Clips From TBTL #3014

Andrew: “Bakin’ soda. I got bakin’ soda”

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Andrew: “Beep… bop-bop, boo-doop… bo”

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Andrew: “If you become me, man… this podcast has no chance!”

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Andrew: “It makes you… think”

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Andrew: “Now that you say that, I, I didn’t put it together”

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Andrew: “Nudges for fudges”

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Andrew: “Oh my God! The garbage must smell like flowers there; that must be great!”

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Andrew: “Oh, I see! You’re trying to rhyme with the end of the scat!”

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Andrew: “That should be me… That could be me!”

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Andrew: “The more you play drops of me at the beginning of the show, the closer you are… to… getting a new co-host, I suppose. So… it’s just shocking, it’s just shocking to hear myself… like that”

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Andrew: “The Nicole Kidman thing, I can’t figure out if… we… if we broke my brain that day”

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Andrew: “They picked up the garbage!”

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Andrew: “This is… almost certainly the wrong… place to take this”

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Andrew: “Well, this is a silly thing to say… but, I’ll say it”

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Andrew: “What the hell am I doing here?”

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Andrew: “Which, I hate the whole thing”

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Andrew: “Who is John English!?”

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Andrew: “Who is John Galt!?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew making a whistle sound and Luke saying “Oh yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “What is a bag of chips? Is that ‘Lie’s’ or ‘Lay’s’? Continue. Thank you”

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Luke: “Be-bop-bop-ba-da-boo”

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Luke: “BSME curious?”

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Luke: “Enhance. Enhance. Enhance”

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Luke: “Face it kid… it’s Scatman’s World”

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Luke: “It’s back, baby!”

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Luke: Singing “Be-bop-bop-ba-da-bo… Thank you for the dough!”

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Luke: “They may rip bongs before they, they rip the slopes”

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Luke: “What’s… diluvian? I guess that’s where we are right now. It’s a diluvian day… here in the Bay City”

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Luke and Andrew: “Above, as below, The Bone… Sent ya!”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, yeah, folks… we’re back to this rotten stuff. (Sorry! I’m out of garbage talk!) Get ready”

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Luke and Andrew: “I do have a mole that, literally, goes in her mouth… (Oh…) if I hug her from a certain angle (god…damnit)”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t like ‘TBTL daddy;’ but, I love, ‘This is a nudge to pick up the fudge’ (No, we don’t call, we don’t call it that)”

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Luke and Andrew: “I guess it was the… scatting was just in the international language… the lingua franca of scat… That’s right”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is a nudge… to pick up the fudge. No… no”

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Wayne Masterson: “One day, I had a few comments regarding your mole situation”

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