Clips From TBTL #3083

Andrew: “Are you shitting me!?”

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Andrew: “Big weekend plans, no. Let’s see: Friday, nope. Saturday, nope. Sunday, nope”

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Andrew: “Good morning. Now, did you delete that BFF app… like I told you to? You don’t need it anymore. You got me”

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Andrew: “Here comes… Mr. Cased Meats, himself, over here, bulging at the seams”

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Andrew: “I coulda been chasing the tail!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know. I think it accentuates my breasts too much”

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Andrew: “I don’t think my… old man brain was ready for that”

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Andrew: “I think I have different budgetary… priorities right now. I’m sorry… Worth it!”

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Andrew: “I think I’m pretty free and clear”

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Andrew: “I’ll look like Mr. Sausage”

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Andrew: “It’s like the trombone of Magical Musical Things”

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Andrew: “It’s not the Doomsday Clock… It’s your Doomsday Clock”

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Andrew: “Knock-knock-knocking on elderly’s door”

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Andrew: “Mmm, that sounds disturbing”

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Andrew: “Oh my God. I’m such an idiot”

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Andrew: “Say goodbye to my bank account”

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Andrew: “Then I go in the locker room; do a little flirting”

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Andrew: “This is no longer about you; and, it’s no longer about the listeners, okay?”

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Andrew: “You are surrounded by Doomsday Clocks”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew making a subpoena spoof

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew saying “That’s coming up… on Too Beautiful To Live” and Luke playing a tune on his Otamatone

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Andrew and Luke: “Do the words ‘Magical Musical Thing’… ring any bells to you at all? I mean, I consider my voice a magical, musical thing”

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Andrew and Luke: Improvised “TBTL: Breaking News” drop

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Andrew and Luke: “Today… forty years ago… three days in the future… one day later… we will talk about that… on The Daily. I don’t know why our show’s now more popular”

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Andrew and Luke: “You don’t know… Nope. The–On the, on the, (You missed your chance to blow) sort of, stem… Yeah, I always do. I miss all the chances to blow that I don’t… (Mmm-hmm) shoot. What?”

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Luke: “I’m sorry… That’s so distracting”

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Luke: “Look at that fatty”

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Luke: “Look out, Michael Barbaro. We’re coming for ya”

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Luke: “Oh, did I drop my towel?”

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Luke: Playing an original composition on his Otamatone

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Luke: Saying “Welcome to The Daily” and playing a tune on his Otamatone

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Luke: Singing the opening to “Dixie”

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Luke: “So, I am surrounded by broken clocks”

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Luke: “Speaking of… being ousted… from life”

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Luke: “Why was it then that when I tried to flirt with you in the locker room, you said… you were not a chubby-chaser?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I watch the Super Bowl for the commercials… Oh-ho-ho-ho, you’re so random”

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Luke and Andrew: “You know what the kids are doing on TikTok, Andrew, besides seductive dances? I don’t know; and, you shouldn’t either”

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