snaked out”

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Andrew: “We’re gonna start with rash talk; is that cool?”

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Andrew: “You’re welcome, Port Townsend!”

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Chris Gethard: Imitating a funny laugh

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Chris Gethard: “You don’t know what you’re talking about! You don’t know what you’re doing! You have to stop!”

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Chris Gethard and Luke: “And then, also, like, one time, a guy who called in just told me about four different times he pooped his pants. Like, it can be… anything. It can really be anything. It can really be whatever you want to make it, you know? Was that a good episode? It was great. One of my fav–We also had a guy, there’s one guy who called up to tell… Anything sound familiar with my voice?”

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Chris Gethard and Luke: Going off on illusionists, especially after one ate into TBTL’s stage time

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Luke: “Carey… this is my actual wife. What… what did I get wrong?”

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Luke: “Excited that we have a special guest coming by. Chris Gethard will be here… Or not, after that response! You guys may have just cost us a guest; and… I’ll never forgive you for that”

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Luke: “I have to tell you something, Andrew… I kind of… I sort of lied to you on the show, the other day, when I was talking about this snake”

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Luke and Andrew: “I got married here… like… I wanna say… I wanna say, it was, like, four years ago…ish… My wife is here somewhere. How, how long ago was it? How long ago was it? Six. Six years ago. Agree to disagree”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s sort of the canary in the coal mine, of your anxiety, right? It… it is”

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Luke and Chris Gethard: “We have brought you here to serve you with some papers… for… copyright violation. Okay. And, even worse, because you stole our ideas and did them much better… and more successfully”

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Luke, Chris Gethard and Andrew: “Hello, Chris, welcome to TBTL… Thank you so much for having me. Sorry to sneak up on you like that. I feel like we started (I really thought you left; and, I was, like, ‘I get it. I get it actually’)”

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Luke, Chris Gethard and Andrew: There’s a possibility that the Burbank Springs snake could cuddle up in bed while Luke and Carey are sleeping

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